Friday, May 31, 2019

Maxwell Relations :: essays research papers fc

My topic for the report is Thermodynamics Maxwell Relations, and in this report I will show how to derive the Maxwell Relations, as well as give several examples of how and when they are supposed to used.The change in U depend on the changes in the administration entropy, volume and XIs this idea may be abbreviation(1-1)U = U(S, V, XI)In system of constant mass and composition, whose usage can be expressed only in terms of its PV properties, there are no Xs and U is changed only by rechargeable heat and P dV work. Therefore(1-2) dU = T dS P dV.The differential of the accumulated internal energy in a fixed-composition, P dV work system is.= dH = dU + d(PV)(1-3) = dU + P dV + V dP.Substituting equation (1-2) in equation (1-3), we obtain(1-4)dH = T dS + V dP.From the defining the Helmholtz employment A we obtain( 1-5)dA = dU d(TS) = dU T dS S dT.Substituting equation (1-2) in equation (1-5)(1-6)dA = -S dT P dV. From the Gibbs Free Energy equation and equation (1.4)(1.7)dG = - S dT + V dP.We have in equations (1-2), (1-4), (1-6), and (1-7) expressed dU, dH dA, and dG in terms of P, V, T, and S. We know that thermodynamic properties have exact differentials. If a property M is a function of x and y,(1.7a)M = M(x,y)then a differential change in M, dM, is the sum of the fare that M changes in the interval dx, with y held constant, plus the amount that M changes in the interval dy, with x held constant (see figure 1.1), or(1.8)dM = (M/X)y dx + (M/Y)x dy.The terms (M/X)y and (M/Y)x are called partial derivatives of M and dM is called total differential. par (6-8) can be written(6.9)dM = B dx + C dy,where B and C represent (M/X)y and (M/Y)x respectively.Now equations (1.2), (1.4), (1.6), and (1.7) are total differentials, and have the same manikin as equation (1.9). By comparison with equations (1.7a), and (1.8), equation (1.2) may be written asdU = (U/S)V dS + (M/V)S dV,form which it follows thatT = (U/S)V and P = -(U/V)S In a like manner, from equation (1-4 ) and (1-2) we obtain(1-10)T = (H/S)P = (U/S)V ,And from equation ((1-2) and (1-6),(1-11)P = -(U/V)S = -(A/V)Tand from equation (1-4) and (1-7), (1-12) V = (H/P)S = (G/P)TAnd from equation (1-6) and (1-7),

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Equity Feminism for the Next Generation :: Feminism Feminist

Still Enduring Equity Feminism for the Next extensionWebster defines wo handss lib as both the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes and organized activity on the behalf of womens rights and interests (Webster 418). Equality of the sexes (in terms of rights) and the furthering of womens rights are seemingly positive aspirations even so people tend to describe feminism using negative terms, and feminism today has acquired a bad reputation. Radical and extremists are adjectives commonly applied to feminism as a whole, when, in truth, feminists who adopt extreme positions constitute the minority. Moreover, these gender feminists, or militant feminists, as many c totally them, although they receive the close to populace attention because of their combative tactics and high visibility, alienate people in broadcasting their views. Their goal, to create a sentimental priesthood that will achieve collective powerfulness and retribution as oppressed victim s of a white-male supremacy, seems unreasonable (Himmelfarb 20). In contrast, equity feminists, or academic feminists, embrace the basic principles of feminism. They celebrate womens achievements, work for the individual rights of all women, and, as Christina Hoff Sommers aptly says, want for women what they want for everyone, equal protection under the law (Himmelfarb 20). Though not all feminists agree on how to reach this goal, most argue for a reasonable, realistic, and positive method. By contrasting the differing feminist ideas of writers like Adrienne Rich, Gertrude Himmelfarb, and Camille Paglia, one defines a winning brand of feminism a philosophy founded on equity feminist ideology and dedicated to the achievement of social, political, economic, and intellectual reform.David Thomas and Camille Paglia, two contemporary cultural critics concerned with gender issues, share the belief that men and boys have aggressive tendencies that women must learn to understand and live wit h. Thomas, in his essay The Mind of Man, asserts that women should accept boys nature Boys are not on the whole, blue-blooded creatures who wish to live in harmony with one another, but are, instead, highly competitive, physically energetic creatures who hunt in packs (341). Paglia shares this view There are around things we cannot change...hunt, pursuit, and capture are biologically programmed into male sexuality. Generation after generation, men must be educated, refined, and ethically persuaded away from their tendency toward brutishness (50-51). Because Paglia believes that mans nature is inherently aggressive and poses a danger to women, she maintains that feminism of the academic type gives women a false sense of equality and ease.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Detroit Riots :: essays research papers

Many civil disorders have erupted across the United States. racial tensions were at a highpoint in the 1960s with riots and looting throughout the major cities in the United States. This was not such a problem in the agricultural areas but the urban areas had serious racial problems in the midst of black and white people. Throughout the 1960s blacks and whites clearly demonstrated that they had many problems living segregated in the urban areas. It was a civil explosion that you can clearly see from the Detroit riots in 1967. Detroit experienced the worst civil disorder of any American metropolis in the 20th century. Prior to July 23, 1967 Detroit had managed to avoid riots that had erupted in other major cities such as Harlem, Cleveland, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Day 1At 345 a.m. on Sunday July 23, 1967 twelve officers did a routine raid in a Blind Pig on 12th street. There were 82 people arrested. As the last squad car was loading with prisoners, a crowd of some 200 people gathe red. They made threats towards the police and incited the crowd that had gathered. The squad car began to communicate and the crowd began to throw bottles and rocks, which shattered the back window of the squad car. This started off the worst riot of the 20th century.Shortly after 5 a.m. stores were being embarrassed into, rocks and bricks were smashing through windows. By 11 a.m. a crowd of about a thousand people were surrounding a sm every last(predicate)er crowd of about a hundred or so people that were swarming the streets taunting the police and firemen. After that the looting began to take off in different spots all over the entire city.Day 2In the second day of rioting the Mayor issued a curfew. All people had to be off the streets between 9 p.m. and 530 a.m. and no alcoholic beverages were to be sold or possessed which was not followed the rioters. At 1225 the first shoemakers last was reported. A 45 year-old white male life was claimed when he was shot by a white store owner who claimed the man was looting his store. This was unaccompanied the beginning for the many more fatalities that continued throughout the riots.The burning and looting continued throughout the night. An entire block was reported on fire in the area of Dexter and Davison. This was just one of the some 1,680 fires that would be set during the riots and looting.

Macbeth Is A Butcher And Lady Macbeth Is A Fiend-like Queen Essay

In Shakespeares tragedy Macbeth, the following statement slew be applied, Macbeth is a butcher and Lady Macbeth is a fiend-like queen. This is a align statement as many occurrences involving Macbeth and Lady Macbeth portray them in this way. A butcher croupe be defined as someone who kills or has people killed needlessly or brutally. The term butcher used in this way describes Macbeth to some extent. During the play, Macbeth is knotty in the murder of many people, including King Duncan, Banquo, and Macduffs wife and children. A fiend can be described as a very plastered or cruel person, or one who causes mischief and annoyance. This can be applied to Lady Macbeth, who had only her own intentions at heart. On many occasion Lady Macbeth shows fiend-like traits, especially when plotting to kill Duncan, framing the servants after he has been killed, and also when she fails to stop Macbeth from cleanup Banquo. These events are examples of when the two characters show these traits.In the beginning of the play, Macbeth can be described as being loyal, courageous and noble. He is liked, trusted and respected by everyone around him. However this soon changes after his first regard with the three witches. This is because the witches inform Macbeth that his life could be far different, therefore changing Macbeths perception of his life. In doing this, they do not actually use true powers, they use the power of suggestion. This is where we begin to see a change in Macbeths outlook on life and his behaviour. Being the ambitious man that he is, Macbeths thoughts become dark, and he secretly thinks about what should be done about King Duncan to increase his own power. In spite of this fact, the play is dubious as to whether or not Macbeth intended on killing Duncan before he met with the witches. In Act One, Scene three, Macbeth saysThis supernatural solicitingCannot be ill, cannot be good. If ill,why hath it given me earnest of success,Commencing in truth? I am Thane of CawdorIn this passage Macbeth seems to be questioning himself as to what he should do next. The first portent that the witches made has come true, and he is now considering whether or not there provide be any truth in the prediction about him worthy king. He seems unsure if he should act upon their predictions or not.Macbeth is eventually persuaded to murder Duncan by his wife. Dunca... ... Macbeth continues this pattern when she fails to stop Macbeth from killing Banquo. She suspects that Macbeth will kill him, but does not convince him otherwise. When Macbeth suggests that he is going to do something about Banquo, she makes no effort to dissuade him. She seems quite pleased that Macbeth is going to do something about Banquo, as it will help her retain her position as Queen. She does not yet feel any remorse for anything that they have done, and seems to think that it is great that Macbeth is finally taking show of his own treacherous deeds.Throughout the play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, Macbeth can be described as a Butcher, and Lady Macbeth can be described as a fiend-like queen. Many examples supporting this can be found throughout the play. Macbeth can be described as a butcher when he is have-to doe with in the murders of King Duncan, Banquo and Macduffs family. Lady Macbeth can be given the title of a fiend-like queen when she is plotting to murder Duncan, framing the two servants, and when she fails to stop Macbeth from killing Banquo. The traits of these two characters have helped Shakespeare to create a great tragedy, with two recognisable tragic heroes.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Distinguish Between the main Features of Perfect Competition and Monopo

Distinguish Between the main Features of Perfect Competition and Monopoly grocery store Structure There are three main features that distinguish between a perfect competition and monopoly market structure the type of firm, the freedom of ledger entry and the nature of the product (Sloman and Norris 1999, pg, 161). A table of these features is contained in Appendix A. These two market structures are on opposite ends of the scale and consequently, the features and benefits of each structure shift quite dramatically.Firms In a perfectly competitive market structure, there must be many firms in the market competing for business. In contrast to this, at heart a monopoly there is only one firm operating in the market. A firm that is operating within a perfect market is referred to as a worth taker. Duffy (1993, pg. 107) explains that a condition of working within a perfectly competitive market is that a price taker cannot control the price of the goods it sells it entirely ta kes the market price as given. In a monopoly, the firm does not have to take the given price. It is able to search the market for the best price to charge relative to the demand for the product, profitability and availability of the resources for manufacture. This is particularly relevant when there is a shortage of supply. As there is only one marketer of the product, consumers are forced to purchase the goods at a higher price. The International Encyclopaedia of Economics (1997, pg. 1041) states, ...

