Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Elements Of Leadership Styles II Example
Elements Of Leadership Styles II Example Elements Of Leadership Styles II – Coursework Example ELEMENTS OF LEADERSHIP STYLES II Two major leadership styles have become areas of focus for the past weeks and these are servant leadership and situational leadership. The study has somewhat had servant leadership as the experimental leadership style with which the situation leadership style was compared to. Under the servant leadership style, it was realized that servant leaders would generally have well structured prices, values and beliefs with which they offer service to their subordinates (Hussey and Hussey, 2007). Invariably, servant leaders see themselves as chief servants and as part of the work force (Gray-Toft and Anderson, 2008). To this end, they seek the interest of the larger group and incorporate themselves into the task of achieving the goals of the group. On the other hand, situation leaders encompass themselves with four (4) major routes to achieving organizational or group goals. These routes are telling, selling, participating and delegating (Saunders et al, 2003) . To this end, it can be seen that whereas servant leaders always stick to a particular principle and value, situational leaders change with changing times (Johnson, 2012). With the selected organization as a case study; and with comparison with the two styles of leadership, it would be said that the best leadership style that would fit the immediate needs of the organization is the servant leadership style. The reason behind this choice is that the organization seems to be experiencing some organizational challenges that has emanated from how leadership has been conducted over the years. Over the years, there are some employees who feel that leaders have been over authoritative and have been selective with the choices. When servant leadership is thus employed, employees are going to see their leaders as part of them and they are going to have a better appreciation of their leaders and the way and manner in which they carry their leadership (Johnson, 2012). REFERENCE LISTGray-Toft, P. and Anderson, J.G. (2008). Stress among hospital nursing staff: its causes and effects. Social Science & Medicine 14: 639-647.Hussey, J. and Hussey, R. (2007). Business Research: A Practical Guide for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students. Basingstoke: Macmillan Business.Johnson R, (2012). 5 Different Styles of Leadership Styles. Accessed September 20, 2012 from, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2003).Research Methods for Business Students. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Differing Points of View Towards Pollution
Differing Points of View Towards Pollution Free Online Research Papers Differing Points of View Towards Pollution There are two main points of view on pollution; that of the environmentalists and that of industry and big business. Basically, the environmentalists want all forms of pollution greatly reduced or eliminated. At the same time, industry and big business say it is too expensive to cut down on pollution. The Kyoto Accord is intended as a way for both sides to have some middle-ground. Countries around the world are signing on to Kyoto, with the exception of the United States, which says it’s too expensive. The environmentalists take great exception to businesses and governments who will not spend money to reduce pollution and attempt to save this planet. They believe that all major forms of pollution should be reduced or eliminated no matter the cost. They are lobbying governments all over the world to step in and impose regulations on businesses in which they are forced by law to reduce the amount of pollution they produce. Some governments are trying to listen to the environmentalists without completely ignoring the businesses that essentially run the economy. This is how the Kyoto Accord came into being. The Kyoto Accord is basically a set of guidelines that are aimed at reducing major forms of pollution, such as greenhouse gasses, that every country which signs must abide by. Since the conditions of the Kyoto Accord are costly to both business and government, some of the more capitalist countries such as the United States have not signed the Accord. Although other, less capitalist, countries have taken even farther steps than are required by Kyoto. One such country is the United Kingdom. â€Å"Helen Woolston, head of environment at EEF, the manufacturers’ organization, said the new caps would double the existing Kyoto target of a 12.5% cut which affects six gasses.†(Gow) Although they know the increased cost of exceeding Kyoto’s guidelines, they are doing it anyway. The energy industry in Britain is against the government’s decision to exceed Kyoto’s guidelines. It claims that the government is going too far in its efforts to reduce pollution and it’s costing too much money. â€Å"Jeremy Nicholson said: ‘These proposals are counter-productive – they will simply drive industry offshore and raise global emissions†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ †(Harrison) At this time in history, with our complete reliability on fossil fuels, our economy is run in such a way that causes severe damage to the natural environment. We see in many places, such as the Untied States, where big business and money is far more important than the environment, that environmental regulations are not as strict as they are in most other countries around the world. In the United States, and other similar countries, where business and money is more important than anything else, what is said to the government by business executives and other such rich people is what gets done. So this means the environmentalists, and other â€Å"little people†are rarely listened to. Since the environmentalists are not being taken seriously everywhere, pollution is still a major problem. It is a problem that has no economically easy solution. The Kyoto Accord is the first step to save the environment, but it will be a very long time before it has a major impact on the environment because of countries, namely the United States, which will not sign the Accord. Research Papers on Differing Points of View Towards PollutionThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationDefinition of Export QuotasRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NicePETSTEL analysis of IndiaGenetic EngineeringAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeTwilight of the UAWBringing Democracy to AfricaMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New Employees
