Thursday, August 27, 2020
Fashion essays
Design expositions The 1960s were the start of the new youth culture. Youngsters unexpectedly had power, they needed to have a state on what was happening at that specific time. The most ideal approach to do this was through the music, consequently the all inclusive language. Music was utilized as an approach to communicate feelings about everything, and to offer political and different expressions. Style mirrored the music by saying something and communicating closely-held convictions. The 1960s dress styles created along more straightforward, progressively young lines. It was the decade that had its own styles coordinated explicitly at young people. Prior to the 60s, adolescents dressed like their folks. The Mod development of the mid 1960s started as such a young subculture. Be that as it may, by the mid 1960s it had advanced into a progressively summed up yet simultaneously increasingly ridiculous type of style. It prompted a blast of the young culture, which gave all adolescents a style of dress they could call their own. This style was progressive however it in the end impacted the designs of the whole decade for individuals everything being equal, changing styles from mass-showcase garments as far as possible up to the high fashion industry. 1960s design turned out to be progressively energetic; they got less difficult, shorter, and brighter.1 By the center of the decade design was disrupted, as components of styles started by the youthful pervaded the attire everything being equal and all classes. Components, for example, short skirts, brilliant hues, realistic examples and uncommon materials discovered their way into standard and frequent couture apparel. Along these lines, from a standard design that was genuinely traditionalist we can recognize a slow change that proceeded until the mid 1960s, when it at long last influenced all regions of style. All things considered, youngsters were starting to be a power to be dealt with. This continuous change appeared to happen close by the improvement of the music development. The Beatles, Rolling Stones and Jimi... <! Style articles Style creators configuration attire, for example, coats, dresses, suits and different assortments of apparel. They get ready plan portrays either by hand or on the PC. From these portrayals the structures become the garments. Planners secure this position troublesome however a charming vocation. They appreciate making or structuring garments and seeing individuals wearing them. Numerous planners begin as an associate fashioner to gain proficiency with the nuts and bolts of structuring and procedure apparel. At that point they advance to higher situation as they acquire understanding. In the U.S., the pay ranges from $13,780 to more than $1 million (Wallner, 4). The beginning pay rates for a large portion of the architects are somewhere in the range of $21,000 and $30,000 (Schmidt, 6). Most right hand originators get a compensation of $15,000 to $30,000 every year (Giacobello, 16). The more clients purchase their plan, the more cash they will acquire. Be that as it may, planners who h ave the most abilities and are notable gain the most. In the style business, fashioners rival thoughts. So as to be in front of others, they should be perceptive, extraordinary, imaginative and self-spurred. Accordingly, so as to prevail as an originator, one must experience schools of instruction, adjust to the profession, and look for chances to progress. To turn into an architect, it is ideal to start at a youthful age and build up their abilities. A style architect ought to be creative and brimming with creative mind and thoughts. Moreover he ought to have the option to buckle down, be liberal to different specialists, which incorporates self-inspiration and the capacity to work under tension. When such abilities are found they ought to be created in school. A secondary school confirmation is required to enter school. Moreover, understudies must take a few classes to plan to enter a craftsmanship foundation school. They ought to likewise take other scholarly classes, for example, expressive arts, home financial matters, science, and science to meet the necessity to get secondary school diplo... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Redeemable Preference Shares Holder †Free Samples for Students
Question: What Is the Redeemable Preference Shares Holder? Answer: Introducation The constitution comprises of: Law which involves the Corporations Act 2001. Seal is the regular seal that is utilized by a Company. Individuals incorporate those people, regardless of whether a couple or much more, who are associated with the business related exercises of an organization. Chiefs mean those individuals included widely in the administration and control of the organization. They take all the significant choices required to accomplish the goals of an organization. Agent means the individual who has been selected under the Section 250D of the Law as a delegate for the organization. Secretary is an individual who performs for the organization distinctive secretarial obligations Examination of the Records The entirety of the organizations need to ensure that all the records and reports required by the law have been kept and kept up. All such significant reports should be available for a specific timespan in the companys enlisted office. As indicated by the Section 314 and Section 316 of the Constitution or the Law, the previously mentioned reports must be sent to all each and every individual who has been engaged with the organization. The Directors of the organization need to choose to what degree the records and archives should be made accessible to the individuals who are engaged with the organization. All such important records and archives are to be made accessible to the individuals and workers who have been related with the organization; rather it should be given to just those particular individuals temporarily period so as to look after secrecy. On the off chance that one wishes to check the records or archives, the Director needs to support of it already, bombing which the representatives and the individuals won't be permitted to approach the reports. Executives should be associated with keeping up the minutes of: All the goals that the individuals concerned have gone without holding a gathering. All revelations should be made by the chiefs regardless of whether there happens to be just a single Director. After the gatherings of the Directors all the procedures and the goals are to be proclaimed. All the gatherings of the boards of trustees of the Directors of the organization are additionally to be incorporated Redeemable Preference Shares Inclination Shares are those offers the holders of which have some special rights over different investors with regards to taking choices for the organization. The Preference Shareholders are delivered profit by the organization in the whole procedure. The organization gives the Preference Share Holders certain rights over the organization which has not been given to the Equity Share Holders of the said organization. In an organization the inclination investors have been given the fundamental right of participating in the abundance benefits that the organization has earned. Alongside this the Preference Share Holders, when the offers are being reclaimed, have been given the option to take an interest in the Premium. An organization has numerous inclination investors. Such an organization has all the rights with the assistance of which the investors will acquire all the special rights. In this way, no bifurcation of any sort will be occurring between any of the investors of the organization. The organization will have the previously mentioned rights engaged with the inclination shares that have been referenced previously. Every such right will be made accessible to the Preference Share Holders of the organization. So we can say that the Preference Share Holders of the organization unquestionably have certain rights over its benefits References Austliieduau.(2016).Austliieduau.Retrieved13 May, 2017,from Erik runyon | weedygardennet.(2017).Uciedu.Retrieved13 May, 2017,from life/understudy associations/enrollment/test constitution.html Howtolawco.(2017).Howtolawco.Retrieved13 May, 2017,from organization constitution-392134 Reckoncom.(2016).Reckoncom.Retrieved13 May, 2017,from (pty-ltd)- constitution.pdf?sfvrsn=2
Friday, August 21, 2020
For People with Bad Credit, Chinas Social Credit Scores Sound Like an Actual Nightmare
