Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Terrorists Groups In The Middle East Essay Example for Free
Terrorists Groups In The Middle East Essay What have been the most common tactics/weapons and threats used by terrorists/terror groups in the Middle East since 9/11/01? The most common tactics/weapons and threats used by terrorists/terror group in the Middle East since 9/11 are bombings which can include car bombs, improvised explosive devices (IED’s), suicide attacks and explosives. Next we have rocket and mortar attacks, vehicle based attacks which is when they used any motor vehicle to run over people walking or to ram into vehicles. Other common ones are hi-jacking planes, chemical and biological weapons, nuclear weapons, conventional firearms and secondary attacks which are when they have a second type of weapon go off after the original so as to injure the emergency response team. In your opinion, are these tactics, weapons, and threats successful from a terrorist perspective? Why or why not? Explain in detail. Yes I do believe they are successful because they accomplish at minimum what they set out to do. Placing fear and causing panic among the masses is so apparent for terrorists, because how much media attention there is they can watch and enjoy their terror. They have us on the edge of our seats when chaos takes place. They catch us off guard and that too is part of their plan. What do you see as the likelihood of a terrorist organization either acquiring or building a nuclear weapon? Explain in detail. I see the likelihood of a terrorist organization either acquiring or building a nuclear weapon as pretty high likelihood. I do not think for one minute that they are incapable. I do not believe that our government is honest with who we do business with. They have what is called suitcase nukes and they are so small they can fit into a suitcase. Money talks and can buy you anything besides permanent happiness. If you have enough money you can buy materials for a nuclear weapon. If obtained, what do you think would be the top three types of targets on U.S. soil? Explain. I think that businesses, diplomatic offices, and military institutions are the three types of targets on U.S. soil. The first type of target would be businesses. Businesses account for thirty one and a half percent of frequency of attacks. The second type is diplomatic offices and that takes up twenty six percent of frequency of attacks. Last of the targets are military personnel. The United States armed forces can account for nearly forty three percent of attacks against military organizations. What do you think are the factors working in their favor and against their success to obtain WMDs? Explain in detail and be specific. The factors that I think that the factors that are working in their favor are that they IED’s that can be constructed out of common materials that are easy to obtain. They have eager and loyal followers that have no problem sacrificing their lives for the cause such as suicide bombings and using children as distractions or bait. It is also hard to dif ferentiate the civilians from the terrorists. What is working against their success is the United States has specialized trained elite forces with intelligence gathering techniques. They also have the latest technologize and weaponry such as drones, night vision goggles, tanks, snipers and much more to work against the success of the terrorists. References Kaplan, E. (2006, Sep). Targets for Terrorists: Post-9/11 Aviation Security. Retrieved November 22, 2013, from http://www.cfr.org/border-and-port-security/targets-terrorists-post-911- aviation-security/p11397 McCann, Joseph T., 2006, Terrorism on American Soil: A Concise History of Plots and Perpetrators from the Famous to the Forgotten, Sentient Publ. (Boulder, CO). Retrieved November 22, 2013, from http://books.google.com/books Sageman, M. (2004). Understanding Terror Networks. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Ch. 5 pp. 158-161. Retrieved November 22, 2013, from http://www.upenn.edu/pennpress/book
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Causes Of World War I :: essays research papers