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Analysis of the book Night by Elie Wiesel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analysis of the book Night by Elie Wiesel - Essay Example Elie Wiesel is one such survivor, whose post-liberation life would be filled with mental anguish. In his seminal book Night, first published in Yiddish in 1955 and later appeared in English in 1960 we evidence how his faith in God as well as faith in humanity is challenged by the grave circumstances faced in German ethnic cleansing operations. The following passages will analyze how Wiesel’s faith in God and humanity is shaken to the core in the face of compelling circumstances and consequences. In a poignant passage in the poetically assembled book, Wiesel notes how, at one point during the life in the ghetto, taking care of his ailing father becomes burdensome. Already weakened by severe malnutrition and mental disorientation, his mind loses perspective and emotional connection with his father. He simply does not have the resources of empathy and solidarity to be able to care for another human. It makes him lament the forceful encampment that was the beginning of the great long ordeal: â€Å"Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God Himself. Never.†In a tragic turn of events, his father would be beaten to death by German guards, just two weeks before American army liberated his camp. Wiesel could hear the final shrieks of pain from his father from his slot in the upper deck. But he could not venture a thought or an action to mitigate his suffering. Even sacrificing his own life for his once beloved father was beyond him. This is a key passage in Night, for it reveals how the Holocaust had stripped the humanity of the victims as well. The â€Å"loss of humanity†with respect to the Holocaust, is thus, equally witnessed in the perpetrators and the victims of the great crime. Hence, much in contradiction to preaching in the covenant, Wiesel fails to take care of fellows of his community, most notably his father. But Wiesel’s is not the universal case, for there are those exceptional individuals who could must spiritual and physical resources to offer themselves in service to other weaker members of the ghetto. This d ifference in behavior is not a consequence of moral convictions or volitional choices of the ghetto inmates. Rather, they just showcase the manifest act of God through the lives of the faithful. The following passage highlights how the inmates of the ghetto encouraged each other during grave times: â€Å"There's a long road of suffering ahead of you. But don't lose courage. You've already escaped the gravest danger: selection. So now, muster your strength, and don't lose heart. We shall all see the day of liberation. Have faith in life. Above all else, have faith. Drive out despair, and you will keep death away from yourselves. Hell is not for eternity. And now, a prayer - or rather, a piece of advice: let there be comradeship among you. We are all brothers, and we are all suffering the same fate. The same smoke floats over all our heads. Help one another. It is the only way to survive.† (Wiesel, 1960) Elie Wiesel’s was brought up in an orthodox Jewish community tha t gave emphasis to religious observance and faithful understanding of the scriptures. This pre-eminence to God and belief in His benign will would be challenged to the core as Wiesel and other Jews are pushed ever further into the systematized abyss. But, instead of abandoning his faith completely, Wiesel gets new illuminations into his faith. In many ways, the experiences in the ghetto
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Analysis and Application of Traditional Governance Models Essay
Analysis and Application of Traditional Governance Models - Essay Example Not only in US , in all the other parts of the world, higher education institutions are complex organizations which have tremendous impact on the society. â€Å"Growing demand among learners for improved accessibility and convenience, lower costs, and direct application of content to work settings is radically changing the environment for higher education in the United States and globallyThe demand for higher education is increasing globally. (Sloan-C ) They are in search of convenient, cost effective and quality higher education in this rapid changing environment. In the case of Doctors, only an MBBS qualification is not sufficient enough for getting a good job. Along with MBBS, they need higher qualifications like MD, MS etc. to get good jobs. But such courses are not common everywhere and also the number of seats limited for such higher courses. The world economy is directly linked with knowledge. New organizations are emerging to cater the need of the higher education. Organizational changes and new developments are accelerating advances in learning technologies. Growing demand for learning combined with these technical advances challenges the traditional principles of old universities and institutions. New organizations compete directly with traditional universities. Traditional universities are changing their methodologies and curriculum to cater the demands of the modern world. The universities also divided into different segments like Public University, Open University, Self financing University, Science and Technology University, Agriculture University, Vocational University etc. Some of them functions under the government while others under private sector. Higher educational organizations are different in many ways from other organizations. Conventional management theories may not work with such institutions. The structure, objectives, accountability, all will
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Aldous Huxley Essay Example for Free
Aldous Huxley Essay Aldous Huxley captures the effect of the application of scientific methods to procedures in the modern American society to a more substantial degree than ever, recognized by readers of his novel, Brave New World. This portrays a world centered around scientific progress and control. Huxley brings to light the extremity of influence given to Americans by revolutionary science. In an effort to forever improve, society has conformed to many ways of fixing imperfections. From surgeries and medications for honest sicklings to injections for greedy, pretentious abusers, people as a whole have transformed from the good ole days to the fast-paced, materialistic world. While discoveries in science are often for the benefit of society, is it possible that these newfound treasures are actually a preface for rot and ruin? Since most little girls could remember, the only way it seemed plausible to become successful was by living in the body of Cinderella or Barbie or Miss America. As they began to mature, nothing changed. The image remained as a beautiful bag of bones when media and celebrities were constantly thrown in their face. In the past, if they didn’t have â€Å"the look†, they were left hopeless and self-conscious. Thankfully, some idiot decided they would abuse the power of nature and science by providing these girls with an answer to their prayers. Plastic Surgery! What they didn’t account for was the impact. Now, not only were the glamorous allowed to have the image, everyone was-again, reducing the confidence in the female population and encouraging a new friend, bullying. Moreover, it is affecting the mental health of children in this conceited society. Surveys and recent research show that â€Å" Teens view plastic surgery as a way to fit in and look acceptable to friends and peers†(Plastic Surgery). How is it that society has allowed this damage to take place? The original intentions of these different types of surgeries were honest. Science isn’t the one to be held responsible, rather the insecurities of certain
Friday, November 15, 2019
Business Analysis of Comcast Corporation Essay -- Comcast Business Mar