For People with Bad Credit, Chinas Social Credit Scores Sound Like an Actual Nightmare For People with Bad Credit, Chinas Social Credit Scores Sound Like an Actual Nightmare For People with Bad Credit, Chinas Social Credit Scores Sound Like an Actual NightmareEverything from volunteering in your community to running a stop signâ€"or criticizing the government on social mediaâ€"affects these social scores.If youre one of the third of Americans who have bad credit, you know how difficult life can be with a subprime credit score. When your credit is shot, things that should be easy, like leasing a car, buying a home, getting a loan, and even renting an apartment, can be downright impossible to achieve.In the U.S., even a small mistake, like forgetting to pay a utility bill or being more than 30 days late on a student loan payment, can result in a dent in your credit report that could take almost a decade to wipe clean. During that time, legitimate lenders are free to turn you away at the drop of a hat, making it tempting to fall victim to predatory payday loans, which can trap credit-poor borrowers in a cycle of seemingly unending debt.So yeah, living in t his country with bad credit can really suck. But lets pause for a moment to count our blessings, shall we? Being unable to qualify for a loan or an apartment is bad, but imagine if having bad credit would cause your internet connection to slow down. Imagine if having bad credit would bar your kids from going to a good school or stop you from buying plane or train tickets. Imagine if your credit score affected how many matches you could get on a dating app or what hotels you were allowed to stay in.This might sound like the plot to a dystopian YA novel, but its actually real life for Chinese citizens.China is scoring more than just their citizens credit history.The Chinese government began building this credit system about three years ago, and by 2020, it plans to have assigned a score to all of its 1.4 billion citizens. While the harsher-than-average punishments for slipping up might seem a little nuts, upon first glance, this doesnt seem so much different from our system.But these scores arent just markers of a persons financial history. While the new Chinese scores do take into account missed payments and delinquent accounts, just like ours do, they also take it several steps further. These scores are actually a marker of a persons social credit, and the way theyre calculated has critics of the system up in arms.Good behavior is rewarded while bad behavior is punished.Every citizen is awarded 1,000 points to start out with, and through their subsequent, day-to-day actions, they can either increase or lower their score, which range from A+++ to D. According to an article from Foreign Policy:Get a traffic ticket; you lose five points. Earn a city-level award, such as for committing a heroic act, doing exemplary business, or helping your family in unusual tough circumstances, and your score gets boosted by 30 points. For a department-level award, you earn five points. You can also earn credit by donating to charity or volunteering in the city’s program.Other ways to dock your score? Getting caught jaywalking, spending too much time on certain websites, buying too many video games (??), lighting up a cig on a train, drinking and driving, andâ€"perhaps most troublingly of allâ€"criticizing the government on social media.Government critics are already feeling the pain.That last social sin has critics of the communist party up in arms. According to an article from CBS News:The fear is that the government will use the social credit scoring system to punish people who are not sufficiently loyal to the communist party, and trying to clear your name or fight your score is nearly impossible since there is no real due process.Already, outspoken government critics and investigative Chinese journalists are finding that their low social credit ratings are costing them their freedom.I cant buy property, my child cant go to a private school, said Liu Hu, a Chinese journalist who recently tried to buy a plane ticket and was rejected because his name is currently on the list of untrustworthy citizens. You feel youre being controlled by the list all the time.The system is supported by a massive amount of surveillance. These fears are justified, given that Chinese police have started wearing Google Glass-inspired eyewear equipped with cameras and facial recognition software, supplementing the countrys already massive surveillance state. According to a piece on Big Think:It’s estimated that China has 176 million surveillance cameras in operation now, with plans to more than double that by 2020. The stated goal of this surveillance infrastructure is to deter criminals, but so far there seems to be no crime too small to punish. For instance, Chinese officials in Fuzhou have been publishing the names of jaywalkers, and it’s been reported that citizens might soon be punished for being seen smoking in non-smoking areas or driving poorly.Most Chinese citizens approve of the new system for now. While all this Orwellian surveillanc e and judgment is concerning, the majority of Chinese citizens are currently sitting at the top of the credit scoring system, a position that comes with a set of serious perks. For example, Business Insider reports that Baihe, a major dating site in China, is boosting the profiles of good citizens, meaning people in the A+ pool are probably getting more dates than those languishing at the bottom. Additionally, people with high social credit scores can enjoy reduced interest rates on loans, rent things without having to put down a deposit, and even get discounts on utility bills.And many people are reporting that the increased focus on behavior has actually improved life in the sprawling Asian country.I feel like in the past six months, peoples behavior has gotten better and better, a 32-year-old entrepreneur named Chen told Foreign Policy. For example, when we drive, now we always stop in front of crosswalks. If you dont stop, you will lose your points. At first, we just worried ab out losing points, but now we got used to it.If you want to learn more about how your credit score works, check out these related posts and articles from OppLoans:The OppLoans Guide to Understanding Your Credit, Credit Report and Credit ScoreHow Bad Credit Can Affect Your UtilitiesIs the Credit Blacklist a Real Thing or an Urban Myth?Do you think a social credit score would be a good or bad idea? We want to hear from you! You can email us or you can find us on Facebook and Twitter.Visit OppLoans on YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIN
Monday, May 25, 2020
Understanding Employment, Inflation And Gdp - 853 Words
Michael Tweddle Professor Clayman Macroeconomics 19 February 2016 Understanding Employment, Inflation and GDP In the months of June and July during the year 2011, the total number the total number of people employed declined by 155,000. Meaning that that many people either quit or lost their job. But, in that same year the unemployment rate happened to decrease. The Decline of such number was most likely due to the banking failure during 2008 all the way to 2011. This would cause a cyclical unemployment issue due to the market falling under. Causing the businesses no other choice than to let people go during this economic hardship due to not being able to keep up with their net income and net losses. With that happening, most economist and investors would expect none other than the unemployment rate to increase. Thus, that wasn’t such case. Instead the unemployment rate decreased during that period. This could have happened from two of many different possibilities. The first being the gradual decrease of the United States p opulation growth due to the baby boomer generation decreasing, causing the total population to decrease and causing a lower number of employees. The second choice being that of those 155,000 employees who were laid off, most didn’t try to look for new jobs and became what we call discouraged workers. With that happening, since economist don’t put discouraged worker in the workforce equation, the previous number of total workforce decreased. There areShow MoreRelatedThe Canadian Economy And Canadian s Quality Of Life1447 Words  | 6 Pageseffects of the manufacturing industry on gross domestic product (GDP), inflation and unemployment. Through analysis of the three subtopics, the reader will get a better understanding of how the manufacturing industry is â€Å"reacting†to these factors. There will also be information on the ties of inflation unemployment to GDP, because GDP gives an accurate picture of an economies health. 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Equality distribution income system would make the percentage of poor people in population decrease steadilyRead MoreEconomics Can Help You Live An Easier Healthier Life778 Words  | 4 PagesEconomics is everywhere and all over, but understanding economics can help you live an easier and healthier life. The economy is built around production, consumption of goods, trade, and distribution. The economy has dealt with government businesses. The word economy is defined as ‘household management.’ Although it is corrupt the United States economy is the most advanced economy in the world. The United States is built around a market economy where consumers and producers have control over theirRead MoreBasic Terms to Understand Financial Success1383 Words  | 5 PagesToday’s economy is constantly changing for better and for the worst. In order to become the most successful person you can be, you must know the in’s and out’s. Starting with a few basic terms are vital to understanding how to benefit and become a successful person. The term â€Å"GDP†the Gross Domestic Product which is the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year, and the â€Å"GNP†is Gross National Product is the market value of all the products and services producedRead MoreThe Recession Of The United States Economy Essay990 Words  | 4 PagesInflation is at approximately 1%, which is far below the Fed’s target of 2%. Most recently, the FED’s beige book from September of 2016 reported that national economic activity is either flat or expanding gradually across the twelve Federal Reserve Districts. Most contacts across the districts expected moderate economic growth in the next few months. Labor market conditions were tight, with moderate payroll growth and moderate upward wage pressures. Prices were observed to increase slightly
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Oppression Of Minorities During The Civil Rights Movement
Oppression of minorities has had a detrimental aspect in the associated individual’s lives. History has demonstrated that as a western society, we devalue minorities’ rights and values through legislation and societal views. Today, this remains to be an issue for many individuals of many stigmatized groups. Although efforts to reach a more unified community have been taken, many minorities still fight oppression. Through activism, social and political movements, the LGBTQIA community have progressed immensely throughout the past few decades. History has demonstrated a slow, yet vast amount of success in this marginalized group. Activists endured a long journey toward gaining rights for the community which lead to a modern day civil rights movement for the LGBTQIA community. Although there has been a great amount of successes, non-heterosexual individuals still do not have full equal rights as their heterosexual counterparts. There are still adversities that are being faced in this population that hinder these individuals from thriving. The issue is even greater when the individual has an additional identity that is also marginalized. Specifically, individuals who identify as people of color (POC) and LGBTQIA still encounter prejudice from society. The following thesis will lay out the progression in the LGBTQIA movement along with the deficits that these individuals have encountered throughout history. An interdisciplinary perspective through historical,Show MoreRelatedThe Civil War And Reconstruction1448 Words  | 6 PagesAfrican Americans with after the Civil War and Reconstruction was the Ku Klux Klan. The KKK was founded in 1866, and extended into almost every southern state by 1870. The organization became a vehicle for white southern citizens to deny Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies whose ideas, that tried establishing political and economic equality for African Americans. The KKK flourished in some regions in the South where, African Americans were a minority of the population. The KKK alsoRead MoreThe Second Wave Of Feminism1594 Words  | 7 Pagesfirst advocacies for women’s rights, the Second-wave feminism in the 1960s saw itself as a movement that achieved great success in term s of women’s social, economic, and political rights. The Women’s Rights Movement that began in the sixties, in comparison to the first-wave feminism in the 19th centuryâ€â€whereas many activists focused on only women’s suffrageâ€â€the second-wave feminism dealt with a broader range of issues. From education, the patriarchal system, sexual rights, and the workforce, to advocatingRead MoreA Sociological Look at the Feminist Movement the Civil Rights Movement1686 Words  | 7 PagesThe Feminist Movement The Civil Rights Movement Lauren Greene SYG2000 Tuesday/Thursday 5:00 pm December 9, 2012 Social Movements Impact Western Culture For centuries, large groups of individuals have come together to oppose prevailing ideas, challenge conformity and promote great change in beliefs, government policy and overall social reform. Whether it is an instinctual component of human existence or a way of survival as learned from previous generations, social reformRead MoreThe Black Panther Party For Self Defense1652 Words  | 7 Pagesof Malcolm X, a prominent figure in the Civil Rights movement, who had a â€Å"by any means necessary attitude†. â€Å"Malcolm had represented both a militant revolutionary, with the dignity and self-respect to stand up and fight to win equality for all oppressed minorities. Once they created the group Newton and Seale organized a mission statement, Ten Point Program, and a Uniform. The BP mission statement included: â€Å"[practicing] militant self-defense of minority communities against the U.S. government,Read MoreBlack Lives Matter Is An International Activist Movement Essay162 4 Words  | 7 Pageslives matter is an international activist movement that is highly supported by the African American community and was created in reaction to violence and racism towards African Americans. This movement began in 2013 when Trayvon Martin, an African American teenager was shot and killed by George Zimmerman who was a white police officer. Although the Black Lives Matter movement has many supporters, 78% of voting Americans favor All Lives Matter, a movement that criticizes Black Lives Matter, becauseRead MoreThe Challenges African Americans Faced in America963 Words  | 4 Pagesfirst African slaves were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619, to aid in the production of such lucrative crops as tobacco. (Slavery in America, 2012) During the 17th and 18th centuries, slavery was practiced throughout most of the American colonies. (Slavery in America, date). During these times, the amount of slaves that were brought to America e normous and could possibly be near the 10 million mark in the 16th century. â€Å"Why did European settlers need slaves toRead MoreThe Civil Rights Act And Voting Rights1665 Words  | 7 Pagesrestrictive political system. For minorities, America is not the land of the free. It is the land of oppression to progression, yet we still wear our scars and our heads up high. Struggles to expand the breadth of political and civil rights in the United States have been critical to fostering greater inclusion and equality for racial/ethnic minorities in America. Various reforms such as the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Acts were implemented during the civil rights era as they helped promote greaterRead MoreThe Effect of Black Power on the Emergence of Yellow Power1257 Words  | 6 Pagesshift to â€Å"ethnic power.†Other minority groups also shifted from the fight for integration and began to adopt the rhetoric of ethnic power and pride in the late 1960’s. By the l ate 1960’s, a host of other groups began to adopt the rhetoric of â€Å"power†: Red Power, Grey Power, Pink Power, Brown Power, etc. What were the similarities and differences between the rhetoric of Chicano Power, Yellow Power and Black Power? The 1960s in America brought a host of movements that pushed for equality, powerRead MoreRacism And Racism Essay1419 Words  | 6 PagesUnited States have been a divided country since the dawn of the Civil War due to conflicts of Slavery and freedom of African-Americans. Many historians speculate that the Civil War prompted the Civil Rights Movement that was led by African-American leaders, most noticeably Martin Luther King Jr. But, African-Americans believed that this movement did not create a strong impact towards society and continued to hear and suffer through oppression of white society. Throughout the film, racism and violenceRead MoreCivil War And The Abolition Of Slavery Essay1473 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"an act of setting someone free from imprisonment, slavery or oppression†( The importance of liberation is having ‘freedom’ from any subjugation, but that freedom has been taken away slowly, and instead hurdling forward towards a t ime where capitalism is more important than freedom and equity. Keeanga- Yamahtta Taylor questions, â€Å"What would constitute the ‘radical reconstruction’ of American society?†After the Civil War and the abolishment of slavery, people were heading towards
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Long Term Consequences Of Incarceration On African...