Distinguish Between the main Features of Perfect Competition and Monopo

Distinguish Between the main Features of Perfect Competition and Monopoly commercialize Structure There are three main features that distinguish between a perfect competition and monopoly market structure the type of firm, the freedom of accounting entry and the nature of the product (Sloman and Norris 1999, pg, 161). A table of these features is contained in Appendix A. These two market structures are on opposite ends of the scale and consequently, the features and benefits of each structure interchange quite dramatically.Firms In a perfectly competitive market structure, there must be many firms in the market competing for business. In contrast to this, indoors a monopoly there is only one firm operating in the market. A firm that is operating within a perfect market is referred to as a monetary value taker. Duffy (1993, pg. 107) explains that a condition of working within a perfectly competitive market is that a price taker cannot control the price of the goods it sell s it only when takes the market price as given. In a monopoly, the firm does not have to take the given price. It is able to search the market for the best price to charge relative to the demand for the product, profitability and availability of the resources for manufacture. This is particularly relevant when there is a shortage of supply. As there is only one trafficker of the product, consumers are forced to purchase the goods at a higher price. The International Encyclopaedia of Economics (1997, pg. 1041) states, ...

Monday, May 27, 2019

Choral Speaking Script

Choral Speaking Script (official) L LEFT, R RIGHT. first wrangling number 1, second row number 2 and third row number 3. L&R2,3 Guys, the choral speaking competition is next week L&R1 Oh My God, what are we going to intercourse about? R123 Hmm.. Lets spill about FOOD Mmm yum yum yum L123 No No No Lets talk about. BOO GHOSTS? *Yeah* Uuuuu Lydia No guys, lets talk about something we all(prenominal) have in common L&R 123 What, our parents nagging? Lydia No, Im talking about unison L1,2,3 unison? R1,2,3 unison? ALL MusicEven the word is music to our ears ALL A very good morning to the honorable judges, teachers and friends. Today, whether you want to hear it or not, were going to report you tout ensemble about music L1,2,3 So, sit back, and relax R1,2,3 But dont fall asleep ALL And. Enjoy the fancy ALL As teens, music plays a HUGE part in our everyday lives I bet roughly of us groundworkt live without music We all have iPods, MP3s and even our affordphones have music All a round us theres musicon the radio, television and even our surroundings LR2,3The ticking of the clock..LR1 Tick tock, tick tock LR2,3 The tweeting of the birds LR1 Tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet ALL EVERYTHING has its declare natural rhythm and beat that forms its own music Now, let us make for you back in time To see how music has evolved ALL In the seventies, pop dominated the airwaves Can you imagine Ourgrandparents grooved to Stevie Wonder and the Beatles(I wanna hold your hand) L1,2,3 Who? R1,2,3WEdont have a clue ALL Pop music actually came from the word popular music. Over time, it made its own genre as we know today.Its basis covers several different genres of music jazz, shake off, soul, rb Creating a fusion of sound that evolves into pop music as we know it Over time, pop musics popularity increased by the rise of MTV, which popularized artists such asMichael Jackson,MadonnaandPrince. ALL Then, in the eighties, a spick-and-span genre of music was born Disco, babeyh The disco sound is so unique it defies description It draws on many influences Jazz, Latin, popall that produces a feet-tapping melody. It mostly consists of bounce beats that makes you want to L2,3Bust a move R2,3 And break out your grooveLR1Okay, thats enough. ALLWith disco music came the fashion that most of us today would cringe at. LR3 Bell bottoms LR2Puffy hair LR1Poodle skirts ALL And even six inch platforms ALL Boy, Arent we glad were in the 21st century ALL In the nineties Farah Natasha WOHOO ROCK AND ROLLL (everyone looks) err, sorry. ALLAs we were saying, nineties brought rock music to a whole young level Rock took a new definition. From the 80es beat, society practiced freedom of expression by rock music. From clean rock, sub-genres quickly developed pop-rock, blues-rock and glam rock.L1,2,3And so, our trip down memory lane ends. R1,2,3But the 21st century music begins ALL Pop. Techno. Rap. Rock. RNB. Soul. Metal. Hiphop. You name it Even foreign music like Jrock and Kpop Nadi rah Sorry sorry sorry sorry ALLWith so many genres of music, no wonder manners is a symphony ALL Music influences teenagers in so many ways. L1,2,3 Hearing your favourite song on the radio can turn your day 360 degrees R1,2,3 Its the most utile medium that teens use to break out of the funk. ALL There is just so much meaning behind music nowadaysMusic can also tell an artists life story, things they have been through, and even their opinion on certain views. LR2,3 Songs about the environment, LR1earth song If they say, Why, why, tell em that its human nature Why, why, does he do it that way LR2,3 about love and friendship, LR1falling for you LR2,3 and about lifes experiences all pull a positive impact to the listeners. ALL Its the universal medium that everyone understands, even through the language barrier From America to France, Germany to Zimbabwe, music is abundant and constant.Through the surge media, music from all walks of life are heard and enjoyed. ALL We all need mus ic in our lives. The steady beat of music calms the mind, heart and soul. puppyish or old, white or black, Caucasian or Asian, everyone is united by this freedom of self-expression. As life goes on, new beats are discovered, new rhythms are explored and self expression begins again No one can get bored or tired of music because it is ever-changing. ALL In short, life without music would be (someone) Devastating (someone) Boring cricket sound ALL It just simply wouldnt be life Thank you

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Defining Humanity Through the Depiction of Loss and Suffering in Epic Poems

Defining Hu whileity by dint of the Depiction of Loss and pain in Epic Poems Casey Dalton 10/8/2010 Forms and Expressions in sphere Literature Though epic poems, much(prenominal) as Homers The Iliad, or Beowulf, were meant to entertain, expand religion and culture, and perhaps even to preserve historical truths, they also have a rarely noticed, possibly accidental agenda defining humanity. Even tales such as The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Tragedy of Sohrab and Rostam have a mutual theme, though they come from completely different cultures and time frames.That theme is that what makes us mortal what makes us human is the aspect of issue and suffering in our lives. This is true throughout all epic poems, whether subtle or not. The Epic of Gilgamesh, an ancient Mesopotamian story of a king and his brformer(a)ly bond, is a fairly obvious representation of the theme connecting humanity to loss and sorrow. This story dates back to one thousand B. C. E. and can right be called the fir st true work of world literature. (Longman Anthology World Literature Volume A 57-97) According to the epic, Gilgamesh was a great warrior and king of the city-state Uruk.He was described as al around immortal-like. This idea is embodied by now popular stories such as the story of Hercules, who is half-man, half-god. He is both praised and feared for his power. The epic reads, Supreme over other kings, lordly in appearance, he is the hero, natural of Uruk, the goring wild bull. (Longman Anthology World Literature Volume A 57-97) Gilgamesh wields all of this power, besides he cannot control himself as a god would. He kills the locals sons, and rapes their women possibly out of sheer boredom. He has been given more power than he can handle.In order to correct the problem, the god Anu convinces the goddess Aruru that Gilgamesh requires a counterpart to keep him occupied. Aruru creates Enkidu, an equivalent to Gilgamesh in size and strength, and they become loyal companions. Enkidu has a dream that he is attacked and killed by a man of temperamental visage (Longman Anthology World Literature Volume A 57-97) and soon after, dies. Gilgamesh cannot handle the loss of his dear hotshot and companion. He stays with the body until it is a soldiers to maggots, and then wanders in the wilderness by himself, mourning.Then, realizing that he is mortal as well as his beloved Enkidu, Gilgamesh sets off on a quest to invent his ancestor Utanapishtim, who joined the Assembly of the Gods, and was given eternal life. (Longman Anthology World Literature Volume A 57-97) The story of Utanapishtims gift was Noahs Ark-esque. In which, he was given immortality for building a boat to save humanity and all other living things from a flood. Utanapishtim give Gilgamesh a plant that is said to abate age. Gilgamesh tells a ferryman, this plant is a plant against decay by which a man can attain his survival.I will bring it to Uruk-Haven, and have an old man eat the plant to test. Th e plants name is The Old Man Becomes a Young Man. Then I will eat it and return to my youth. (Longman Anthology World Literature Volume A 57-97) The plant is stolen by a snake, being a literal representation of a loss of immortality making him human. Though, it is also a representation of a rebirth of the realization that comes to Gilgamesh. After all these events, Gilgamesh realizes that though physically he will die, he can live on through the legacy he leaves behind.And so, he returns to Uruk and becomes a leader, a hero, and a proper king. The theme of loss causing expression of humanity is proven through this passage, oer his friend Enkidu, Gilgamesh cried bitterly, verifying the wilderness. I am expiration to die am I not like Enkidu? Deep sadness penetrates my core, I fear death, and now roam the wilderness- I will set out to the region of Utanapishtim, son of Ubartutu, and will go with utmost dispatch (Longman Anthology World Literature Volume A 57-97) forwards Gilgam eshs loss of his companion, mentally, nothing separated him from being a god.He had the strength and ability to conquer anything or anyone. After Enkidus death, he realizes that no function how powerful he may be, he is still a mortal and a human. Gilgamesh succumbs to a symptom of being human, mourning his loss. Previously, he had taken many a(prenominal) lives carelessly, but when his companions life was taken, he becomes deeply emotional. He becomes irrational and wanders through the wilderness, becoming nomadic, like an animal. Its as if he is undertakeing to ward off being human to avoid being mortal.On Gilgameshs return to Uruk, the epic reads, A snake smelled the fragrance of the plant, silently came up and carried off the plant. While going back it sloughed off its casing. At that point Gilgamesh sat down, weeping, his tears streaming over the side of his nose. (Longman Anthology World Literature Volume A 57-97) The death of his friend caused him to realize that he, too , was mortal, but the loss of his only possible source of immortality caused him to realize that he will never be more than human.Though, the human life he lives is his opportunity to become immortal to his people. The tale of The Tragedy of Sohrab and Rostam is a part of the Shah-nama or, The Book of Kings. Though it is a Persian epic, and was originally written around the form nine-hundred eighty-one, it has many strong similarities to The Epic of Gilgamesh. This epic starts off with a hero by the name of Rostam whose cherished long horse wanders off and is captured. In search of the horse he comes across the fairest of maidens, Tahmine, who was well aware of his heroic reputation and wished to bear his son.They conceived a son. Rostam leaves his seal with Tahmine, to give to their child and they proceeded to live separate lives. The son is named Sohrab and is born Turkish, opposing the Iranian Rostam, due to political issues. The father and son are unaware of their relation, an d meet each other in the battle field. Rostam mortally weakened Sohrab, and with his dying breaths, still unaware of their relation, Sohrab vows that his heroic father will avenge his death, and reveals the seal given to him upon leaving home for battle.Rostam had slain the one he held most dear. (Longman Anthology World Literature Volume B 509-18) He is then overcome with grief for the rest of his existence. This is the tragedy the loss of a son, ones attempt at becoming immortal, a legacy. Had Rostam not mistakenly slain his own son, and they had joined forces, they would have been an unstoppable force. Secrecy and bad politics kept the son from his father, thus keeping the son from being identified with his father, which is where the deeper meaning lies in the epic poem.Though god-like, Rostam was a mortal, and incidentally had destroyed his only son, who had not yet become identified with his father. As in Gilgamesh, the only hope for one to become near immortal is through on es legacy, being some other common theme spanning across the spectrum of epic poems. Rostam had destroyed his only physical possibility of creating a legacy with his own hands, there lies the tragedy. Though, Rostam lost his link to thoroughgoing(a) life, it created one for Sohrab. Never subtle the sorrow of a substantial loss, Sohrab was killed in perfection he died in a god-like image.Addressing Rostam, a man says, Once from afar I saw his arms and neck, His lofty stature and his massive chest. The times impelled him and his martial host to come here now and perish by your hand. (Longman Anthology World Literature Volume B 509-18) Sohrabs image will be preserved as a gods, as unflawed, never knowing the feeling of suffering the feeling of loss. Epic poems are not unlike other genres of literature in that they all share common themes and ideas, no publication how conflicting the cultures of which they are tied to.All epics, especially tragedies, remind us of what it means to b e human. Whether intentional or not, these poems directly connect humanity to, through our mortality, the loss of what one holds dear. Though, it is taken one step further and is connected to pity, sorrow, and grief. Without these emotions, one is not human.Works Cited The Longman Anthology World Literature. 2nd ed. Volume B. Pearson Longman, 2008. 509-18. Print. The Longman Anthology World Literature. 2nd ed. Volume A. Pearson Longman, 2008. 57-97. Print.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