Business Analysis of Comcast Corporation Comcast Corporation, based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the largest cable company in the United States. Comcast develops broadband cable networks and are involved in electronic retailing and television programming content. Comcast was founded in 1963 by Ralph J. Roberts, Daniel Aaron, and Julian A. Brodsky in Tupelo, Mississippi. Entrepreneurs who transformed Comcast from a small cable company to a massive corporation that employs over 68,000 people. Of course, with mergers as well as buying other companies, they were taking a great risk. Their risk taking has been a proven success. The company was incorporated in Pennsylvania in 1969 under the name Comcast Corporation from American Cable Systems. Over the next 30 years, Comcast grows to become the well-known company it is today. Moving into the area of programming content, Comcast became majority owner of Comcast-Spectacor, Comcast SportsNet (In Chicago, Philadelphia, and Washington/Baltimore area), and E! Entertainment Television and Style Network, G4, The Golf Channel and the Outdoor Life Network over a period of years. The UK division was sold to NTL (National Transcommunications Limited) in 1998, a European cable/cellular company. After the sale of their cellular division to SBC Communications of San Antonio and the acquisition of Greater Philadelphia Cablevision in 1999, Comcast and MediaOne announced a $60 billion merger, which occurred three years later. In 2001, Comcast announced they would acquire the assets of AT&T Broadband (AT&T’s cable TV service). In 2002 Comcast acquired all assets of AT&T Broadband, thus making Comcast the largest cable television company in the United States. In 2002, Comcast paid the University of Maryland an undisclosed amount for naming rights to the new basketball arena built on the campus, named Comcast Center. In staying competitive with other companies, Comcast has always tried to have the advantage by offering the latest technology. In 2001, Comcast launched HDTV (High Definition Television). HDTV is a form that provides crystal-clear quality wide-screen pictures with compact disc-quality surround sound. The aspect ratio of HDTV pictures is 16:9 as opposed to today’s 4:3 format. Comcast also launched Video-On-Demand service (VOD) in 2001. VOD, which is now simply called On Demand, allows one to play news, TV progra... ...t losses of affiliates (22) (27) (88) (60) Other income 312 11 394 71 74 (132) (1,098) (2,091) Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations before Income Taxes and Minority Interest 785 610 1,810 (137) Income tax (expense) benefit (360) (215) (826) 16 Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations Before Minority Interest 425 395 984 (121) Minority interest (2) (12) (14) (97) Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations 423 383 970 (218) Income from discontinued operations, net of tax (1) - - - 168 Gain on discontinued operations, net of tax (1) - - - 3,290 Net Income $423 $383 $970 $3,240 Diluted earnings (loss) per common share Income (loss) from continuing operations $0.19 $0.17 $0.43 ($0.10) Income from discontinued operations - - - 0.08 Gain on discontinued operations - - - 1.46 Net Income per common share $0.19 $0.17 $0.43 $1.44 Diluted weighted average number of common shares outstanding 2,228 2,269 2,250 2,256 1) On September 17, 2003, the Company completed the sale of its approximate 57% interest in QVC, Inc. Accordingly, the results of QVC are presented as discontinued operations. REFERENCE Comcast Website – Business Analysis of Comcast Corporation Essay -- Comcast Business Mar Business Analysis of Comcast Corporation Comcast Corporation, based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the largest cable company in the United States. Comcast develops broadband cable networks and are involved in electronic retailing and television programming content. Comcast was founded in 1963 by Ralph J. Roberts, Daniel Aaron, and Julian A. Brodsky in Tupelo, Mississippi. Entrepreneurs who transformed Comcast from a small cable company to a massive corporation that employs over 68,000 people. Of course, with mergers as well as buying other companies, they were taking a great risk. Their risk taking has been a proven success. The company was incorporated in Pennsylvania in 1969 under the name Comcast Corporation from American Cable Systems. Over the next 30 years, Comcast grows to become the well-known company it is today. Moving into the area of programming content, Comcast became majority owner of Comcast-Spectacor, Comcast SportsNet (In Chicago, Philadelphia, and Washington/Baltimore area), and E! Entertainment Television and Style Network, G4, The Golf Channel and the Outdoor Life Network over a period of years. The UK division was sold to NTL (National Transcommunications Limited) in 1998, a European cable/cellular company. After the sale of their cellular division to SBC Communications of San Antonio and the acquisition of Greater Philadelphia Cablevision in 1999, Comcast and MediaOne announced a $60 billion merger, which occurred three years later. In 2001, Comcast announced they would acquire the assets of AT&T Broadband (AT&T’s cable TV service). In 2002 Comcast acquired all assets of AT&T Broadband, thus making Comcast the largest cable television company in the United States. In 2002, Comcast paid the University of Maryland an undisclosed amount for naming rights to the new basketball arena built on the campus, named Comcast Center. In staying competitive with other companies, Comcast has always tried to have the advantage by offering the latest technology. In 2001, Comcast launched HDTV (High Definition Television). HDTV is a form that provides crystal-clear quality wide-screen pictures with compact disc-quality surround sound. The aspect ratio of HDTV pictures is 16:9 as opposed to today’s 4:3 format. Comcast also launched Video-On-Demand service (VOD) in 2001. VOD, which is now simply called On Demand, allows one to play news, TV progra... ...t losses of affiliates (22) (27) (88) (60) Other income 312 11 394 71 74 (132) (1,098) (2,091) Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations before Income Taxes and Minority Interest 785 610 1,810 (137) Income tax (expense) benefit (360) (215) (826) 16 Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations Before Minority Interest 425 395 984 (121) Minority interest (2) (12) (14) (97) Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations 423 383 970 (218) Income from discontinued operations, net of tax (1) - - - 168 Gain on discontinued operations, net of tax (1) - - - 3,290 Net Income $423 $383 $970 $3,240 Diluted earnings (loss) per common share Income (loss) from continuing operations $0.19 $0.17 $0.43 ($0.10) Income from discontinued operations - - - 0.08 Gain on discontinued operations - - - 1.46 Net Income per common share $0.19 $0.17 $0.43 $1.44 Diluted weighted average number of common shares outstanding 2,228 2,269 2,250 2,256 1) On September 17, 2003, the Company completed the sale of its approximate 57% interest in QVC, Inc. Accordingly, the results of QVC are presented as discontinued operations. REFERENCE Comcast Website –
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Age Of Technology Essay
We are certainly in the age of technology, but with all technology that is available, where does the line of privacy lie? More and more technical gadgets are being tested and manufactured for the convenience of individuals to enjoy them in the privacy of their own homes. Also, any business or public place you visit with most likely be ran by the aid of some sort of technical gadget. Society has become so used to this, no one really questions when personal information is asked to be shared to a complete stranger and typed or scanned into a piece of technology. Who knows where all of this information is going? With emails, cell phones, and google, it’s virtually impossible NOT to get someone’s personal information. Emails are something that’s getting sent on a daily basis all day every day. With having to set up email accounts, which ask for your social security numbers are basically your fingerprint, is an open door for people to find out any information they want to about you. Typically, some companies use company email addresses for memos that need to get to employees or company executives or any personal emails that need to be shared. With company emails come company email policies that will explain why the emails were provided and what is not acceptable content to pass through