Chapter II: Literature Review In his pointed analysis of urban life in the United States, sociologist Elijah Anderson (2013) posits that public awareness in America is fundamentally color-coded in that white skin is commonly associated with trustworthiness and civility while black skin tends to epitomize crime and incivility. In a country where more than a third of black men in their twenties are under state control at any given time, official criminality is not only attached to individual offenders but also to an entire social group (Pettit Western, 2004; Roberts, 2004). For poor, undereducated black men, who represent the fastest growing segment of the nation’s prison population, incarceration is a common and almost predictable life experience (Roberts, 2004). It is our hypothesis that by effectively eroding several critical keystones of normative functioning, discriminatory policing and imprisonment creates a cyclical pathway for black men to return to the criminal justice system. This chapter reviews and evaluates the existing research on the long-term consequences of incarceration on African American men, focusing specifically on a) economic opportunities and mobility, b) social networks and connections, and c) civic and social citizenship. Economic Opportunities/Mobility Of the roughly seven hundred thousand individuals released from prison each year, a large majority are young men with less than a college education (Pager, Western Sugie, 2009). Of these formerShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of The War On Drugs1638 Words  | 7 Pages The War on Drugs plays a major part in the incarceration of African-Americans. In the â€Å"New Jim Crow†reading the (3) CIA admits to helping smuggle contrabands into communities heavily populated by people of color in order to disrupt and immobilize African-American movements. Crack and heroin were the most popular drugs smuggled into these communities due to their highly addictive and immobilizing nature. Their end goal was to have the African-American community self-destruct due to black on blackRead MoreThe Disproportionate Incarceration Of African American Males Essay1872 Words  | 8 PagesThe Disproportionate Incarceration of African American Males The United States currently has the highest incarcerated population in the world with 2.2 million adults incarcerated in 2014 (Kaeble, Glaze, Tsoutis, Minton, 2016). African American males represent a disproportionate amount of the incarcerated population, which is defined by those confined in either prison or jail (Crutchfield Weeks, 2015). Although, African-Americans account for roughly 13% of the United States population, theyRead MorePrison Industrial Complex Economics And The United States1157 Words  | 5 Pagesthe article â€Å"Prison Industrial Complex Economics†, it states, â€Å"the United States has approximately 6.5 million people under the criminal justice supervision. Incarcerated rate has grown from 176 in 1973 up to 700 in the year of 2000†(Waquant). Incarceration is a big business that feeds into drug violence, corrupted guards, and racism in criminal justice system, taxpayer cost, and racism in the criminal system and through privatization of p risons. Drug violence The United States have imprisoned manyRead MoreRestricting the Voting Rights of Felons1491 Words  | 6 PagesA man sentenced in 2003 for felonies of drug and theft served four long, yet deserved years in a Kentucky prison. His name is Michael Hiser. Now 44, Hiser is a community college teacher and a volunteer Chaplin that counsels inmates. In America, there are more than 4 million voices like Hiser who are refused the right to vote. Republican state legislators continue to withhold this fundamental right of democracy from felons who have rejoined society as abiding citizens. Consequently, restricting theRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement And Our Nation s Continued Progress Towards Racial Equality1477 Words  | 6 PagesUnited States celebrates the Selma-to-Montgomery march of 1965 to honor the civil rights movement and our nation’s continued progress towards racial equality. Yet almost five decades later a broken criminal-justice system has proven that we still have a long way to go in achieving racial equality. Today people of color continue to be excessively incarcerated, policed, and sentenced to death at significantly higher rates than whites. Further, racial differences in the criminal-justice system hurt communitiesRead MorePoverty And The Changing Family Structure1713 Words  | 7 PagesAfrican Americans have come a long way in the last few decades. We have more rights, more opportunities to grow and prosper and more independence than ever before. But the same cannot be said for African American families as a whole. The African American family and community is in trouble (Tilove, 2005). These families are facing many issues today that are contributing to their break down. These factors include poverty, diminishing health, welfare, incarceration, the struggle to find housing andRead MoreRacism And The American Criminal Justice System1584 Words  | 7 PagesToday, African Americans and other minorities are over-represented in the crimi nal justice system, but under-represented politically in the United States of America. Since well before its inception in 1776, the United States of America has been a nation characterized by white supremacy. In fact, modern day America may not exist if not for the taking of land from the Indigenous Peoples on this very premise. Today, many Americans believe they live in a post-racial nation, citing the abolition ofRead MoreThe Effects Of Incarceration During The Era Of Mass Imprisonment2337 Words  | 10 Pagesoccurs from 1970-2003â€â€when incarceration rates climbed almost five times higher than they had been in the twentieth centuryâ€â€while stating the effects and consequences that mass imprisonment created within the United States penal system. By discussing the disparities of incarceration between sex, age, race and education level, and how post-incarceration affects opportunities such as marriage and high-waged employment. Western provides an analysis of how the risk of incarceration accumulates over an individual’sRead MoreThe Disproportionate Number of African-American Males Incarcerated Within the United States2992 Words  | 12 PagesThe disproportionate number of African-American males incarcerated within the United States is a difficult social dilemma that needs to be more fully understood and addressed. This paper will explore the mass incarceration of African-American men. The paper will look into the prevalence, causes, consequences, and offer solutions to this crisis. Specifically, seeking to find what factors have created such high levels of criminal justice control for African-American males, and explore the impact onRead MoreDomestic Violence And The Middle Class1450 Words  | 6 Pagesyou are the one offering or receiving a genuine â€Å"Thank You†the recognition of appreciation will always remain with you. Growing up, I was fortunate to be a middle class African American. Statistics suggests that to be both African American and part of the middle class is unprecedented. However, the portrayal of the American Dream, encompassing the perfect middle class family, stopped at my front door. Domestic violence was a permanent tenant. â€Å"Thank You†were the words my five year old sister
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Essay Plan An Inspector Calls Example For Students