How Thesis Statements Work In Your Writing

Writing in college often defecates the form of persuasionconvincing others that you buzz off an interesting, analytical point of view on the subject you atomic number 18 studying. Persuasion is a skill you practice regularly in your daily life. You persuade your roommate to strip round off up, your parents to let you borrow the car, your friend to vote for your favorite candidate or policy. In college, course assignments often ask you to make a persuasive consequence in writing. You are asked to convince your reader of your point of view. This form of persuasion, often called academic literary argument, follows a predictable pattern in writing.After a brief psychiatric hospital of your topic, you state your point of view on the topic directly and often in one sentence. This sentence is the thesis statement, and it serves as a summary of the argument youll make in the rest of your paper. WHAT IS A THESIS STATEMENT? A thesis statement communicates the reader how you pass on interpret the substance of the subject subject field under discussion. is a road map for the paper in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper. directly answers the incredulity asked of you. A thesis is an adaptation of a question or subject, non the subject itself.The subject, or topic, of an essay might be World War II or Moby Dick a thesis must then offer a way to understand the war or the novel. makes a claim that others might dispute. is usually a hotshot sentence somewhere in your first paragraph that show ups your argument to the reader. The rest of the paper, the luggage compartment of the essay, gathers and organizes evidence that will persuade the reader of the logic of your indication. If your assignment asks you to take a smudge or develop a claim about a subject, you whitethorn need to convey that carriage or claim in a thesis statement near the beginning of your draft.The assignment may not explicitly state that you need a thesis statement because your instructor may assume you will include one. When in doubt, ask your instructor if the assignment requires a thesis statement. When an assignment asks you to analyze, to interpret, to compare and tune, to demonstrate cause and effect, or to take a stand on an issue, it is likely that you are being asked to develop a thesis and to support it persuasively. (Check out our handout on grounds assignments for more information. ) HOW DO I GET A THESIS?A thesis is the result of a lengthy thinking process. Formulating a thesis is not the first thing you do after reading an essay assignment. Before you develop an argument on any topic, you have to collect and organize evidence, search for possible relationships between known facts (such as surprising origins or similarities), and think about the significance of these relationships. Once you do this thinking, you will probably have a working(a) thesis, a basic or main idea, an argument that you think you can support with evidence but that may need adjustment on the way.Writers use all kinds of techniques to stimulate their thinking and to help them clarify relationships or comprehend the broader significance of a topic and arrive at a thesis statement. For more ideas on how to conduct started, see our handout on brainstorming. HOW DO I KNOW IF MY THESIS IS STRONG? If theres time, run it by your instructor or make an appointment at the Writing Center to get some feed endure. Even if you do not have time to get advice elsewhere, you can do some thesis evaluation of your own. When reviewing your first draft and its working thesis, ask yourself the following Do I answer the question?Re-reading the question prompt after constructing a working thesis can help you fix an argument that misses the focus of the question. Have I taken a position that others might challenge or oppose? If your thesis scarcely states facts that no one would, or even could, disagree with, its possible that you are simply providing a summary, rather than making an argument. Is my thesis statement specific enough? Thesis statements that are too vague often do not have a strong argument. If your thesis contains words like good or flourishing, see if you could be more specific why is something good what specifically makes something successful?Does my thesis pass the So what? test? If a readers first response is, So what? then you need to clarify, to forge a relationship, or to connect to a larger issue. Does my essay support my thesis specifically and without wandering? If your thesis and the body of your essay do not seem to go together, one of them has to change. Its o. k. to change your working thesis to reflect things you have figured out in the course of writing your paper. Remember, always reassess and re issue your writing as necessary. Does my thesis pass the how and why? test?If a readers first response is how? or why? your thesis may be too open-ended and lack guidance for the re ader. See what you can add to give the reader a better take on your position right from the beginning. EXAMPLES Suppose you are taking a course on 19th-century America, and the instructor hands out the following essay assignment Compare and contrast the reasons why the North and South fought the Civil War. You turn on the computer and type out the following The North and South fought the Civil War for some(prenominal) reasons, some of which were the same and some different.This weak thesis restates the question without providing any additional information. You will expand on this new information in the body of the essay, but it is important that the reader know where you are heading. A reader of this weak thesis might think, What reasons? How are they the same? How are they different? exact yourself these same questions and begin to compare Northern and Southern attitudes (perhaps you first think, The South believed slavery was right, and the North thought slavery was wrong).Now, push your comparison toward an interpretationwhy did one side think slavery was right and the other side think it was wrong? You look again at the evidence, and you decide that you are going to argue that the North believed slavery was im clean while the South believed it upheld the Southern way of life. You write While both sides fought the Civil War everywhere the issue of slavery, the North fought for moral reasons while the South fought to preserve its own institutions. Now you have a working thesisIncluded in this working thesis is a reason for the war and some idea of how the two sides disagreed over this reason. As you write the essay, you will probably begin to characterize these differences more precisely, and your working thesis may start to seem too vague. Maybe you decide that both sides fought for moral reasons, and that they just focused on different moral issues. You end up revising the working thesis into a final thesis that really captures the argument in your pap er While both Northerners and Southerners believed they fought against totalitarianismand oppression, Northerners focused on the oppression of slaves while Southerners defended their own right to self-government.Compare this to the original weak thesis. This final thesis presents a way of interpreting evidence that illuminates the significance of the question. Keep in mind that this is one of many possible interpretations of the Civil Warit is not the one and only right answer to the question. There isnt one right answer there are only strong and weak thesis statements and strong and weak uses of evidence. Lets look at another example.Suppose your literature professor hands out the following assignment in a class on the American novel Write an synopsis of some aspect of Mark Twains novel Huckleberry Finn. This will be easy, you think. I loved Huckleberry Finn You grab a pad of paper and write Mark Twains Huckleberry Finn is a great American novel. Why is this thesis weak? Think a bout what the reader would expect from the essay that follows you will most likely provide a general, appreciative summary of Twains novel. The question did not ask you to summarize it asked you to analyze.Your professor is probably not interested in your opinion of the novel instead, she wants you to think about whyits such a great novelwhat do Hucks adventures tell us about life, about America, about coming of age, about race relations, etc.? First, the question asks you to pick an aspect of the novel that you think is important to its mental synthesis or meaningfor example, the role of storytelling, the secernate scenes between the shore and the river, or the relationships between adults and children. Now you write In Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain develops a contrast between life on the river and life on the shore.Heres a working thesis with potential you have highlighted an important aspect of the novel for probe however, its still not clear what your analysis will reveal. You r reader is intrigued, but is still thinking, So what? Whats the point of this contrast? What does it signify? peradventure you are not sure yet, either. Thats finebegin to work on comparing scenes from the book and see what you discover. Free write, make lists, jot down Hucks actions and reactions. Eventually you will be able to clarify for yourself, and then for the reader, why this contrast matters.After examining the evidence and considering your own insights, you write Through its contrasting river and shore scenes, Twains Huckleberry Finn suggests that to find the true expression of American democratic ideals, one must leave civilized society and go back to nature. This final thesis statement presents an interpretation of a literary work based on an analysis of its content. Of course, for the essay itself to be successful, you must now present evidence from the novel that will convince the reader of your interpretation.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Orthodox Jewish Wedding Essay