email. In the Michael A. Smyth v. The Pillsbury Company case, Mr. Smith and another employee were terminated for exchanging emails that made threats to sales managers and made rude comments about certain company events. Mr. Smith sued the Pillsbury Company for violating public policy by committing a tort known as â€Å"invasion of privacy†. In the policy, Pillsbury stated that all employee emails were going to remain confidential and privileged including plaintiff. On these grounds, Smith thought he had a case against the Pillsbury Company, but as the defendant (Pillsbury) pointed out, the company wants to keep their employees safe so the frequent email checks to ensure that nothing illegal or disrespectful is being sent to any member of the company employees that utilize the email provided by the company. To Pillsbury this was a liable enough reason and invasion of privacy was not relevant. To me, this goes along with other popular gadgets and social networks such as smartphones, Facebook, and Google. All of these are intertwined because they all are things that society virtually live off of but it can give you the birth place of any human being if you just knew a few simple things. With Smartphones you can surf the web, sign your phone onto any email account (where your social security number is ALWAYS need), and satellite waves called Wi-Fi or Wireless Local Area Network. Wi-Fi can pick up anyone’s smartphone and or computer and can receive the carrier’s information like telephone numbers or even where this individual lives! This could probably be a disadvantage or an advantage depending on the situation. If I was lost, say for instance, if I used a smartphone, my actions could be traced and I could possibly be found. On the other hand, if I was trying to stay away from someone, they could use Wi-Fi or internet to track me and see where my last location was. With Google and Facebook these are things I feel are inevitable. If you have ever paid a bill online, signed up for anything, or searched for something via web, your personal information is already out there for the grabbing! Billions and billions people use Google and Facebook on a daily basis. If you have signed up for facebook and you have conceived a Facebook page, you can be googled! The USA Patriot Act that stands for, Uniting (and) Strengthening America (by) Providing Appropriate Tools Required (to) Intercept (and) Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001. This Act was enforced and signed by President Bush after the September 11th disaster. A four year extension of the Act was also signed via autopen by President Obama which gave protection to government officials when roving wiretaps, business records, and other personal information that could possibly help government relations in the long run. I personally agree with the law. We are in the world of electronics and technology. Everything we own, every business we run or visit, and every website we search is tracking us. If a serial Facebook rapist was out to get me, by him sending me an inbox message on Facebook or even being my friend on Facebook, he could easily be tracked down through those just seemingly small thing. There are other things like that could help you finish the missing piece of your family tree. Even though privacy is a big part of being an individual, you have to be mindful of the things you do when it comes to the internet and technology. There are certain ways for you to maintain individual privacy such as not putting your phone on speaker or using headphones when you listen to music. The law doesn’t prohibit the right to conversation but when the conversation is done through texting, if it gets leaked, who’s at fault? It’s your right to have a cell phone but is it the other person you text their right to repeat it? When the send button was pressed you gave up your right to the confidentiality of that conversation. So to me, it’s just life. I try to keep what I can to myself but once I cross that line of â€Å"internet service†I give up a little piece of privacy with every search, download, or sign up.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Pretax accounting income Essay
On January 1, 2010, Ameen Company purchased a building for $36 million. Ameen uses straight-line depreciation for financial statement reporting and MACRS for income tax reporting. At December 31, 2012, the carrying value of the building was $30 million and its tax basis was $20 million. At December 31, 2013, the carrying value of the building was $28 million and its tax basis was $13 million. There were no other temporary differences and no permanent differences. Pretax accounting income for 2013 was $45 million.On January 1, 2010, Ameen Company purchased a building for $36 million. Ameen uses straight-line depreciation for financial statement reporting and MACRS for income tax reporting. At December 31, 2012, the carrying value of the building was $30 million and its tax basis was $20 million. At December 31, 2013, the carrying value of the building was $28 million and its tax basis was $13 million. There were no other temporary differences and no permanent differences. Pretax accounting income for 2013 was $45 million.On January 1, 2010, Ameen Company purchased a building for $36 million. Ameen uses straight-line depreciation for financial statement reporting and MACRS for income tax reporting. At December 31, 2012, the carrying value of the building was $30 million and its tax basis was $20 million. At December 31, 2013, the carrying value of the building was $28 million and its tax basis was $13 million. There were no other temporary differences and no permanent differences. Pretax accounting income for 2013 was $45 million. On January 1, 2010, Ameen Company purchased a building for $36 million. Ameen uses straight-line depreciation for financial statement reporting and MACRS for income tax reporting. At December 31, 2012, the carrying value of the building was $30 million and its tax basis was $20 million. At December 31, 2013, the carrying value of the building was $28 million and its tax basis was $13 million. There were no other temporary differences and no permanent differences. Pretax accounting income for 2013 was $45 million.On January 1, 2010, Ameen Company purchased a building for $36 million. Ameen uses straight-line depreciation for financial statement reporting and MACRS for income tax reporting. At December 31, 2012, the carrying value of the building was $30 million and its tax basis was $20 million. At December 31,
Friday, November 8, 2019
buy custom Hospitality Law essay