Essay Plan An Inspector Calls A man has to look after himself to make his own way- has to look after himself and this is Arthur Birling outlook on life both socially and in business. Arthur Birling also thinks that he is the man of the county, knowing everyone and everyones business, I was an alderman for years and lord mayor two years ago and im still on the Bench and he is informing to the inspector, who he has never met before that he is well known and that he has contacts. He doesnt want to involve Sheila or Mrs. Birling with the inspector because he thinks they are feeble and thinks that they cannot help with the matter as he thinks it is business and business is only a mans world. After he finds out about all the trouble in the family all he can think about is the reputation of the family and the business. Shed had a lot to say-far to much-so she had to go this accounts for Arthurs treatment of Eva Smith. At the end of the play when they all realize that the inspector was a phoney Mr. Birling just carries on as nothing had happened because all he was thinking about was his reputation and now that he was not a real inspector he thinks he has nothing to worry about but he doesnt think about Eva Smith or the death. Mrs. Birling is a very proscriptive woman who always clings to what she thinks is correct, maintaining the old social order. She gives over to the manners delicate sensibilities and that is what she sees in Eva Smith Im talking to the inspector now, if you dont mind she says this with forceful attitude, she also is very calm and she builds herself up for the inspector to come and knock her back with the truth, thinking that she has nothing to do with the death of Eva Smith, I dont see any particular reason why I should- she cannot see what she has to do with the death and Sheila warns her to stop please mother your just building yourself up like we all did and he will break it down like he did to all of us but Mrs. Birling wont listen to it and continues to fight the inspector explaining she has nothing to do with the death. Mrs. Birling is slightly oblivious beyond her own childrens lives, she didnt know anything about Erics drinking which he even drunk at home and she could not see it, with Sheila she did not know anything about her getting Eva fired. Go and look for the father of the child its his responsibility this is Mrs. Birling outlook of Eva Smith, when Eva smith came to Mrs. Birling for help this is how she reacted and told her and refused to help her, by Mrs. Birlings reaction you can guess that she does not know that Eric is the father of the unborn child. I did nothing wrong that im ashamed of or that wont bear investigation Mrs. Birling following this with I was just doing my duty you can start to realize that Mr. and Mrs. Birling are very alike and all they care about their reputation and their business. Mrs. Birling tries to put the blame on to the father, and Sheila tries to stop her as Sheila has worked out that Eric is the father but Mrs. Birling does not listen and carries on Its his responsibility find some steps to find this man and then make sure that he is compelled to confess in public his responsibility but of course when she finds out that the father is Eric she cannot agree with it and starts regretting on what she has been saying, I dont believe it, I wont believe it. But she was too stubborn to listen. .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 , .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 .postImageUrl , .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 , .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3:hover , .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3:visited , .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3:active { border:0!important; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3:active , .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Anatoly Smeliansky EssaySheila Birling is a young woman, early twenties. She was involved in Eva Smiths death as she got her sacked from Milwards putting her out of a job. I couldnt be sorry for her this is an account for Sheilas treatment of Eva, Sheila was jealous of Eva because she was young, pretty and when Sheila put on a dress it looked awful on her but when Eva out it on it looked perfect. I behaved badly too. I know I did. Im ashamed of it Sheila realizes that she did wrong and that is her lesson she had learnt, but throughout the investigation she had learnt a few things, we all started like that- so confident, so pleased with ourselves until he began asking qu estions she Is trying to explain to her mother that if they build up a wall to protect themselves denying everything of the investigation then the inspector would just knock it down. Sheila is very wise as she knows whats coming and she had worked out everything like Gerald having the affair with her as soon as Gerald heard the name he reacted and Sheila saw how he reacted and started asking question and got him to admit to the inspector, she also picked up on Eric being the father trying to stop her mother saying all the things about finding the father and punishing him mother- stop stop and she is trying to explain to her mother but she would not listen. After they had realized that the inspector was an intruder everyone had stopped worrying but Sheila and Eric were the only ones thinking that there is still a dead girl they didnt care about there reputation all they cared about the death of this girl but that wont bring Eva smith back to life will it? But even after they completely found out there was no dead girl or inspector all Sheila could think about was the truth which had been spoken about that night, Gerald having an affair, Eric getting a poor girl pregnant, her getting Eva fired but again only her and Eric could think about but everyone else just kept thinking now they were all of the hook they can get back to normal again.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Marcus Garvey Essays (861 words) - Black Star Line,
Marcus Garvey Marcus Garvey Historians familiar with Garvey's career generally regard him as the preeminent symbol of the insurgent wave of black nationalism that developed in the period following World War I. Although born in Jamaica, Garvey achieved his greatest success in the United States. He did so despite the criticism of many African-American leaders and the covert opposition of the United States Department of Justice and its Bureau of Investigation (forerunner of the FBI). As a young man, Garvey had preached accommodation and disavowed political protest, advocating loyalty to the established colonial government. His views, however, underwent a radical transformation shortly after he arrived in the United States in 1916. The emergence of the radical New Negro movement, which supplied the cultural and political matrix of the celebrated Harlem Renaissance, to a large extent paralleled Garvey and his post-World War I African Redemption movement. Garvey established the first American branch of the UNIA in 1917--1918 in the midst of the mass migration of blacks from the Caribbean and the American South to cities of the North. It was also a time of political awakening in Africa and the Caribbean, to which Garvey vigorously encouraged the export of his movement. In the era of global black awakening following World War I, Garvey emerged as the best known, the most controversial, and, for many, the most attractive of a new generation of New Negro leaders. Representative Charles B. Rangel of New York has noted that Garvey was one of the first to say that instead of blackness being a stigma, it should be a source of pride (New York Times, 5 April 1987). Black expectations aroused by participation in World War I were dashed by the racial violence of the wartime and postwar years, and the disappointment evident in many black communities throughout the U.S., Africa, and the Caribbean allowed Garvey to draw dozens of local leaders to his side. Their ideas were not always strictly compatible with Garvey's, but their sympathy with his themes of African redemption and black self-support was instrumental in gathering support for the movement from a vast cross-section of African-American society. Similarly, Garvey's message was adopted by a broad cross-section of educated and semi-literate Africans and West Indians hungry for alternatives to white rule and oppression. The post--World War I years were thus a time when a growing number of Africans and West Indians were ready for change. In most colonial territories, Africans, like African Americans, were disappointed when expected postwar changes failed to materialize. The Garveyist message was spread by sailors, migrant laborers, and travelling UNIA agents, as well as by copies of its newspaper, the Negro World, passed from hand to hand. In the Caribbean, what has been termed the Garvey phenomenon resulted from an encounter between the highly developed tradition of racial consciousness in the African-American community, and the West Indian aspiration toward independence. It was the Caribbean ideal of self-government that provided Garvey with his vocabulary of racial independence. Moreover, Garvey combined the social and political aspirations of the Caribbean people with the popular American gospel of success, which he converted in turn into his gospel of racial pride. Garveyism thus appeared in the Caribbean as a doctrine proposing solutions to the twin problems of racial subordination and colonial domination. By the early 1920s the UNIA could count branches in almost every Caribbean, circum-Caribbean, and sub-Saharan African country. The Negro World was read by thousands of eager followers across the African continent and throughout the Caribbean archipelago. Though Caribbean and African Garveyism may not have coalesced into a single movement, its diverse followers adapted the larger framework to fit their own local needs and cultures. It is precisely this that makes Garvey and the UNIA so relevant in the study of the process of decolonization in Africa and the Caribbean. As if in confirmation of the success with which Garveyism implanted itself in various social settings, when Garvey himself proposed to visit Africa and the Caribbean in 1923, nervous European colonial governors joined in recommending that his entry into their territories be banned. Many modern Caribbean nationalist leaders have acknowledged the importance of Garveyism in their own careers, including T. Albert Marryshow of Grenada; Alexander Bustamante, St. William Grant, J. A. G. Smith, and Norman Washington Manley of Jamaica; and Captain Arthur Cipriani, Uriah Butler, George Padmore, and C. L. R. James of Trinidad. Before the Garvey and UNIA Papers project was established, the only attempt to edit Garvey's speeches and writings was the Philosophy & Opinions of Marcus Garvey, a propagandistic apologia