The first world war had many causes, the historians probably have not yet discovered and discussed all of them so there might be more causes than what we know now. In this essay I would discuss the main causes of the warâ€â€the ones that were discussed in the textbook. In the time before the war’s outbreak (before 1914â€â€in the beginning of the century) the world was separated into big empires that had colonies around the world (European countries ruled most of Africa). There were fights and disagreements between the major empires. Usually, when there are many arguments between countries, people start fear of war and prepare for it (for example, today in Israel, after Benjamin Netanyahu winning the elections, Israel’s policy towards the Arabs and the Palestinians have changed. There is fear from war with Syria, because of threats from both sides, so both countries arm themselves and ready for war, just in case it would break). In the beginning of the century Britain was the largest empire in the world, it also had the largest navy. The navy was so big and strong because the Britons needed to protect their empire and maintain the sea routes between the different colonies. The Kaiser William II of Germany hated and envied Britain for having a stronger navy than his. He increased the German navy and built many warships. Britain responded with building more ships and increasing its navy too. This started a race for building more and better warships and it created tension and competition between those two countries. Germany and France were rivals for centuries and at the beginning of the century and at the end of the 19th century the rivalry increased. This happened because of the war between those two countries in 1870-71 when Germany defeated France. Germany took over the areas of Alsace and Lorraine and the French people wanted to revenge Germany and retrieve those lands. France could not start a war against Germany since Germany had more resources and a stronger army than France. France needed allies to help it fight (the subject of alliances would be discussed later). There was another quarrel between France and Germanyâ€â€about controlling Morocco. In 1905 France thought that it should have more influence in the western Mediterranean Sea area as it already controlled Tunisia and Algeria, it wanted Morocco too. The Kaiser of Germany visited Tangier (a big city in Morocco) and said that Germany would protect Morocco in case of a French attack. In 1911 France increased its control over Morocco and Germany sent a warship. The Germans withdrew at last but the French gave them a part of Western Africa in exchange.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
The Memoirs of Lady Hyegyong
The memoirs of Lady Hyegyong Lady Hyegyong * Wife of the crown prince Sado (1735-1762) * Daughter-in-law of King Yongjo (1724-1776) * Mother of King Chongjo (1776-1800) * The crown princess and mother and grandmother of the kings in the late eighteenth century Korea * Choson women (women in Choson Korea 1392-1910) – three lords: father, husband, and son * Patrilocal marriage * Woman writer The Memoirs * Hanjongnok: Record Written in Silence * A series of autobiographical narratives by Lady Hyegyong * 4 memoirs: 1795, 1801, 1802, 1805 The first 3 memoirs: story of her earlier life and her marriage into the royal family, and championing (in some cases â€Å"defending†her natal family. ) These memoirs are more personal, and overall three hangs a shadow: the fate of her husband, Crown Prince Sado, who was executed in 1762. His reputation after his death threatens the position of her offspring. **The fourth memoir: story of her husband Sado, the most important piece The mem oir of 1795 * Genre: Family injunction The first memoir was written for the benefit of her nephew, in conformity with the tradition of a family elder writing an injunction for the instruction of the younger members of the family, exhorting them to follow in the footsteps of honorable family elders. It contains a most poignant and endearing account of how the author, an innocent child of nine, was suddenly wrenched from her loving home and put in a strange and awesome court. It is also gives an intimate view of the princess's natal home, which was that of an exemplary Korean scholar. Defend the integrity of her natal family, reclaim the honorable family tradition * The unspoken subjects of the first memoir: â€Å"With his exceptional talent and superior scholarship, Prince Sado would surely have achieved greatness. Of its own record, however, illness seeped into his remarkable nature and†¦began to manifest itself in strange symptoms. †1. Her husband’s insanity 2. Her husband’s execution in the rice chest â€Å"â€Å"On the thirteenth day, Heaven and Earth clashed and the sun and moon turned black.When this calamity happened, how could I desire to live even one second longer! †3. The loss of her son * Silence The memoir of 1805: breaking the silence * Chronicle the death of her husband at the hands of her father-in-law * Audience: her grandson King Sunjo * Reason: false versions has proliferated. She felt the need to inform her grandson, the new king, the exact truth of the incident â€Å"feeling that my descriptions might cast a blemish on their virtue. But I cannot withhold the truth. †* Genre: writing a history * Seed of Trouble Absence of love and guidance from the father 1. Model child in infancy 2. Live in a separate palace from his parents * Influence of servants * Sado’s interest in the occult and martial games As a heir to the throne, Shado was put under immense pressure to achieve and learn conformity by the stifling educational rituals of the royal family – while, simultaneously, he was neglected by his coldly formal father, Yongjo, to such an extent that even an inside observer like Lady Hyegyong, steeped in the customs of the time, cannot hide her shock in the retelling.