buy custom Hospitality Law essay Non -Compete Provisions / Restrictive Covenants: a) What are they? Restrictive covenants or Non-Compete Provisions are said to be obligations where employers often incorporate post-termination obligations into an employees contract of employment hence an employee agrees not to do certain things after he or she leaves the company. They usually designed to protect and safeguard the employers business and are usually enforceable only to protect unfair competitive use of both customer contacts and trade secrets. b) Are they used in hospitality industry? The hotel industry is largely engaging itself in Protective Trade Secrets through Non-Competition Agreements thus with the rising occupancy and room rates that are cropping a turnaround in the hospitality industry, it is thus regarded that all the relevant time share organizations are duly placing an increased emphasis on keeping and attracting the best employees. But it is also good to know in a wide view what really happens when your best employee who the organization has fully invested heavily in and entrusted with the organizations best kept trade secrets, makes a decision to abandon the organization and join the completion. For instance in a recognized case from the mid 1990s, Radisson came up with an action against Westin and its chief executive officer, whereby the morals of the case was very clear in that an individual or an organization may be able to get an award of damages for valuable trade secrets that are actually lost or disclosed to an immediate competitor. It is therefore better to protect the trade secrets ahead by avoiding your employees from engaging into enforceable non-competition agreements because this might bring about the meaning of the difference between keeping, or sharing, your trade secrets and holding onto that very amazing and star employee in regard to the hospitality industry. c) What other industries are they utilized? Restrictive covenants are widely used in most sectors with regard to the safeguarding of the most trusted business secrets and information.. Moreover currently with many of the people changing jobs frequently, an employers very need to protect its important information is very vital and secure. Thus For instance, physicians are still trying to maintain successfully that restricting employment beyond 20 or 30 miles approximately from the employers place of business which is necessary to protect the physician business interests. Similarly the restrictive covenants are widely used in consultancy services of different fields, this can be noted greatly in the case of in Pathfinder, LLC v. Luck, whereby the employer provided consulting services to a chemical industry. Again they are largely used in manufacturing industries to safeguard the same from their manufacturing interests and hence control their businesses more better with their competitors out of hand, that is with no relevant information about them. d) Legal cases that demonstrate the meaning and significance of the provisions/covenants. Case one: Sherman v. Pfefferkorn The issue it was noted that during the course of his duties, the deliveryman acquired valuable information regarding customers' names and addresses and upon his termination, used all this information to compete with his former employer. Applicable rule: frankly speaking, a specific restriction in a non-compete agreement that stops a former employee from competing or working for a competitor thus this may be deemed reasonable and enforceable. Analysis: thus if the restrictions in the said covenant not to compete are unenforceable because they are more than overbroad, then the court will look deeply at the covenant to make the restrictions more than narrow thus making the covenant enforceable. Conclusion: Hence the court noted that "contracts restraining freedom of employment can be enforced only when they are reasonable and not wider than is necessary for the protection to which the employer is entitled and when not injurious to the public interest, thus the court enforced the agreement. Case two: Wells v. Wells The issue: this case here illustrates the most important distinction between buyer-seller and employer-employee non-competition agreements. The central issue in the case involved the reasonableness of the limitation on competition in Fall River and New Bedford. Applicable rule: holistically a geographical restriction in a restrictive covenant that safeguards an ex-employee from working for a competitor in a specific area or single location or the same is deemed or said to be reasonable, thus moreover those that restrict her from competing or engaging in this activities in a wider area or anywhere else unreasonable and unenforceable. Analysis: thus it is always important to largely ensure that the geographical limits are deemed reasonable in the consideration of the market or client served by the employee, or hence the specific covenants become unenforceable. Conclusion: hence the court duly upheld that the enforcement of the non-competition agreement, explaining that the good will interest a paty could protect was more expansive in the buyer-seller setting, hence unenforceable. Case three: Alexander Alexander, Inc. v. Danahy Issue: The non-competition covenants issue in this case arises out of an arrangement that had aspects of both a sale of a business and a contract of employment. Applicable rule: strategically the specific will to a change in the due terms and conditions of employment provide sufficient consideration to support a covenant not to compete entered into after the employment relationship has begun. Analysis: there should be no difficulty in concluding that the restrictions should apply the standards applicable to covenants that arise out of the sale of a business, hence every vital information should be looked at importantly for this to be deemed reasonable. Conclusion: The court henceforth concluded that all the restrictive covenants were generally a very important and integral part of the said agreement for the sale of the business. Part two: Trademark Law A Trademark is simply a brand identifier in form of a word, name, symbol, phrase or their combination utilized or meant to be used commercially to distinguish a particular manufacturers products from anothers and to show the source of the products. In some circumstances a trademark protection may stretch beyond mere words or letters to encompass broader aspects such as a products color or its packaging. Trademark rights give the owner a legal ownership and exclusive rights to utilize the mark for commercial purposes. For a trademark to be registered it must be very distinctive. By distinctive the law stipulates that a trademark must have the ability to clearly identify the source of a particular product it is being used on. The sole purpose of trademarks apart from giving manufacturers a reason to invest in quality products is that they make it obvious to the consumers the product identity and source. Trademark laws regulate the proper use of trademarks by giving a producer the rights to commercialize the mark nationwide for a given period of time, file an infringement suit in a federal court and recover damages, trade fees and other remedies in the event of a breach of that trademark. After a trademark qualifies for protection, the rights to the trademark can be gained either by being the first to commercialize the mark or being the first to file a registration with the U.S Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The most important aspect they consider before application is the depiction of a particular trademark. The applicant is first required to include a very clear presentation of the trademark in question and the precise products to which the mark will be used. A search on the USPTO database is then conducted to check for any similar existing mark before the applicant specifies the basis for the filing. The applicant may then continue to file their trademark application online through Trademark electronic application system (TEAS). The filing fee for any application is based on the number of marks applied for, the number of classes of goods in the application and the version of the filing form being used with the filing fee of the TEAS plus version of the form being $275 per a class of listed goods/services and the regular TEAS form being $325 per a class of listed goods/services. Ritz Hotel Limited vs. Shanghai Huangpu Lichi Leisure and Fitness Co. Ltd. On April 7, 2008, the Shanghais Intermediate Peoples Court heard a case of Ritz Hotel, Limited v. Shanghai Huangpu Lichi Leisure and Fitness Co. Ltd. regarding trademark infringement issues. Issue: The plaintiff, RITZ-CARLTON HOTEL COMPANY, L.L.C contends the use of the defendants, Shanghai Huangpu Lichi Leisure and Fitness Co mark RITS which in