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Fallacies in the medias spotlight
Fallacies in the medias spotlight The mass media has been our reliable source of information and entertainment. In addition to providing the society with entertainment, the media has continuously educated and provided us with both old news and latest happenings from all corners of the world. Due to its ability to capture our attention and communicate to us about what is happening in our surrounding, the media has enabled the world to become a global village.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Fallacies in the media’s spotlight specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The media has focused on providing the public with news, which captures the attention of different audience. In its attempt to keep the society informed regularly, media representatives such as journalists have done everything to enlighten us about the most captivating stories. By so doing, the media has created spotlight fallacies. In this discussion, I will focus on how the media is full o f fallacies. Fallacy in the media’s spotlight is a situation in which the public makes a general assumption based on how much a particular topic in the media receives coverage. The television is one of most common forms of media and almost everybody around has a TV set at home. Unlike internet, Television is common and many people can access this technology easily. With a Television, an individual can be able to know what is happening in his surroundings. However, most of the media coverage is fallacious. In its attempt to provide the public with news and entertainment, the media tends to cover events, which are less likely to occur and are not even common in real life situation. In fact, the media has made this error in many cases. Because of this, many people actually believe that those events that are regularly reported by the media are common in real life situation. Well, this is not true in most cases. To support my argument, I will provide several examples and explain t hem as I explore the topic extensively. To begin with, the media seems to cover those stories that are interesting especially those that are likely to capture public attention. One example of a common story in the media is crime. The media has a tendency of covering stories about crime making the public to have the perception that crime is very rampant in the society. In most cases, we see and even read from the media about crimes happening in the streets of New York. Because of this, we assume that New York City is the most insecure place in the world. However, because the media does not report on non-crime cases in New York City, we tend to have the perception that New York City is a very dangerous place. Without a doubt, this reasoning is fallacious. Another example is how the media portrays cases of school shootings. The media tends to focus on this topic so much that parents are worried about issues of security and safety of their children. When a single case of shooting happen s in our schools, the media tends to emphasis and focus on this event to a point that the public assume that cases of school shooting are very common. Reasoning this way is categorically fallacious. However, the truth of the matter is that cases of school shooting are very rare and only few happen in a year.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another story that has hit the headlines of newspapers and our Televisions is the issue of plane crash. Time to time, the media has focused so much on cases of plane crashes more than cases of car crashes. In fact, quite a good number of individuals are so scared of flying due to overwhelming coverage of such events whenever they happen. Whenever such an event happens, the media focuses on it so much that we the public tend to believe that cases of plane crash are rampant and common. Reasoning this ways is fallacious. The truth is that cases of cars crashing are so common more than cases of plane crashes. In fact, an individual is more likely to die in a car than in a plane. Lastly, people love to hear stories of hope. Because of this, cases of miracle are mostly reported on the media. If you turn on your TV on a Sunday morning, you are more likely to see miracles happening almost everywhere around the world. However, it is very hard to find stories on the media about people who have been prayed for but later died. In most cases, we only assume that when people are prayed for, they are healed completely. The spot fallacy in this case makes us believe that when people are prayed for, miracles happen and such individual are healed completely. In summary, fallacy in the media’s spotlight is the assumption that what is widely covered on the media about certain category is a representation of the whole group. This perception and picture portrayed by the media is sometimes very misleading. This is becaus e the public tend to believe in what is portrayed by the media. The truth of the matter is that, what is commonly covered by the media does not necessary reflect real life situation.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
How is nursing different from medicine Research Paper
How is nursing different from medicine - Research Paper Example Karen et al (2009) observes that medicine and nursing differ mainly in terms of the assistance that they present to an individual. In regard to their origin it is stipulated that they are different based on their inception. This essay is a critical analysis of the differences between nursing and medicine. It is important to the profession of nursing in order to help nurses to understand what their role is, and what is expected of them by the society. It will also assist nurses in understanding the disconnection between them and medical doctors. The developmental theory in nursing draws around the growth and advancement of individuals, which is a systematic and conventional progression that begins as a simple combination of cells that is the beginning of life, and eventually ends through decease. From the developmental theory, the main factor that serves as an indicator of the disparity between nursing and medicine is that nursing tends to concentrate on issues that have an impact on growth and development. Some of these factors are inherent while others originate from the environment in which a person grows. The manner in which an individual associates with the other members of the society determines the rate of growth and development in a person (Pierce et al 2006). In regard to issues that affect normal body functions such as visual impairment, a physician may not offer much assistance especially when the problem is not curable. The nurse tends to come in handy in assisting an individual to learn how to take care of him/herself in spite of living with the problem. People suffering from physical impairment acquire skills that are necessary for survival and also improve on the quality of their life. Care is therefore core in nursing. The more people are able to care for themselves the more they become capable of avoiding harm hence living a better