â€Å"Let the ruler be a ruler, the subject a subject, the father a father, the son a son. †* Father-son relationship is at the core of tragedy * â€Å"some unknown forces seem to have been driving father and son apart. †¦ What can I attribute this to but Heaven? Oh! Cruelty! †* The coldness between them is beyond her comprehension * Father’s faults? * Favoritism * Not paying attention to his son * Humiliating his son in public * Using Sado to wash away inauspicious events * Sado’s insanity * Clothing Phobia For him to get dressed, I had to have ten, twenty, or even thirty sets of clothes laid out. He would then burn some, supposedly on behalf of some ghost or other. Ev en after this, if he managed to get into a suit of clothes without incident, one had to count it as great luck. If, however, those serving him were to make the slightest error, he would not be able to put his clothes on, no matter how hard he tried. In the process, people were hurt, even killed. †â€â€-Paralyzing terror of being able to live up to the expectations of propriety A serial killer â€Å"When anger grips me, I cannot contain myself. Only after I kill something–a person, perhaps an animal, even a chicken–can I calm down. †â€Å"Why is that so? †â€Å"Because I am deeply hurt. †â€Å"Why are you so hurt? †â€Å"I am sad that your Majesty does not love me and terrified when you criticize me. All this turns to anger. †â€â€- Sado’s madness became such a threat to the royal family that he had to be eliminated * Mother’s choice * Lady Sonhui urged the King to eliminate Sado -â€Å"Sundering her ma ternal love and crushing her parental attachment for the sake of great principle, Lady Sonhui had brought herself to inform his Majesty . †– The duty over private emotion * Father’s side * Political concerns 1. His own problem with legitimacy 2. Factional conflicts 3. Constant threat of rebellion 4. High hopes for his heir * The execution * â€Å"In the royal audience chamber, meanwhile, father and son faced each other. In between them there stood a wooden rice chest (measuring 4ft x 4ft x 4ft, we are told). It was opened, and Yongjo ordered his son to climb inside.Undoubtedly aware of what this meant, Sado did as his father told him. It was then sealed up. Eight days later, he died, still inside it. †* Rationalizing the brutal execution â€â€-Concerns over bodily dismemberment â€â€-Not to give the appearance of criminal execution * Lady Hyegyong’s two traumas On her husband’s execution: * Inevitable and justified * Public duty > private feelings On the king’s decree of making her son an adopted son of the late prince: * Unnecessary and mind-baffling * Private feelings > public duty
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Organizational Structure And Management Process Essay
One of the most important aspects of any organization is its structure and its management process. The success of any firm is directly related to how well it is organized and how effective it s managed. Organizational structure and management processes are interrelated and they provide a gauge as to how effective an overall business strategy is implemented. The measure of success in any business is how effectively it can compete in finding new opportunities and having the internal structure necessary to compete in different markets and business environments. Management also has challenges and faces pressures from the outside business world and has to understand markets, current market trends and anticipate how markets and industries will perform in the future. Management and the structure of an organization are an integral part of creating the model for any business to be able to compete on a global level based on these trends. The management structure, that s put in place, must address these challenges in order to have success, as organizational structure and management process is critical to ensuring the long-term health of a business. This summary is based on the book entitled Handbook of Business Strategy, by William D. Guth. The strategy of a business is a key factor in how an organization is structured and its management process. The goal of most businesses is to maximize revenues, generate profits and to be positioned for future success. A firm mustShow MoreRelatedManagement Process And Organizational Structure And Lack Of Leadership1832 Words  | 8 Pagesorganisation which hires specific individuals to work together and be rewarded based on performance and innovation. Teams are self-organised and individuals have high independence and authority to make decisions at a local level. 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