their view is similar to their already registered trademark RITZ with the two being players in the same service industry. Rule of law: Rule Statement The similarity between two Trademarks is determined in accordance with Article 9, Paragraph 2 of the Supreme Peoples Courts Decree. When compared, a plaintiffs mark is found to be similar to that of a defendants if the design, pronunciation, combination of colors, composition, connotation or the overall appearance of the elements combined causes confusion to the consumers as to the source of the goods or services or infers a means of connection between the two. Application of the law to the case facts In the case at hand, the RITZ is compared with RITS. They both consist of four identical letters except for the fourth letter; both have a similar appearance in block letters and they share a very close pronunciation. The defendant mark, RITS appears to be very similar to that of the plaintiffs RITZ trademark with a very high likelihood of causing confusion among the consumers as to the particular legitimate service provider. Conclusion The court decided that plaintiff has the legally exclusive right to the RITZ trademark since according to the Trademark Laws that right was the first to be approved and registered for the commercialization of their service. In absence of the permisssion from the registrant, it constitutes a trademark infringement upon a registered trademark to similarly use it on identical goods/service. Part 3: Protecting Recipes / Trade Secrets / Trade Dress a). Can recipes be legally protected from being copied? All the written form of recipes can be legally protected from being copied by use of copyright law, hence these can only be done once they are recorded in some manner or way, and for instance, they can be recorded on tape or else written down. b) Trade secrets and how they can be protected: information, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, methods, technique, or process, that: (i) derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use, and (ii) is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy.(according to Uniform Trade Secrets Act (UTSA).Significantly trade secret protection is based mainly on a confidential relationship which would not harm the employer and his business interests. c) Trade dress and how they can be protected: Generally Trade dress can be referred to as the total overall look and feel of any product or service, thus it incorporates any element or feature that may show the origin of the service or product. Hence to be protected, trade dress must be distinctive and non-functional. d) Legal Cases for each concept: Case one : Urantia Foundation v. Maaherra Issue: the underlying issue in this case was that the court had to decide extensively whether a book believed by both parties to be the words of celestial beings was copyrightable. Applicable rule: generally where an issue in hand is to be proved not to be copyrightable, then the court must take full measures to make both parties understand the materials are deemed to be protected when they represent full original work of the owner. Analysis: it is of great importance for parties to understand fully about copyright ownership, as for the foundation claiming to own the copyright and the defendant claiming that the book was not copyrightable because no human creativity was involved in creating the book. Then it is of due importance that the court will rule reasonably from the books content. Conclusion: The court held that even if the books content originated with a celestial being, there had been sufficient human selection and arrangement of material to satisfy copyright laws originality requirement. 114 F3d 955 (9th Cir 1997). Case two: MAGISTRO v. LOU INC Issue: the underlying issue in this case is that one party alleges that the other party committed a breach of contract and thus henceforth violated the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act, and also violated the trade secrets act. Applicable rule: When reviewing questions of law, an appellate court has an obligation to resolve the questions independently of the conclusion. (Douglas Cty. Sch. Dist. 0001 v. Johanns,reached by the trial court. 269 Neb. 664, 694 N.W.2d 668 (2005)). Analysis: there is absolutely no doubt that the only question to be addressed here is whether Nolan with his specific engagements breached the contracts with Magistro by using trade secrets obtained from Magistro in the operation of Nolan's restaurants. Conclusion: The trial court found no basis upon which it could rule in Magistro's favor on the issue of deceptive trade practices Case three: ANTIOCH COMPANY v. WESTERN TRIMMING CORPORATION Issue: The case illustration appeal above engages the question of whether, as a matter of law, the Antioch Company's scrapbook album configuration is fully functional and hence ineligible for trade dress protection. Applicable rule: generally What Antioch company depends mostly over , is that in order for them not to be restrained from trade dress protection for the overall incorporation and combination of functional features, the said features must be put in an arbitrary, fanciful, or distinctive way. Thus the court must rely on the articulation of the principles of trade dress protection to enable the company follow the same. Analysis: for the company to recover for trade dress infringement, then the company must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the infringing feature is thus not functional. Conclusion: thus the district court significantly and correctly concluded that Antioch's claimed trade dress was functional as a whole, and thus it was in line with the laws that protect competitive economy. Buy custom Hospitality Law essay
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Transition Questions on SAT Writing Tips and Examples
Transition Questions on SAT Writing Tips and Examples SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In writing, transitions are important because they help establish logical connections between ideas. On the SAT Writing and Languge section, questions about transitions are a major component of the test. In this article, I will thoroughly explain the types of transition questions on the SAT and provide detailed advice on how to correctly answer these questions. Importance of Transition Questions Based on our analysis, transition questions are the most common type of questions on the SAT Writing section. You can expect about 5-7 transition questions on the SAT. Therefore, in order to reach your target score, it’s essential to understand how to correctly answer SAT transition questions. What Are SAT Transition Questions? There are two major types of transition questions. The first type will ask you to select the transition word that best completes a sentence. Examples of transition words include â€Å"moreover,†â€Å"therefore,†and â€Å"nevertheless.