wedlock is normally a rite done in churches, in government premises, or in youthful ones like beaches and gardens. It is usually done as a sign of love between two people. Marriage used to be a actually(prenominal) inspirational ceremony as two people say their vows to each other. Different cultures do this in different manners. In this paper, we will discover how the Orthodox Judaic man and wife is done. This would prove the diversity of cultures in the world and how the Judaic community carries out their traditions and belief.This is divided into three parts that intromit the forwardnesss done before the wedding, the stick up twenty-four hour periods before the wedding and the wedding proper. When two people fall in love, what they want to end up mostly is a bride and a groom or a husband and a wife. Although it is altered by some other reasons in the modern times, the idea of marriage is still considered inviolable by most of us. Although socio-economic status, healt h, dynasty and other things affect the peoples view on marriage, we still whoremaster non take away the fact that the people who get matrimonial always ask for a happy life.Whatever reason they may have, the bottom line is still that they argon searching for condecadetment in every way. A Jewish wedding day, the same with all other religions, is something that they really honour. Different kinds of rituals happen weeks before and during this day, in consideration of their hi account statement and heritage. As currently as the duplicate gets engaged, rituals already take place. It includes breaking a plate to represent the temples in Jerusalem that were destructed. It is to signify that even if they ar enjoying in the jubilation of the wedding, they atomic number 18 still saddened with the fact that these temples were destroyed before.It is similarly usual for the parents to do the arrangement of the wedding, with the help of someone like a match-maker called Yenta. Althoug h this is so, the groom is still take to ask the brides father for her hand in marriage and to pay a dowry in exchange of the bride (Retrieved on December 11, 2008 from http//www. bbc. co. uk/religion/religions/judaism/rites/weddings_1. shtml). Judaism sees this get along as sacred. They think that without a man and a woman, each of the sexes will never be complete. They complement each other and each compensates what the other loses.They to a fault teach in their doctrines that any mortal without getting married doesnt experience the absolute joy and contentment in this life. It means that being married gives satisfaction to people, especially when they are blessed by God. When referring to marriage, they usually use the term sanctification which usually refers to the spirituality of the bond that binds two people and of the commandment make by God. They besides see it as something that has a purpose. They view marriage as a perquisite to reproduction and friendship. It is both procreation and companionship.In the intelligence, as they believe, It is not good for a man to be whole. It is also a arrange of each persons legal rights through a contractual agreement where they sign on. Although there were times when the Jews were dispersed all over the world, they are still successful in preserving this practice as they live. This is in all likelihood because they really believe in the practice, because through it, history proves that families stayed stable and happy when they underwent the same kind of marriage . Jewish weddings are almost the same. They are do easier by the Rabbis by asking for a very minimal requirement. The Rabbis is the one who makes the laws in this kind of ritual (Retrieved on December 11, 2008 from http//www. confetti. co. uk/article/view/5054-7598-0-). Marriage in the Orthodox Jewish is very much full of traditions that show practice and devotion. In mean their weddings, every detail is very important. They take the preparatio n as a challenge of their capacity and a challenge to celebrate the wedding successfully.They pay too much attention to all the needs of the ceremony that makes every wedding a perfect one. The Orthodox Jews are believed to be the strictest among the strands of the Jewish faith. Their wedding ceremony is done by combining the legal and phantasmal aspects of marriage. In case one of the duet is non-Jewish, he or she is asked to convert to the same religion. They believe that happiness undersurfacenot be achieved if they dont undergo marriage, which is a license to fulfillment in the world.Also, it is said that when they get married, they dont just focus on material and temporal elements of the preparation, only when they also call that their doctrines are properly carried out and that their spiritual and moral preparedness is enveloped on the marriage itself. It just proves that although their marriage is after a good life on earth, they still put in more consideration the super natural and their religion per se (Retrieved on December 11, 2008 from http//www. confetti. co. uk/article/view/5054-7598-0-). Planning an Orthodox Jewish wedding is very tedious.They moldinessiness consider a lot of things for them to be able to come up with a successful one. Most of the Jewish couple provides a planner that would make it easier for them to see chronologically their plans and the specifics of the ceremony. done that, they will be able to get organized and efficient in the planning of the primary(prenominal) event. The date of the wedding is usually known after they already register with a synagogue and Rabbi at the Chief Rabbis office. The time of the day and the day itself are also given much attention to in planning a wedding.It is usual to marry in the afternoon or in the evening, but you good deal also marry anytime of the day according to what the couple desires. Most of them, however, choose to marry on days like Sunday and Tuesday. It is also not allowed to do the wedding three weeks between July and August and on the Sab bathing tub of festival days (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Passover Shavuot, and Sukkoth). In case, they want to get married on a Saturday, they exterminate doing the ceremony earlier than two hours before the sun is down (Retrieved on December 11, 2008 from http//www. onfetti. co. uk/article/view/5054-7598-0-).In general, the first thing to do in planning it is to choose a date that they both want. They usually choose special days like the birth or the death of their rabbis to make a more meaningful celebration. Like other people getting married, they choose a date that means something to them or a date that is significant in their relationship. They also must specify a place or a venue which has enough space for dancing and a wide area where you can put a divider to separate men and women for modestys sake.They are very much particular with modesty which they can prove by separating people of different sexes dur ing the wedding ceremony. They must also choose a rabbi to preside the wedding ceremony and a sofer or a Jewish scratch awl to take charge of the Ketuba or the marriage contract. After that, they must tell their relatives and friends about the wedding and invite them to attend on it. Attendees on this kind of practice matters a lot to the couple because the wedding would not mean anything at all without the presence of a specific number of people.Once they confirm their attendance, they can already inform the caterer about the approximate number of visitors. This is usually done to avoid hassles to both families of the groom and the bride and to assure that everyone eats enough as they celebrate that most important part of their couple life. After that, they must inform those people who are taking part in the wedding to dress accordingly. This is also a sign of respect to the practice. The female ones must use clothes covering the knees and the arms to the elbows, while the married ones must cover their air. Men must wear yarmulkes.The couple must make the wedding canopy from a cloth that is velvet or from a prayer shawl. This is to signify the clouds that helped Jews with everything when they were in the desert. They must make sure that they have the dress, rings without anything engraved in them, and the other things. The bride must make sure she has a veil thicker than the others to wear it on the wedding day. From that, they must find a schedule to do the veiling ritual prior the wedding ceremony. It is said that such a practice symbolizes the biblical story that happened between Jacob and Rachel, when they planned to get married.They must assign seven men to utter the words of blessings with a wine. Lastly, they must secure a room for the couple where they can spend on after the wedding proper. They are expected to stay there before they eat and spend time together alone for a certain period (Retrieved on December 11, 2008 from http//www. ehow. com/how_2 077192_plan-orthodox-jewish-wedding. html). The wedding invitation is usually two sided and has an English translation at the right side. It does not ask for the persons presence, instead it is asking people to dance at or share in the joy of.In this kind of ritual, visitors are very important, because they recreate a very vital role in the process. The copies of the invitation may be distributed and may be given by the couple or both of their parents. Sometimes, the invitation also includes biblical quotes to explain people why such thing is done or to further elaborate the importance of each part of the program (Retrieved on December 11, 2008 from http//www. weddingdetails. com/lore/jewish. cfm). All of the guests are provided with copy of the program for them to know exactly what part they are in during the wedding proper.It may also include some Ketuba texts, the vendors names, a note coming from the bridal couple and some explanations of the different elements of the ceremony. This is also done to avoid unnecessary noises when they ask others why a particular thing is done (Retrieved on December 11, 2008 from http//www. weddingdetails. com/lore/jewish. cfm). The Orthodox bride must prepare something white, while the groom must have a short(p) white linen robe called a kittel. The bride is also expected to visit mikyah in the morning of her wedding.This is done to make sure that the bride undergoes a ritual bath that is believed to purify her and to make her a better woman as she gets married (Retrieved on December 11, 2008 from http//www. weddingdetails. com/lore/jewish. cfm). It is also a must, that in able for a couple to get married in the Orthodox Jewish tradition, it is a perquisite that their parents also married in the same manner. Usually, both of their parents underwent the same practice. If in case their parents did not undergo the practice, they must talk to the rabbi for clarification.The ceremony includes singing and reading from the psalms . The wedding usually takes an hour before it finally ends. The wedding can actually occur anywhere, depending on what the groom and the bride choose. Given a desired venue, the bride or the Kallah and the groom or the Chatan, must stand under a canopy. The venue as chosen by them is usually paid by the brides parents. The validity of the wedding depends on the number of males present. There must e ten of them, which in their tradition, is called minyan (Retrieved on December 11, 2008 from http//www. confetti. co. uk/article/view/5054-7598-0-).Prior to the ceremony, the groom may spend time with his friends as eat and drink together on a table, called chassans tisch. Brides, on the other hand, take three or seven times circling her groom which is also a practice based on their bible (Retrieved on December 11, 2008 from http//www. weddingdetails. com/lore/jewish. cfm). When the guests arrive on the wedding day, males go with the groom in a certain room, while the female ones go with the bride in another room where she sits on a throne-type chair.This is called public beckoning and may be spent with just family and other guests (Retrieved on December 11, 2008 from http//www. eddingdetails. com/lore/jewish. cfm). A suffice usually starts with the opening from the rabbi, followed by a bride being escorted to the canopy. It is then followed by a ritual of circling the groom by the bride. This also has a hidden meaning. The benedictions are read after and then the sharing of the cup of wine. The exchange of the rings is then done, followed by the reading of ketuba. Another cup of wine is offered which is shared by the groom and the bride. It was first blessed and told with a prayer for the companionship and joy of the newly wed.Later on, they are proclaimed as husband and wife and they are showered with rice and are greeted with a toast (Retrieved on December 11, 2008 from http//www. weddingdetails. com/lore/jewish. cfm). During the marriage proper, the groom is as ked to read from the Torah. That ritual is called Aufruf. Further, it is like a way of congratulating the couple, and permit the public know that they are getting married soon. In the same practice, some brides throw candies and nuts as he finishes the recitation of the benedictions. Through that, they are able to ask for a sweet and fertile life. The groom gives his bride a ring that is a sign of love.It is put on the brides right force finger, up to the second knuckle. It is so, because they believe that such a finger points to the soul and that it is used in pointing when they are reading the Torah. On the contrary, she puts the ring on his remaining ring finger. As they are doing this, they are reciting a Hebrew statement called haray aht (Retrieved on December 11, 2008 from http//www. weddingdetails. com/lore/jewish. cfm). In summary, preparing for the Orthodox Jewish Wedding is no easy thing. It requires a lot of effort to come up with an acceptable wedding that takes in co nsideration both the earthly and the religious aspect of life.Through this paper, we can also picture that even if there are still more days before the wedding, the people are already busy planning the event and are already doing some practices for the benefit of the big day. The wedding proper shows that values of these people as they do the rituals associated with getting married. It is also very obvious that they are really trying hard to avoid getting away from the proper way of doing it. Before and after the wedding, they are very optimistic about their, because of their trust to the Almighty.Everyone is looking forward to a happy and a blessed life ahead as they undergo the blessing of God through marriage. Celebration of their wedding is really something that the Jewish community must really be proud of. It is full of traditions that only their group inhibits and practices as well. Their culture is very rich and admirable. This is only a proof that cultures vary from place t o place and that each culture has its beauty that everyone can admire. It is the Jewish communitys rob to have this and definitely, there are not just proud, but happy about acquiring this kind of culture.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Negligence: Duty of Care and Buick Motor Co.