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Analyzing a job Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Analyzing a job - Assignment Example The Corporation also runs 108 discounts in 8 states (Ross Dress..., 2012). The corporation is appealing for store security specialists to afford a visible appearance on the stores’ exits and entrance. The spot will mitigate fraud and theft while upholding a secure and safe environment for customers and sales personnel (Ross Dress..., 2012). A job description refers to a list, which a person may use for wide-ranging tasks, or responsibilities, and functions of a title. It may habitually comprise to whom the title reports, stipulations, for instance, the credentials or skills required by the individual in the profession, or an income range (Mader-Clark, 2010). A Job description is typically narrative, however, some may as an alternative encompass a simple listing of proficiencies; for example, strategic human-resource planning practices may be employed to work out a competency structural design for an company, from which profession descriptions are fabricated as a pick out of pr oficiencies (Martin, 2011). How and when would you determine the need to create a job position? Ross Stores Company is opening up a number of new shops and it will require store security experts (Ross Dress..., 2012). ... What strategy would use to outline the positions details? Strategic personnel planning would be employed to outline the required positions. This will ascertain how many personnel the company will need to fill in the required positions. The in-house personnel could as well be used if required (Mader-Clark, 2010). What would the duties be? The responsibilities of store security expert will be maintaining a secure and safe environment for store associates and customers. Responsibilities will furthermore include monitoring exits and entrances for dubious conduct (Mader-Clark, 2010). They will also be accountable for welcoming clients as they come in the shop as well as be ready to answer client’s questions if required. Store security experts will bear a firm’s vest with inscription to discourage theft by displaying a strong real presence and notifying clients they the security experts are there for security. The security personnel will erratically walk about the shop to asc ertain and tackle any prospective theft and conceivable fraud indicators. Security specialists have the capacity to communicate effectively with the shop managers and exchange ideas on theft and loss prevention (Martin, 2011). What would the performance requirements for the position be? Personal stipulations for the title of store security experts will include particular special skills and qualifications. All candidates must be no less than 21 and should have high-school edification or corresponding, a related degree is ideal. The candidates must have had no less than a year of merchandising supervising experience or comparable training is preferred. The applicant must have the capability to work efficiently with associates and customers in a client based environment (Martin, 2011). The
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Terrorists Groups In The Middle East Essay Example for Free
Terrorists Groups In The Middle East Essay What have been the most common tactics/weapons and threats used by terrorists/terror groups in the Middle East since 9/11/01? The most common tactics/weapons and threats used by terrorists/terror group in the Middle East since 9/11 are bombings which can include car bombs, improvised explosive devices (IED’s), suicide attacks and explosives. Next we have rocket and mortar attacks, vehicle based attacks which is when they used any motor vehicle to run over people walking or to ram into vehicles. Other common ones are hi-jacking planes, chemical and biological weapons, nuclear weapons, conventional firearms and secondary attacks which are when they have a second type of weapon go off after the original so as to injure the emergency response team. In your opinion, are these tactics, weapons, and threats successful from a terrorist perspective? Why or why not? Explain in detail. Yes I do believe they are successful because they accomplish at minimum what they set out to do. Placing fear and causing panic among the masses is so apparent for terrorists, because how much media attention there is they can watch and enjoy their terror. They have us on the edge of our seats when chaos takes place. They catch us off guard and that too is part of their plan. What do you see as the likelihood of a terrorist organization either acquiring or building a nuclear weapon? Explain in detail. I see the likelihood of a terrorist organization either acquiring or building a nuclear weapon as pretty high likelihood. I do not think for one minute that they are incapable. I do not believe that our government is honest with who we do business with. They have what is called suitcase nukes and they are so small they can fit into a suitcase. Money talks and can buy you anything besides permanent happiness. If you have enough money you can buy materials for a nuclear weapon. If obtained, what do you think would be the top three types of targets on U.S. soil? Explain. I think that businesses, diplomatic offices, and military institutions are the three types of targets on U.S. soil. The first type of target would be businesses. Businesses account for thirty one and a half percent of frequency of attacks. The second type is diplomatic offices and that takes up twenty six percent of frequency of attacks. Last of the targets are military personnel. The United States armed forces can account for nearly forty three percent of attacks against military organizations. What do you think are the factors working in their favor and against their success to obtain WMDs? Explain in detail and be specific. The factors that I think that the factors that are working in their favor are that they IED’s that can be constructed out of common materials that are easy to obtain. They have eager and loyal followers that have no problem sacrificing their lives for the cause such as suicide bombings and using children as distractions or bait. It is also hard to dif ferentiate the civilians from the terrorists. What is working against their success is the United States has specialized trained elite forces with intelligence gathering techniques. They also have the latest technologize and weaponry such as drones, night vision goggles, tanks, snipers and much more to work against the success of the terrorists. References Kaplan, E. (2006, Sep). Targets for Terrorists: Post-9/11 Aviation Security. Retrieved November 22, 2013, from aviation-security/p11397 McCann, Joseph T., 2006, Terrorism on American Soil: A Concise History of Plots and Perpetrators from the Famous to the Forgotten, Sentient Publ. (Boulder, CO). Retrieved November 22, 2013, from Sageman, M. (2004). Understanding Terror Networks. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Ch. 5 pp. 158-161. Retrieved November 22, 2013, from
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Causes Of World War I :: essays research papers
The first world war had many causes, the historians probably have not yet discovered and discussed all of them so there might be more causes than what we know now. In this essay I would discuss the main causes of the warâ€â€the ones that were discussed in the textbook. In the time before the war’s outbreak (before 1914â€â€in the beginning of the century) the world was separated into big empires that had colonies around the world (European countries ruled most of Africa). There were fights and disagreements between the major empires. Usually, when there are many arguments between countries, people start fear of war and prepare for it (for example, today in Israel, after Benjamin Netanyahu winning the elections, Israel’s policy towards the Arabs and the Palestinians have changed. There is fear from war with Syria, because of threats from both sides, so both countries arm themselves and ready for war, just in case it would break). In the beginning of the century Britain was the largest empire in the world, it also had the largest navy. The navy was so big and strong because the Britons needed to protect their empire and maintain the sea routes between the different colonies. The Kaiser William II of Germany hated and envied Britain for having a stronger navy than his. He increased the German navy and built many warships. Britain responded with building more ships and increasing its navy too. This started a race for building more and better warships and it created tension and competition between those two countries. Germany and France were rivals for centuries and at the beginning of the century and at the end of the 19th century the rivalry increased. This happened because of the war between those two countries in 1870-71 when Germany defeated France. Germany took over the areas of Alsace and Lorraine and the French people wanted to revenge Germany and retrieve those lands. France could not start a war against Germany since Germany had more resources and a stronger army than France. France needed allies to help it fight (the subject of alliances would be discussed later). There was another quarrel between France and Germanyâ€â€about controlling Morocco. In 1905 France thought that it should have more influence in the western Mediterranean Sea area as it already controlled Tunisia and Algeria, it wanted Morocco too. The Kaiser of Germany visited Tangier (a big city in Morocco) and said that Germany would protect Morocco in case of a French attack. In 1911 France increased its control over Morocco and Germany sent a warship. The Germans withdrew at last but the French gave them a part of Western Africa in exchange.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