†The other type of transition question will ask you to select the phrase or sentence that most logically connects to or follows another part of the passage. Type #1: Transitional Words Selecting the right transitional word or phrase to complete a sentence requires you to understand how different transitional words are used. For the most part, transitional word questions on the SAT cover three basic transitional relationships: addition, contrast, and causation. Addition: words like â€Å"furthermore†or â€Å"moreover†that continue or elaborate on a thought. Contrast: words like â€Å"despite†or â€Å"although†that introduce conflicting ideas. Causation: words like â€Å"since†or â€Å"because†that indicate a causal relationship. Here are some example sentences. Pay attention to how the transition words make sense in context. Addition: Making a Murderer is a riveting documentary. Also, it sheds light on the criminal justice system. Contrast: Chris is an extremely popular singer. However, his voice isn’t very good. Causation: Because the weather is warm, I’m wearing shorts today. Not every transition word falls into one of these categories, but thinking of transitions in these terms can help you correctly answer transition questions. Most of the transition word questions will ask you to connect two sentences using a transition word. Here’s a basic example of this type of question. Jeremy never studies. Also, he gets perfect grades on his exams. A. NO CHANGE B. Likewise, C. However, D. Therefore, Because you wouldn’t expect somebody who never studies to get perfect grades, we need to use a contrast word. Answer choice C is the only one that makes sense in context. Key Transition Words These are the most common transition words divided by type. Familiarize yourself with the words on this list and their corresponding transition types. Addition Contrast Causation Also However Thus Moreover On the other hand As such In fact Nonetheless Therefore Furthermore Nevertheless Consequently In addition Still As a result Similarly Instead Indeed Despite this In conclusion Meanwhile In other words Finally Next Likewise Then For example How to Approach Transition Word Questions Here's a step-by-step guide to help you correctly answer transition word questions. #1: Read Until the End of the Sentence This advice goes for all SAT Writing questions. To ensure that you properly understand the context and are able to correctly determine the right transition word to use, you need to read the entire sentence to effectively determine the relationship between the sentences. #2: Cross Out the Underlined Word Next, cross out the underlined word. Otherwise, if you don’t immediately recognize an obvious error, you may be biased in favor of the original phrasing. #3: Determine Which Word You Would Use Decide which transition word you would use to connect the sentences. You may find that exact word or a synonym in the answer choices. #4: Identify the Type of Relationship Determine whether the sentences have an addition, contrast, or causation relationship. In rare cases, they may have a different relationship. If you’re not sure, think about whether you would connect the sentences with and (addition), but (contrast), or so/because (causation). #5 Narrow Down Your Choices Once you know what you’re looking for, eliminate the choices that don’t make sense or aren’t grammatical. #6: Plug In Your Answer When you think you have selected the right answer, plug it into the original sentence to make sure the transition is logical. Follow the steps to SAT success! SAT Examples Use the steps to answer the following SAT transition word questions. First, we need to get rid of â€Å"also†and determine the relationship between the two sentences. The first sentence is talking about one benefit of greek yogurt compared to conventional yogurt. The next sentence lists another benefit of Greek yogurt; therefore, we can determine that we should use an addition transition word. â€Å"Also†is a perfect transition between these two sentences. The correct answer is A. However, let’s look at the other choices to make sure. Answer choice B could only be correct if the second sentence provided an explanation of the first. Answer choice C could only be correct if the two sentences had a causation relationship. The second sentence would have to be a result of the first sentence. Answer choice D is wrong because that transition could only be used if the second sentence provided an example of the first sentence. Let's try another SAT example of a transition word question: Again, let’s remove the transition â€Å"For instance†and determine the relationship between the two sentences. The first sentence states that advocates of organic food believe that organic is healthier, but that’s not supported by scientific evidence. The second sentence cites a review that analyzed 50 years of studies in which researchers found no evidence that organic crops were more nutritious than conventionally grown crops. The second sentence provides an example that supports the claim made in the first sentence. Therefore, we need a transition that introduces an example. Answer choice B indicates a contrast relationship and answer choices C and D indicate addition. The only answer choice that effectively introduces an example is answer choice A. Steven Depolo/Flickr Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! Type #2: Transitional Phrases and Sentences The other type of transition question asks you to select the phrase or sentence that will most logically connect to the information in the passage. These questions will normally be phrased like this: Which choice most effectively sets up the information that follows? Which choice most effectively sets up the information given at the end of the sentence? Which choice provides the most logical introduction to the sentence? Which choice most logically follows from the previous sentence? Basically, these questions are going to be asking you to select the choice that sets up information or logically follows previous sentences. Step-By-Step Approach to Transitional Phrases Questions These are general steps because the specific steps you take will be dependent on the exact question that is being asked. #1: Pay Attention to What the Question is Asking Make sure you’re answering the right question. Some questions may ask which choice sets up the information in the rest of the passage. Meanwhile, some questions may ask which choice sets up the information in the next sentence. You want to ensure that you don’t make a mistake because you misunderstood what thequestion was asking. #2: Read What’s Necessary to Answer the Question If the question asks you which choice logically follows from the previous sentence, you need to read the sentence in question and the previous sentence. If the question asks which choice sets up the information in the rest of the passage, you need to at least skim the rest of the passage before answering the question. Furthermore, it may be helpful to skip the question and come back to it after you've answered the questions on the rest of the passage. #3: Keep in Mind Types of Transitional Relationships Even though most of these questions don’t involve transitional words, it can be helpful to determine if there’s a clear contrasting, addition, or causal relationship. #4: Summarize the Information That Is Being Referenced in the Question Read and summarize the sentence or paragraph the question is asking about. For example, if the question asks which choice sets up the information that follows in the next paragraph, read the next paragraph and briefly summarize the information. Taking this step will allow you to more easily determine which answer choice sets up the information. #5: Narrow Down the Choices Eliminate answer choices that don’t logically set up the information or follow the previous sentence. The correct answer choice should make the sentences in question logically connect. $6: Plug in the Choice You Think Works Best After you’ve eliminated the choices you think are wrong, plug in the answer you’ve selected to make sure that it makes sense in context. Real SAT Examples Follow the steps I gave you to answer these SAT questions. The question is asking for the sentence that sets up the information revealed in the final two sentences of the paragraph, starting with â€Å"a 1994 survey.