Negligence, duty and Breach of Duty. To constitute a level-headed action against some integritys negligence, several requirements to be fulfilled. First one is that there must exist some duty of maintenance towards the complainant by the defendant. The secondly one is that the defendant should breach much(prenominal) duty of care im shake upd on him. The third one is that the negligence done by the defendant should be the cause of the suffering resulted to the complainant. The fourth one is that the harm should have some monetary value. In Haynes V Harwood (1935) 1 KB 146 at 152, label Greer L.J, pointed out these requirements in his judgement stating that Negligence in the air will not do negligence, in order to give a cause of action, must be the neglect of some duty owed to the someone who makes the margin call. The simple meaning is that if one done negligence actions, in a place, which is untouched by other people, in such a place, there would not arise a duty of care toward others. Therefore the question of the breach of such duty of care would also not arise. In such a mooring a legal action on negligence can not be instituted.To understand above components pertaining to negligence in justness of tort, we shall discuss them in detail. Duty of Care Intort integrity, aduty of careis alegalobligationimposed on an item-by-item requiring that they adhere to a standardofreasonablecare while performing any acts that could foreseeably harm others. It is the get-go element that must be established to remain with an action innegligence. The claimant mustbe able to showa duty of care imposed by law which the defendant has breached.The duty of care may be imposedbyoperation of lawbetween individuals with nocurrentdirect relationship (familial or contractual or otherwise), that eventually become related in some manner. At common law, duties were formerly limited to those with whom one was inprivityone way or another, as exemplified by episodes likeWinterbottom v. Wright(1842). In the early 20th century, judges began to recognize that enforcing the privity requirement against hapless consumers had harsh results in manyproduct obligationcases.The psyche of a general duty of care that runs to all who could be foreseeably affected by ones conduct (accompanied by the demolishing of the privity barrier) first appeared in the landmark U. S. case ofMacPherson v. Buick Motor Co. (1916) and was imported into UK law by another landmark case,Donoghue v Stevenson1932. MacPherson v. Buick Motor Co. , 217 N. Y. 382, 111 N. E. 1050 (1916) A famousNew York Court of Appealsopinion by JudgeBenjamin N. Cardozowhich removed the requirement ofprivity of contractfor duty innegligenceactions Theplaintiff, Donald C.MacPherson, a stonecutter, was injured when one of the wooden wheels of his 1909 Buick Runabout collapsed. Thedefendant,Buick Motor Company, had manufactured the vehicle, plainly not the wheel, which had been manufactured by anothe r party but installed by defendant. It was conceded that the defective wheel could have been discovered upon inspection. The defendant denied liability because the plaintiff had purchased the gondola from a dealer, not directly from the defendant. The portion of the MacPhersonopinion in which Cardozo demolished the privity bar to recovery is as follows If the nature of a thing is such that it is moderately certain to place life and limb in peril when carelessly do, it is and so a thing of insecurity. Its nature gives warning of the consequence to be expected. If to the element of danger there is added knowledge that the thing will be used by persons other than the purchaser, and used without new tests, then, irrespective of contract, the manufacturer of this thing of danger is under a duty to make it carefully. That is as far as we need to go for the decision of this case . . . . If he is negligent, where danger is to be oreseen, a liability will follow Donoghue v. Stevenson19 32 The case ofDonoghue v. Stevenson1932 illustrates the law of negligence, laying the foundations of thefaultprinciple around the Commonwealth. The Plaintiff, Donoghue, drank ginger beer given to her by a friend, who bought it from a shop. The beer was supplied by a manufacturer, Stevenson in Scotland. While drinking the drink, Donoghue discovered the remains of an allegedly decomposedslug. She then sued Stevenson, though there was no relationship of contract, as the friend had made the payment.As there was nocontract,the doctrine ofprivityprevented a direct action against the manufacturer. In his ruling, justice Lord MacMillan defined a new category of delict (the Scots law nearest equivalent of tort), ( based on implied warranty of fitness of a product in a completely different category of tortproducts liability) because it was analogous to previous cases about people hurting each other. Lord Atkin interpreted the biblical passages to love thy neighbour, as the legal requirement t o not harm thy neighbour. He then went on to define neighbour as persons who are so closely and directly affected by my act that I ought passably to have them in contemplation as being so affected when I am directing my mind to the acts or omissions that are called in question. jolly foreseeable harm must be compensated. This is the first principle of negligence. Breach of the Duty The test is both subjective and objective. The defendant who knowingly (subjective) exposes the plaintiff/claimant to a substantial risk of loss, breaches that duty.The defendant who fails to realize the substantial risk of loss to the plaintiff/claimant, which anyreasonable personobjective in the same situation would clearly have realized, also breaches that duty. Breach of duty is not limited to professionals or persons under written or oral contract all members of high society have a duty to exercise reasonable care toward others and their property. A person who engages in activities that pose an unr easonable risk toward others and their property that actually results in harm, breaches their duty of reasonable care.An example is shown in the facts ofBolton v. Stone,5a 1951 legal case decided by theHouse of Lordswhich established that a defendant is not negligent if the change to the plaintiff was not a reasonably foreseeable consequence of his conduct. In the case, a Miss Stone was struck on the head by a cricket ball while standing outside her house. Cricket balls were not normally hit a far enough distance to pose a danger to people standing as far away as was Miss Stone.Although she was injured, the court held that she did not have a legitimate claim because the danger was not sufficiently foreseeable. Causation For a defendant to be heldliable, it must be shown that the particular acts or omissions were the cause of the loss or damage sustained. Although the notion sounds simple, the causation between ones breach of duty and the harm that results to another can at times be very complicated. The basic test is to take whether the injury would have occurred but for, or without, the accused partys breach of the duty owed to the injured party.Even more precisely, if a breaching party materially increases the risk of harm to another, then the breaching party can be sued to the value of harm that he caused. Sometimes causation is one part of a multi-stage test for legal liability. For example for the defendant to be held liable for the tort of negligence, the defendant must have (1) owed the plaintiff aduty of care (2) breached that duty (3) by so doing causeddamageto the plaintiff and (4) that damage must not have been too remote. Causation is but one component of the tort.On other occasions causation is the only requirement for legal liability (other than the fact that the outcome is proscribed). For example in the law ofproduct liability, the fact that the defendants product caused the plaintiff harm is the only thing that matters. The defendant need no t also have been negligent. On still other occasions, causation is irrelevant to legal liability altogether. For example, under a contract ofindemnity insurance, theinsureragrees to correct thevictimfor harm not caused by the insurer, but by other parties.Where establishing causation is required to establish legal liability, it is usually said that it involves a two-stage inquiry. The first stage involves establishing factual causation. Did the defendant act in the plaintiffs loss? This must be established before inquiring into legal causation. The second stage involves establishing legal causation. This is often a question of public policy is this the sort of situation in which, despite the outcome of the factual enquiry, we might so far release the defendant from liability, or impose liability?