The Memoirs of Lady Hyegyong
The memoirs of Lady Hyegyong Lady Hyegyong * Wife of the crown prince Sado (1735-1762) * Daughter-in-law of King Yongjo (1724-1776) * Mother of King Chongjo (1776-1800) * The crown princess and mother and grandmother of the kings in the late eighteenth century Korea * Choson women (women in Choson Korea 1392-1910) – three lords: father, husband, and son * Patrilocal marriage * Woman writer The Memoirs * Hanjongnok: Record Written in Silence * A series of autobiographical narratives by Lady Hyegyong * 4 memoirs: 1795, 1801, 1802, 1805 The first 3 memoirs: story of her earlier life and her marriage into the royal family, and championing (in some cases â€Å"defending†her natal family. ) These memoirs are more personal, and overall three hangs a shadow: the fate of her husband, Crown Prince Sado, who was executed in 1762. His reputation after his death threatens the position of her offspring. **The fourth memoir: story of her husband Sado, the most important piece The mem oir of 1795 * Genre: Family injunction The first memoir was written for the benefit of her nephew, in conformity with the tradition of a family elder writing an injunction for the instruction of the younger members of the family, exhorting them to follow in the footsteps of honorable family elders. It contains a most poignant and endearing account of how the author, an innocent child of nine, was suddenly wrenched from her loving home and put in a strange and awesome court. It is also gives an intimate view of the princess's natal home, which was that of an exemplary Korean scholar. Defend the integrity of her natal family, reclaim the honorable family tradition * The unspoken subjects of the first memoir: â€Å"With his exceptional talent and superior scholarship, Prince Sado would surely have achieved greatness. Of its own record, however, illness seeped into his remarkable nature and†¦began to manifest itself in strange symptoms. †1. Her husband’s insanity 2. Her husband’s execution in the rice chest â€Å"â€Å"On the thirteenth day, Heaven and Earth clashed and the sun and moon turned black.When this calamity happened, how could I desire to live even one second longer! †3. The loss of her son * Silence The memoir of 1805: breaking the silence * Chronicle the death of her husband at the hands of her father-in-law * Audience: her grandson King Sunjo * Reason: false versions has proliferated. She felt the need to inform her grandson, the new king, the exact truth of the incident â€Å"feeling that my descriptions might cast a blemish on their virtue. But I cannot withhold the truth. †* Genre: writing a history * Seed of Trouble Absence of love and guidance from the father 1. Model child in infancy 2. Live in a separate palace from his parents * Influence of servants * Sado’s interest in the occult and martial games As a heir to the throne, Shado was put under immense pressure to achieve and learn conformity by the stifling educational rituals of the royal family – while, simultaneously, he was neglected by his coldly formal father, Yongjo, to such an extent that even an inside observer like Lady Hyegyong, steeped in the customs of the time, cannot hide her shock in the retelling.â€Å"Let the ruler be a ruler, the subject a subject, the father a father, the son a son. †* Father-son relationship is at the core of tragedy * â€Å"some unknown forces seem to have been driving father and son apart. †¦ What can I attribute this to but Heaven? Oh! Cruelty! †* The coldness between them is beyond her comprehension * Father’s faults? * Favoritism * Not paying attention to his son * Humiliating his son in public * Using Sado to wash away inauspicious events * Sado’s insanity * Clothing Phobia For him to get dressed, I had to have ten, twenty, or even thirty sets of clothes laid out. He would then burn some, supposedly on behalf of some ghost or other. Ev en after this, if he managed to get into a suit of clothes without incident, one had to count it as great luck. If, however, those serving him were to make the slightest error, he would not be able to put his clothes on, no matter how hard he tried. In the process, people were hurt, even killed. †â€â€-Paralyzing terror of being able to live up to the expectations of propriety A serial killer â€Å"When anger grips me, I cannot contain myself. Only after I kill something–a person, perhaps an animal, even a chicken–can I calm down. †â€Å"Why is that so? †â€Å"Because I am deeply hurt. †â€Å"Why are you so hurt? †â€Å"I am sad that your Majesty does not love me and terrified when you criticize me. All this turns to anger. †â€â€- Sado’s madness became such a threat to the royal family that he had to be eliminated * Mother’s choice * Lady Sonhui urged the King to eliminate Sado -â€Å"Sundering her ma ternal love and crushing her parental attachment for the sake of great principle, Lady Sonhui had brought herself to inform his Majesty . †– The duty over private emotion * Father’s side * Political concerns 1. His own problem with legitimacy 2. Factional conflicts 3. Constant threat of rebellion 4. High hopes for his heir * The execution * â€Å"In the royal audience chamber, meanwhile, father and son faced each other. In between them there stood a wooden rice chest (measuring 4ft x 4ft x 4ft, we are told). It was opened, and Yongjo ordered his son to climb inside.Undoubtedly aware of what this meant, Sado did as his father told him. It was then sealed up. Eight days later, he died, still inside it. †* Rationalizing the brutal execution â€â€-Concerns over bodily dismemberment â€â€-Not to give the appearance of criminal execution * Lady Hyegyong’s two traumas On her husband’s execution: * Inevitable and justified * Public duty > private feelings On the king’s decree of making her son an adopted son of the late prince: * Unnecessary and mind-baffling * Private feelings > public duty
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Organizational Structure And Management Process Essay
One of the most important aspects of any organization is its structure and its management process. The success of any firm is directly related to how well it is organized and how effective it s managed. Organizational structure and management processes are interrelated and they provide a gauge as to how effective an overall business strategy is implemented. The measure of success in any business is how effectively it can compete in finding new opportunities and having the internal structure necessary to compete in different markets and business environments. Management also has challenges and faces pressures from the outside business world and has to understand markets, current market trends and anticipate how markets and industries will perform in the future. Management and the structure of an organization are an integral part of creating the model for any business to be able to compete on a global level based on these trends. The management structure, that s put in place, must address these challenges in order to have success, as organizational structure and management process is critical to ensuring the long-term health of a business. This summary is based on the book entitled Handbook of Business Strategy, by William D. Guth. The strategy of a business is a key factor in how an organization is structured and its management process. The goal of most businesses is to maximize revenues, generate profits and to be positioned for future success. A firm mustShow MoreRelatedManagement Process And Organizational Structure And Lack Of Leadership1832 Words  | 8 Pagesorganisation which hires specific individuals to work together and be rewarded based on performance and innovation. Teams are self-organised and individuals have high independence and authority to make decisions at a local level. 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