†After reading the final two sentences, we can determine that the information demonstrates that colleges haven’t supported the study of philosophy or shown that they care about philosophy. We need to find a sentence that logically connects to this information. Answer choice A has nothing to do with the information. There is no mention of jobs or job offers for philosophy students in those sentences. Answer choice B contradicts the information because philosophy departments were eliminated. Answer choice C has nothing to do with the information that follows. The information has nothing to do with students resisting majoring in philosophy. Answer choice D seems to be correct because it sets up the facts that a low percentage of colleges required philosophy and that 400 philosophy departments were eliminated. After plugging in answer choice D into the paragraph, everything makes sense in context. The previous sentence mentions the usefulness of philosophy, which sets up the contrast indicated by â€Å"However†in answer choice D. The rest of the sentence starting with â€Å"colleges†sets up the facts that are revealed in the following two sentences. The correct answer is D. Try one more example. The question is asking us to select the most logical introductory clause to the sentence. The correct answer should logically follow the previous sentence and connect to the rest of the sentence. The first sentence states that the food on rail lines was terrible. Because the sentence in the question is a sentence fragment (corrected in #14), you should read the following sentence,too. We need a clause that connects that bad quality of rail food with Harvey’s decision to open a restaurant to serve rail customers. The clause in the original sentence has nothing to do with the food quality or Harvey’s decision to open a restaurant. Similarly, answer choice B introduces unrelated information. Answer choice C seems to work perfectly when we plug it into the sentence. If we select answer choice D, there would be no introduction to the sentence and it would be less strongly connected to the previous sentence. The correct answer is C. Review: Key Strategies for Transition Questions Here are the important strategies to use when you encounter a transition question on the SAT. #1: Consider the Type of Transitional Relationship For all transition questions, think about how the sentences are related. Knowing the relationship between the sentences in question are key to determining how to transition between them. #2: Read the Question Carefully For questions that are written out, make sure you understand what the question is asking. Also, read enough of the passage to understand the context and answer the question. #3: Use Multiple Choice to Your Advantage For transition word questions, if two answers are synonyms, neither is correct. Eliminate obvious wrong answers. #4: Plug in the Answer You Think Is Best Check your answer by plugging in the choice you think is best. The transition should make sense in context. What's Next? Now that you've mastered a critical component of SAT Writing, make sure you know the most important grammar rules on the SAT. If you want to learn about a potentially challenging type of SAT Writing question, you should check out my article on SAT idioms. Finally, learn the secret to getting a perfect SAT score. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Writing and grammar lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Ethics in Contemporary organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethics in Contemporary organizations - Essay Example Ethnic leaders should have strong moral values and principles and are able to control their feelings. As such, they should be able to handle stressful situations through self-control and tolerance. Such leaders should always strive for success and be able to balance their personal and professional lives. Additionally, good leaders should learn new strategies to handle issues through scholarly means, advance their learning skills and seeking feedback from the rest of the crew ethical leaders should always be energetic at their work to set a good example to the workers and increase the effectiveness of the organization (Dhar & Indian Society for Training & Development, 2009 ). As such, organizational leaders ought to have high ethical standards as it encourages the employees in organization to meet the same level of ethnicity. An ethical leader enhances the reputation of the company and this increases the effectiveness of the organization. An ethical organization attracts customers and this helps in the boosting of the sales and profits of the company. As such, the investors of the business are always at peace that their money is being used in the right way. Ethical employees adhere to the rules and regulations of the organization and ensure that they offer quality services to the company (Dhar & Indian Society for Training & Development, 2009).With this; these principles ensure that employees stay and meet the goals hence increasing the productivity. An organization with high moral principles strives to keep its customers by making sure that they provide insurance covers to them. Increasing the employees’ retention reduces the cost of replacing more employees. The principles ensure that the organization keeps the talented work and this increases the organizations productivity. A principled company ensures that there is a good relationship between the management and the vendors. Through this, the leaders make certain that vendors are paid on
Friday, November 1, 2019
Who Are the Main Players in the Industry of Media and Communication Essay
Who Are the Main Players in the Industry of Media and Communication - Essay Example The government will need to be paid taxes and ensure the content of the films is acceptable according to the number of years of the content observers know as audiences. The acceptance of the government is more of a blessing for the process than a bother as it will mean smoothening of the barriers to the industry (Mathur and Mathur, 2009). For a long time, the Bollywood films were only available through videos and this limited the number of people able to obtain a copy and even that copy was easily destroyed. These days, however, the film industry has moved towards digitalization obtaining their own channels which have ensured that people across the world are able to watch as many films as possible. The films once released are placed on different internet sites where people can watch them online which are very convenient for most people (Wadley, 2013). All those ways are in addition to them being shown on cinemas on wide screens. With these strategies being placed, they have ensured that their distribution and consumption has expanded and continues to do so. In as far as production is concerned, actors and actresses have been joining the industry day and night which would explain the high number of Indian movies which are even more than the American ones. The primary consumers of the Indian films are the tourists and the people of other nations. People in India are still dwelling on watching the movies in cinema and undermining as well as underappreciating their own talent. This leaves the primary consumers to be the international media and people. It is an open secret that the fame of the Indian films has spread far and wide and the western nations are seeking the directors to offer them locations to shoot their films at a discount. Research indicates that nations such as France, Australia, Canada, Ireland and the even USA. The growing interest in Bollywood films and their popularity is what makes people increase their consumerism level (Mathur and Mathur, 2009). The films are loved because of their comics and humour as well as the incorporation of dance. Â
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