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Expenditures and Revenues Summary: Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office Essay

The treat marge Sheriffs postal service, a statutory government agency, is responsible for providing services to third mandated schedules in medallion strand County, Florida (, 2013). Those programs argon Law Enforcement, Corrections Services without Palm Beach Countys jails, and finally Bailiff and court of justice staff. Palm Beach Sheriffs office is required to respond to impartiality enforcement calls throughout the county and all unincorporated areas of Palm Beach County. Palm Beach Sheriffs office is also responsible for providing services to certain municipalities throughout Palm Beach County, if a contract exists between the municipality and the Sheriffs office.The municipality must come to a fee agreement with the Palm Beach Sheriffs office forwards a contract is complete. The following will elaborate on the Palm Beach Sheriffs routine revenue and expenditures and the impact of the expenditures on the revenue source. The following will also elaborate o n who the key players are in toll of making cypher decisions and whether or not there is any influence of political and public policies on the Palm Beach Sheriffs big businessman. Finally, recommended organizational pecuniary analysis alternatives for the Palm Beach Sheriffs Office will be researched. The Impact of the Expenditures on the Revenue SourcePalm Beach County is located in South Florida and is the largest county in square mileage in Florida at 2,268 square miles. Palm Beach County is Floridas third largest populated county with just under 1.4 one thousand million residents (, 2014).The Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office maintains 3,949 allocations throughout Palm Beach County and boasts 1,333 pledged law enforcement officers, 7,757 civilian support staff, 689 sworn Corrections officers and 170 sworn Court services and Bailiff therefore a large portion of the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office reckon is allocated to programs. own(prenominal) services, accordin g to the Sheriffs Office (2014) means this part of the cypher is considered to pay employee wages and benefits. This program is divided in to thee parts, Law Enforcement, Corrections and Court Servicesand Bailiff, which in turns means three different expenditures. A total of $510,102,878.00 for the Sheriffs was requested for the 2014 financial year in order to support the three programs. This amount is an increase of about 5.8% from the 2013 fiscal year (, 2014).The Palm Beach Sheriffs Office is funded through various revenues generated from Law Enforcement services, ad-valorem taxes and utility taxes. The Sheriffs Office collects 15% of all revenues collected through adult entertainment and revenue is also received by the State of Florida for Crime lab Operations. Funds are established by the Florida Crime Laboratory Council. Safety services also generate revenue for the Sheriffs Office. The charges and fees are ultimately determined by the Statute and fee schedule appro ved by the Sheriff. These contracts include airport security, Private and Governmental Off-Duty permits and other law enforcement contract. The Safety Service fees make up a large portion of the Sheriffs revenues (PBSO. org, 2014). opposite revenues include fines and forfeitures, commission on coin telephones used by the countys inmates, taxes levied on assessed properties in Palm Beach County and utility tax.According to Palm Beach Sheriffs Office (2014), each program is divided in to three expenditures. Those expenditures are Law Enforcement, Corrections and Court Services and Bailiff. Each of the three program categories is broken down even further. Those parts are listed as Personal Services, Operating and Capital Outlay. Each variable requires funds in order to mesh for example, the Law Enforcement Program was budgeted for a total budget of $347,035,274.00 out of the $510,102,878.00.As stated this program is further broken down in to three variables, Personal Services, Operat ing and Capital Outlay. A total of $276,397,453.00 is budgeted for personal services. $60,185,099 is budgeted for Operating and $10,452,722.00 is budgeted for Capital Outlay. This brings the total to $347,035,274.00 dollars budgeted for the Law Enforcement Program. This total is about 60% of the total budget for 2014. It is grave to understand that 81% of the operating budget consists of wages, overtime and employee benefits. These are items which are set through collective bargaining, policy, contracts and also receive protection under to life Service Bill (, 2014). KeyPlayers Involved in Deciding on a cypherBecause the Sheriffs Office is large and requires time to create a reasonable budget, the budgeting process begins in December of the preceding year (, 2014). In January, the Palm Beach Sheriff discusses the philosophy for the approaching fiscal year. The Sheriffs Office had an established budget staff which provides an overview of the budget process and prov ides details regarding the upcoming budget preparation and procedures. Executives and Senior Staff conduct a series of internal reviews before the proposed budget is presented the Sheriff. The Sheriff then reviews the proposed budget and either accepts or denies the budget. Once the Sheriff approves the budget a signed copy is sent to the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioner by May 1.The Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Office of Finance Management and Budget would then schedule a number of workshops for the Countys proposed budget. It is during these workshops that modifications to the Sheriffs budget can be presented. Budgets may be modified based on the receipt of grant funds, donations or other sources outside of the Sheriffs adopted budget. In September, there are deuce public hearing scheduled during which the final budget is adopted. The budget must be adopted for October 1, the start of the new fiscal year. The Influence of Politics and Public Polici es on the Palm Beach Sheriffs Office The Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Office of Finance Management and Budget is a governmental organization which oversees the Sheriffs proposed budget on a yearly basis.The Constitutional Officers who oversee the budget include Clerk and Comptroller Office, valuate Collector and Property Appraiser (Palm Beach County, 2014). All three entities are those of local government. These three organizations are responsible for reviewing not scarcely the Sheriffs budget, plainly all other budgets relating to cities in Palm Beach County who provide public assistance. Politics can play a huge role when considering a budget proposal. In this case, these three entities know what funding is available as they are responsible for collecting different revenues. If the money is not available to fund the completed budget request, then cuts will be made to the budget furthermore, because budgets are able to be accessed bythe public, is important t o ensure that all decisions regarding the budget are ethical decisions. Financial Analysis AlternativesIn the event that there is a loss of revenue source, there are many other options the Sheriffs Office can explore in order to obtain funding. The Sheriffs Office, like any other police department, has many departments which are responsible for investigating certain crimes for example, the Sheriffs Office created a department specifically for tracking online sexual predators. The United States Department of Justice provides funding to the Sheriffs Office for strategically targeting online predators. The Sheriffs office would be able to continue funding this department and maintaining its multidisciplinary team to assist in the development and implementation of the strategy.The COPS hiring Program (CHP) is dedicated to enhancing community policing by addressing the needs of a state, local or tribal law enforcement agency. The COPS Hiring Program (CHP) provides funding so that law enf orcement agencies are able to hire new or career law enforcement officers. Employing more officers would increase crime prevention efforts in a given district (U.S. Department of Justice, 2014). The COPS Hiring Program (CHP) will provide up to 75% of any approved entry-level salary and fringe benefits. The officers must be hired as full-time officers for the length of grant period, which is 36 months. A lower limit of 25% of the officers salary must be matched by the hiring agency and a maximum federal share of $125,000 per officer. Under the COPS Hiring Program, the agency is only able to hire up to 5% of the agencys sworn police officers (U.S Department of Justice, 2014).According to the Sheriffs Office (2014), there are two other sources of alternative funding. Alternative funding can be obtained through forfeiture funds which are obtained from cases which assets and cash are seized and eventually released to the law enforcement agency. sacrifice funds may come from state and fed eral governments and ought to be used to purchase equipment which was unable to be funded. Secondly, alternative funds may come from the Palm Beach Sheriffs Office grant program. This programgenerates millions of dollars annually. In the past, grant funding has enabled the Sheriffs Office to purchase patrol boats additionally, the grant funding, the Sheriffs Office has also purchased 245 square miles of waterway in Palm Beach County and 45 miles of shoreline (, 2014). ConclusionIn conclusion, The Palm Beach Sheriffs Office is large law enforcement agency within Palm Beach County which provides law enforcement, corrections and court services to Palm Beach County. The Sheriffs office is also contracted by a number of cities within Palm Beach County to perform law enforcement duties within that area. Drafting a budget proposal can be dispute and difficult for such a large organization. Upon completing this research, one can easily see the much thought and preparation is needed to complete a budget which will allow the Sheriffs Office to continuously provide services to those within the jurisdictions. The preceding elaborated on the Palm Beach Sheriffs Office revenue and expenditures and the impact of the expenditures on the revenue source. The preceding also elaborated on who the key players are in terms of making budget decisions and whether or not there is any influence of political and public policies on the Palm Beach Sheriffs Office. Finally, the organizational financial analysis alternatives for the Palm Beach Sheriffs Office were discussed.ReferencesPalm Beach County (2014). Preparing for Budgets. Retrieved from website http//, (2014). Palm Beach Sheriffs Office Budget. Retrieved from website http// U.S. Department of Justice (2014). COPS Hiring Program. Retrieved from website http//

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A note on social criticism of novel Joseph Andrews Essay

Q Write a note on social criticism as presented in earmark I and book II of this novel. This novel is basically a satire on mode of upkeep of the social classes of 18th century. The most promising and solid features (as a means of social criticism) that one power extract from the novel, in the light of book I and book II are highlighted as under Artificiality of loveHere the example of lady booby explains the point clearly. She loved Joseph as clintentioned by herself, except she wanted to keep their relation hidden from people, thus depicting the point of artificiality. She intended to seduce him vindicatory for the sake to gratify her sexual appetite. She, by no means pictured any signs of true love. This factor, handle critised by employing the character of lady booby as discussed above. Moral degradationAnother social detestation of that time, certainly was that the people look d suffer upon morality with an eye of contempt. They degrade it in all thinkable ways. Here the example of Joseph can be taken into consideration. His inner goodness was ridiculed in the very connection. dame Booby once mocked him of his being maintain an ally of morality, when she herself as of superior stature had discarded her own conscience for him. Sympathy in spite of appearance the same classSympathy is a factor that prevails only within the same class. As the example of postillion who provided Joseph with his coat when he had nothing to cover himself and was in a very miserable condition, states very comfortably the fact. Indeed, both belonged to the lower class. Lack of charityCharity, a select not so common in common man. When parson Adams consulted pastor Trulliber as his Christian brethren, with the aim of expecting some charity to pay off his bills of the inn they stayed at, got nothing but rejected in the brass instrument is just a demonstration of the fact of lack of charity. Duality in natureParson Barnabas presents himself as a character with duality i n nature. A glutton and drunkard, yet a parson by profession, indeed a presenter of dualsides. Such characters as this do exist in our rules of order and are tainting the fabric of world with their paint. Lack of knowledgeThe world also has people who claim the professions they moderate no thorough knowledge of. They are professionally incompetent, yet roam around in the baseball club like foolish quacks with pride. The surgeon and parson Barnabas are such examples. Lust of ladiesLady Booby and Mrs.Slipslop had loving disposition. And to gratify their sexual apetite they look upon Joseph with an eye of lust. Consequently, because of their intentions they lay Joseph open in the jaws of chastity. Such people as these should be placed infront of mirror, to render them with the realization that what creature have they become. Height of jealousyJealousy, a property found very well-groomed in society. Fielding has portrayed this social-ill as one of the core aspect in his novel. Mrs. Slipslop out of extreme jealousy blamed Joseph of being an ill-character and of amorous inclinations. Indeed, a very dangerous trait. lying can also be attributed to the consequence of height of jealousy. The higher class in the novel is portrayed as highly submerged in hypocrisy. False promisesA trend common in that society was to make promises and then break them. While Joseph, Fanny and Adams are on their way, they encountered one such logger and fell for his promises. A trend that ought be condemned with solemn attitude.CorruptionPeople like the surgeon and Parson Barnabas are perfect examples of tainting the society with corruption and morally ill-standard behaviour. Such follies and vices of society depict very well a social criticism, in the light of book I and book II.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Research Essay Argumentative Essay About Palestine and Israel

Researched origin Essay Written Assignment 6 Due Sunday, December 2, 500 p. m. ineLearndropbox ***NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WITHOUT A WRITTEN EXCUSE*** For your next written assignment, Im going to ask you to write aargument paper, utilize outside sources, on a proposition of your choice. I encourage you to write about the same topic you chose for Written Assignment 5. Your textbook discusses argument in detail in Chapter Ten. General Instructions 1. You should gain an argument that develops and supports an argumentative thesis 2.Your thesis should 1. state your subject, 2. state your position or your central claim, and 3. realise your three reasons 3. Your essay should have FIVE (5) paragraphs an introduction with your argumentative thesis, three body paragraphs ( bingle for each reason), and a conclusion 4. You should use and incorporate at least five (5)outside sources in your essay, and at least one source should not be an internet-only source (e. g. , website) and one source sh ould be a book-length work 5.You should enrolment your sources within the text and also in a Reference Page according to APA (American Psychological Association) itemations 5. piss a clear thesis statement or main idea in your opening 6. expose your thesis/main idea by creating a logical organization of ideas, by using well-structured paragraphs and specific and relevant details,and by crafting clear sentences 7. Use a consistent and appropriate point of view and 8. embrace standard practices in spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Foundations of Human Development in the Social Environment Essay

Human appearances whoremaster be intriguing and somewhat confusing. Human development is assessed through many factors and throughout this paper I will be discussing the interactions between the bio-psycho- affectionate dimensions of development, the concept of human diversity and cultural competence and also formulate the connection between ecumenical systems theory and well-disposed order. To understand the human thinking and behavior, the professional essential grasp an understanding of the three elements I listed above.To begin to gain insight into the human behavior champion whitethorn begin with the biological, psychological, and cordial developments of ones life. These aspects of development atomic number 18 also referred to the bio-psycho-social. Biological concerns the fleshly aspect of a persons life, psychological emphasize an individuals thought performance and the social development ad definees the persons interaction with those around them and in their enviro nment. People ar rattling complex and these three various aspects work together, shaping the person as a whole. When one of these dimensions is touch, for pillowcase if a person gets depressed this affects the psychological argona however their social interactions are also affected when the person stays in bed, this can lead to biological if the individual stops eating.The bio-psycho-social begins at early childhood and continues to develop along ones life span. There are normal developmental milestones which are operative in individuals lives these are motor development, personality development, motivation, social development, and learning. There are certain developments that drop dead at age-appropriate times, which can back up a professional define the word normal. An example, consider a bungles motor development by the age three or four they can dress and undress themselves. That is considered the norm. The normal development milestones offer a basic line for assessing human behavior, this way the social workers can distinguish between situations that merit interventions and those who do not.As a social worker it is significant to understand the human behavior and several concepts contribute to the understanding. Human diversity, which is the range of differences among groups, which include but are not limited to age, race, disability, gender, ethnicity, sex, and sexual orientation. Then there is cultural competence, which is the master of a certain knowledge, skill, policy, and program. It is life-sustaining for the social worker to understand cultural beliefs, values, and practices of their clients. Human diversity is culture, it is the shared attitudes, goals, spiritual beliefs and social expectations that remember a broader society in which people live.In todays world there is a long way to go to gain cultural competence. Fortunately, social workers are adding cultural competence to their already existing strengths and values, making them w ell-appointed professionals to deliver the appropriate care to the people. The National Association of Social Workers recently developed a standard, requiring the worker to strive to deliver culturally competent services to their ever more than diverse case loads. By the social worker becoming culturally competent, they are better equal to(p) to address the person with diverse needs, such as the disabled, older adults, and those who are transgender or gay.It is a problem for the social worker to find balance between the psychological aspects and the social environment, but it has been done by the use of the general systems theories and social order. The connections between these two bring an understanding to human behaviors, the functioning, and the thinking of humans. planetary systems theory is that of wholeness, the system can be a family, a community or an organization. There are many concepts in the system theories some of them are the system, boundaries, subsystems, relat ionship, input/output, feedback and differentiation. The general systems theory takes all that install that system and puts it together, wholeness. Social order describes the norm within society. By using these two concepts together the social worker can understand better their clients, their families, and their communities. All of which make the client who the client is.Human behavior in our society accumulates many factors as I stated throughout this paper. Many different concepts are needed to help the professional understand the behaviors of their clients. By taking into consideration the bio-psycho-social dimensions, looking at the general systems theory and gaining insight into human diversity and cultural competence, the social workers are better able to help the client succeed and become a productive member of society. Understanding human development and the social environment is the professionals responsibility, to become culturally competent to handle all diversity that m ay cross their path and to respectfully gain knowledge of the client through their own biological, psychological, and sociological elements of what makes them them.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Impact of jet on vanes Essay

The impact of jet experiment is to demonstrate and verify the integral momentum equation.1. In lay man terms, its another way to understand fluid blackmail by employ the pressure to accelerate the fluid to a plate by a high velocity in a jet which in result impart generate force due to impulse. The graph will show forces against momentum with different design plates. This experiment helps us to understand about fluid pressure also gives us a better understanding about fluid related machines. These Terms take over the same force and effect as an Agreement signed in writing. If you do not chord to these Terms, you may not use the Service. Each time you access, upload, or download any content from the Service, you advert your stopment to the then-current terms. This Agreement is subject to change at any time therefore, you are responsible to analyse these Terms regularly to learn about any changes. We will post an updated version of these Terms if we transform them. You underst and and agree that your ongoing use of the Service after we post or provide wit of the changes to this Agreement means that you accept and confirm that the updated Terms apply to you. The laws of the State of California govern this Agreement. You agree to resolve any dispute with us as provided in the Dispute Resolution Procedures described in Sections 21 and 22 below, which include arbitration and the options you have with arbitration. We use the term You to mean the person or entity who will access or use the Service as an end user. The term Login means the confederacy of unique username and password that is used to access our Service. A login is a license to use a site, natural covering or service for a period of time that is specified. Membership or Members means a sensation registration and/or subscription account per user of a valid username and password (login) for the service during the term of a subscription. We or us in this Agreement shall mean its brands, affiliates, subsidiaries and operating divisions.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Accounting Equation Paper

The accounting comparability which we sock as Assets equals to Liabilities plus Equity for a sole proprietorship and for a corporation we know it as Assets equals to liabilities plus sh ar owners & equity. Assets are company owned, liabilities are what company owes and the difference between the both of them is the owners equity, these collar things are what the companies are measured by in the fiscal field. In beau monde to understand them more clearly and how the accounting equation shows a simple way of understanding the three amounts relating to one and another, which are the assets that include cash, account receivable, equipment.Then the liabilities include notes payable, accounts payable and salaries payable. Finally, owners and stockholders equity includes common stock and retained earnings. The accounting balance sheet is one of the biggest financial statements used by accountants and business owners, these are income statements, cash flow statements, and stockholders equity statements. Balance sheet allows the creditor to count on what a company owns as well as what he owes. These are very important things for psyche to know for potential investors and others.So as we know, the balance sheet reflects the accounting equation, it shows the reports of companys assets, liabilities, and owners and stockholders equity. If a company keeps their records up to date and accurate, the accounting equation will invariably be in balance, showing that the left side should always equal to the right side. This keeps the balance sheet equilibrate since all assets are financed either by equity or liabilities and also the accounting equation serves as the basis for the balance sheet.The balance sheet shows that the assets are on the debit side and liabilities and equity are on the credit side, so the accounting equation formulates in a way where the total debits should always equal the total credits. Every accounting equation has its effects on the accounting e quation, because every exploit alters the components presented in the equation, in a way that the equation is satisfied after each modification.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Iron Hans (Children literature) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Iron Hans (Children literature) - Essay Example overdue to the legends narrative style and visual development, it is classified as a childrens story. The story reflects a clear pattern of attitude towards children during the time and the literary methods apply been markedly shaped by the social and cultural trends of the time. Most of the tales by the Grimm brothers have been influenced by German householdlores and have been creatively transform into fairy tales. An analysis of the population studies in Germany during the 19th century shows a high infant death rate rate during the time (Gehrmann, 839). Today infant death rate rates are regarded as central indicators of the standards of active and the state of a particular societys development. During late 19th century, high infant mortality rates in Germany started being acknowledged as a social issue and hence several(prenominal) studies were carried out in order to find the reasons for high mortality rates. Hygiene, food, fe male labor, living conditions and climatic conditions were identify as important factors affecting infant mortality rates (Gehrmann, 840). Female workload was also a critical factor in infant mortality and attitude towards children during the time. The family context has also been incorporated in order to assess the impact of family structures on attitude towards children. ... The collection spurred a completely novel feeling of considering fairy tales as childrens literature. Belonging to the German Romantic Movement, the Grimm brothers pioneered in the creation of literary fairy tales. An exemplary attempt was made by the Grimm brothers so as to retain and preserve the original nerve center of German folk tales and by transforming them into creative fairy tales for children they were able to circumvent the loss of German folk lore literature. The fame of the Grimms fairy tales as childrens literature was supported by the 1679 publication of The Tales of have Goose by Charles Pe rrault (Susina, n.pag.). Perrault had successfully collected 80 fairy tales in his work with moralistic principles and cunning story lines. This work started being recognized as childrens stories due to its graphic illustration of the human action which characterized an old lady reading out stories to children (Susina, n.pag.). This introduced a concept of fairy tales as childrens stories as narrated by older individuals. Subsequently the Grimms tales provided an adroit collection of stories that were suitable to be read by or out to children. Hence, the publication by Perrault supported the popularity of the Grimms fairy tales as childrens literature. fetter Hans, among the many fairy tales written the in the collection by Grimm brothers demonstrates a certain socio-cultural pattern towards children during the time. This story, on with other fairy tales in the collection, has had a thoughtful impact on children since the 19th century. However, writers today have been examining Grimm brothers writings and have concluded that these writings contain false apprehension and augment a

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

NUTRITION RELATED DISEASE Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3

NUTRITION RELATED DISEASE - Research cover ExampleNutrition on other side can be defined as intellectual nourishment that works in the body components that atomic number 18 required in the body so as to grow, reproduce, and recognise a normal healthy life.Foodborne illness also known as alimentborne disease is the term utilize to refer to symptoms associated with consumption of contaminated foods (Duggan, Walker and Watkins 179). Food poisoning entails eating contaminated foods as a end point of poisons, or disease causing micro-organisms. On the other hand, nutrient related diseases are diseases that moment from deficiency of some nutrients in the diet or over-consumption of some nutrients.According to Berdainer, Dwyer and Feldman, safe food is the study concern of all living things as well as food industry. Safe food passs vastly towards protecting living things from foodborne illness. Additionally, observance of food safety contributes immensely towards reducing the rat e of immortality as a result of consumption of contaminated foods. Safe food also entails taking in good diet. In tandem to this, consumption of safe food lowers the cases of nutrient related diseases. Food befoulment is among the key elements that contribute to health problems. In most occasions, it is caused by the presence of unwanted micro-organisms, chemicals and physical elements in food. Food contamination is very crucial because it leads to occurrence of food borne illness. For instance, it is through consumption of bacteria as a result of food contamination that one develops gastrointestinal problems. Food contaminants have also the potential to cause goal if not controlled in time. For instance, it is evident that typhoid leads to death if not treated effectively. Food additives are ingredients added to the produced food in order to increase its shelf life, enhance its flavor or change its physical appearance. condescension their contribution to successive maintenance o f the quality of food, it is evident that they also cause some problems to people who are

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

How information gives competitive advantages Assignment

How information gives competitive advantages - Assignment ExampleIt further provides tools that assist companies to apply the poetic rhythm and analytical elements to their information sources and this enables them to recognize the chances for growth and identify ways they can enhance practicable efficiency.The cardinal main forms of information systems, which are developed and diligent for general usage, include financial, operational and strategic systems where these classifications do not have mutual exclusivity as they constantly intertwine. Financial and operational systems, which are meticulously designed, may develop to become the strategic systems associated with specific organizations.Financial systems can be considered as simple computerizations of processes that impact accounts, budgets and finance in a union (Hopper 27). They are alike and universal in all firms, as computers have demonstrated to be perfect for mechanizing and controlling or financial systems, like personnel operations since head-counting controls and workforce of an organization are significant to financial concerns. Financial systems are supposed to be employed among the bases for the rest of the systems as they provide a universal and controlled assessment of all the operations and projects and have the great power to supply dependable numbers that indicate departmental success. Planning across the company must be linked to financial analysis and there are always greater opportunities in the development of strategic systems when financial systems exist as the needed figured can easily be retrieved.On the different hand, operational systems, which are also considered as service systems, assist in controlling the details associated with the company and these systems are different based on the nature of the enterprise. Typically, they are computer systems needed by operational managers to assist in running of the business based on routing. They are ordinary systems that are blue-chip in keeping track of inventory among other functions as

Monday, May 13, 2019

Life in Prison Walls Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Life in Prison Walls - Term Paper ExampleIn night club to understand the harsh life of a prisoner one only has to visit the tent urban center prison in Arizona, run by the sheriff Joe Arapaio. This is one of the harshest prisons in the United States, where 2000 prisoners atomic number 18 held in a permanent canvas compound with a high fence in 130 degree C temperature. All the prison inmates, be they men, women or children are made to clean the city streets, bound in chain gangs and the inadequate meals they get, costs less than 10p per head. Arapaios reasons for making the prisoners work in the city are to put them up as potential deterrents for the population.Ideally the goal of a prison sentence is to build the prisoner pay off his debts to society, which he owes it, due to his unruly behavior, and make him fit to enter society once again. But, like all ideals, this too is far removed from reality. Behind the prison walls, there is a systematic psychological attack on the mi nd of the punished, whereas they in fact are a throngin need of help.(Pager)Lawrence Bobo, goes so far as to say that the prison represents a normalization of a remarkable set of social conditions. Life in the confines of a prison robs a soul of his self-worth and leaves him vulnerable to attacks on his already dulled psyche. Erwin James, who served 20 years in a prison in the United Kingdom says that the humiliation suffered during trail is enough to make a person feel felonious for life and the further humiliation suffered in prison is wholly unnecessary.Most people feel that our prison systems are not helping much in stopping the escalating crime wave in our countries because something is radically wrong with the system. To serious criminals, the punishment meted out to them would be quite trivial, whereas for the other criminals it would be a nightmarish experience. Small crimes could get off with a fine, but bigger crimes are

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Natural Selection Concept Redesign Research Paper

Natural option Concept Redesign - Research Paper ExampleModeling that involves students hands-on involvement can service them better understand the actual biological processes. These activities require minimum expenses at a considerably affordable cost (Pugesek, 2003).Other teaching resources included in this concept comprise games, crowd discussion activities, activities found on the web and general ideas of fundamental biological areas, for example, common delusions, major theories, and recommended learning activities. These activities pass on rear learning and remembrance. The only bias will arise in believing that all members of e.g. a group discussion are at per. The level of students commitment in each of the learning method will determine its success (Pugesek, 2003).Roselli (2011), describes six activities that can be used by instructors to enrich their teaching and appreciation of introductory biology lessons. For undergraduate students, these systematic activities sh ould begin with an introduction to indispensable selection (Roselli, 2011). It should encompass what natural selection is in simple terms and how it takes place. Discuss in details the sexual selection and molecular evolution as the second and third activities respectively. The fourth topic should entail the evolution of compound traits followed by a fifth topic on the evolution of behavior. By doing this, students will have a luck to perceive how natural selection works in different perspectives (Roselli, 2011).Testing involving pre- and post-instruction showed a substantial ontogeny in students perception of natural selection after these learning successions were completed. Continuous testing through the unit proved a continual rise in student understanding. Assessments showed students relished the activities (Roselli, 2011). Nevertheless, the method does not incorporate hands-on involvement of the students in activities such as group discussions.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

The audit of not-for-profit organization-AuditingAssigment Essay

The audit of not-for- put on organization- inspectingAssigment - Essay Example62). It involves high level of testing and application of audit procedures which results in high level of assurance, providing reasonable assurance on financial statements that financial statements argon true and ordinary in all material aspects. However Assurance Engagement is expensive, so companies which argon exempt from statuary audit may go for a Review Engagement. The objective of a review engagement is to alter an auditor to state whether, on the basis of procedures which do not provide all the evidence that would need in an Assurance Engagement, anything has come to the auditors attention that causes the auditor to believe that the financial statements are not prepared, in all material respect, in accordance with an identified financial reporting role model (Puttick, Van Esch, & Kana 2007 p. 73). As it is less expensive so it involves application of less detailed audit procedures than an Audit a nd provides moderate level of assurance which is expressed in the form of negative assurance. The review engagement is hence, fit for small NFPs to ensure the donators and volunteers of their fairness of operations and activities to achieve the goals of the organization. Non-Profit Organizations There are many forms of business organizations and non-profit organizations are one of the sorts which are increasingly gaining attention by authorities. Non-profit organizations include charities, local government bodies like councils and former(a) government funded bodies like housing associations. Broadly speaking, NFPs include bodies whose aim is to provide some educational, health or new(prenominal) social service with an intention to aid the society rather than generating wealth or profits of the organization (Wood & Powell, 1989). Charity is of the most common forms in not for profit organizations. The major differences between a company and a charity when it comes to auditing invo lve the presentation criterion which differs for both. Charities are normally evaluate exempt hence auditing changes for the charities. Auditing scope and method changes greatly as charities rely on cash donations and grants for the uniform operations of the organization (Becker & Terrano 2007, pp. 1-5). However, larger NFPs and charities must have good internal control system to test the controls reliable for the audit purposes reducing the overall work requirements for the audit engagement. Objectives of Non-profit Organizations Non profit organizations are either world sector organizations or other organizations whose primary purpose is to benefit the public rather than generating profits, which differentiate them to profit organizations whose main objective, is to maximize share holders wealth. Not just they differ from commercial organization non-profit organizations differ from other non-profit organization for example Local councils and public services organizations objec tive is to provide local services to a budget based on public money which is likely to be based on honour for money. While clubs, associations and unions objective would be of furtherance of the aims of club and to provide services to members which may include managing subscriptions paid and