Monday, May 25, 2020
Understanding Employment, Inflation And Gdp - 853 Words
Michael Tweddle Professor Clayman Macroeconomics 19 February 2016 Understanding Employment, Inflation and GDP In the months of June and July during the year 2011, the total number the total number of people employed declined by 155,000. Meaning that that many people either quit or lost their job. But, in that same year the unemployment rate happened to decrease. The Decline of such number was most likely due to the banking failure during 2008 all the way to 2011. This would cause a cyclical unemployment issue due to the market falling under. Causing the businesses no other choice than to let people go during this economic hardship due to not being able to keep up with their net income and net losses. With that happening, most economist and investors would expect none other than the unemployment rate to increase. Thus, that wasn’t such case. Instead the unemployment rate decreased during that period. This could have happened from two of many different possibilities. The first being the gradual decrease of the United States p opulation growth due to the baby boomer generation decreasing, causing the total population to decrease and causing a lower number of employees. The second choice being that of those 155,000 employees who were laid off, most didn’t try to look for new jobs and became what we call discouraged workers. With that happening, since economist don’t put discouraged worker in the workforce equation, the previous number of total workforce decreased. There areShow MoreRelatedThe Canadian Economy And Canadian s Quality Of Life1447 Words  | 6 Pageseffects of the manufacturing industry on gross domestic product (GDP), inflation and unemployment. Through analysis of the three subtopics, the reader will get a better understanding of how the manufacturing industry is â€Å"reacting†to these factors. There will also be information on the ties of inflation unemployment to GDP, because GDP gives an accurate picture of an economies health. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Oppression Of Minorities During The Civil Rights Movement
Oppression of minorities has had a detrimental aspect in the associated individual’s lives. History has demonstrated that as a western society, we devalue minorities’ rights and values through legislation and societal views. Today, this remains to be an issue for many individuals of many stigmatized groups. Although efforts to reach a more unified community have been taken, many minorities still fight oppression. Through activism, social and political movements, the LGBTQIA community have progressed immensely throughout the past few decades. History has demonstrated a slow, yet vast amount of success in this marginalized group. Activists endured a long journey toward gaining rights for the community which lead to a modern day civil rights movement for the LGBTQIA community. Although there has been a great amount of successes, non-heterosexual individuals still do not have full equal rights as their heterosexual counterparts. There are still adversities that are being faced in this population that hinder these individuals from thriving. The issue is even greater when the individual has an additional identity that is also marginalized. Specifically, individuals who identify as people of color (POC) and LGBTQIA still encounter prejudice from society. The following thesis will lay out the progression in the LGBTQIA movement along with the deficits that these individuals have encountered throughout history. An interdisciplinary perspective through historical,Show MoreRelatedThe Civil War And Reconstruction1448 Words  | 6 PagesAfrican Americans with after the Civil War and Reconstruction was the Ku Klux Klan. The KKK was founded in 1866, and extended into almost every southern state by 1870. The organization became a vehicle for white southern citizens to deny Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies whose ideas, that tried establishing political and economic equality for African Americans. The KKK flourished in some regions in the South where, African Americans were a minority of the population. The KKK alsoRead MoreThe Second Wave Of Feminism1594 Words  | 7 Pagesfirst advocacies for women’s rights, the Second-wave feminism in the 1960s saw itself as a movement that achieved great success in term s of women’s social, economic, and political rights. The Women’s Rights Movement that began in the sixties, in comparison to the first-wave feminism in the 19th centuryâ€â€whereas many activists focused on only women’s suffrageâ€â€the second-wave feminism dealt with a broader range of issues. From education, the patriarchal system, sexual rights, and the workforce, to advocatingRead MoreA Sociological Look at the Feminist Movement the Civil Rights Movement1686 Words  | 7 PagesThe Feminist Movement The Civil Rights Movement Lauren Greene SYG2000 Tuesday/Thursday 5:00 pm December 9, 2012 Social Movements Impact Western Culture For centuries, large groups of individuals have come together to oppose prevailing ideas, challenge conformity and promote great change in beliefs, government policy and overall social reform. 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This movement began in 2013 when Trayvon Martin, an African American teenager was shot and killed by George Zimmerman who was a white police officer. Although the Black Lives Matter movement has many supporters, 78% of voting Americans favor All Lives Matter, a movement that criticizes Black Lives Matter, becauseRead MoreThe Challenges African Americans Faced in America963 Words  | 4 Pagesfirst African slaves were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619, to aid in the production of such lucrative crops as tobacco. (Slavery in America, 2012) During the 17th and 18th centuries, slavery was practiced throughout most of the American colonies. (Slavery in America, date). During these times, the amount of slaves that were brought to America e normous and could possibly be near the 10 million mark in the 16th century. â€Å"Why did European settlers need slaves toRead MoreThe Civil Rights Act And Voting Rights1665 Words  | 7 Pagesrestrictive political system. For minorities, America is not the land of the free. It is the land of oppression to progression, yet we still wear our scars and our heads up high. Struggles to expand the breadth of political and civil rights in the United States have been critical to fostering greater inclusion and equality for racial/ethnic minorities in America. Various reforms such as the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Acts were implemented during the civil rights era as they helped promote greaterRead MoreThe Effect of Black Power on the Emergence of Yellow Power1257 Words  | 6 Pagesshift to â€Å"ethnic power.†Other minority groups also shifted from the fight for integration and began to adopt the rhetoric of ethnic power and pride in the late 1960’s. By the l ate 1960’s, a host of other groups began to adopt the rhetoric of â€Å"power†: Red Power, Grey Power, Pink Power, Brown Power, etc. What were the similarities and differences between the rhetoric of Chicano Power, Yellow Power and Black Power? 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Throughout the film, racism and violenceRead MoreCivil War And The Abolition Of Slavery Essay1473 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"an act of setting someone free from imprisonment, slavery or oppression†( The importance of liberation is having ‘freedom’ from any subjugation, but that freedom has been taken away slowly, and instead hurdling forward towards a t ime where capitalism is more important than freedom and equity. Keeanga- Yamahtta Taylor questions, â€Å"What would constitute the ‘radical reconstruction’ of American society?†After the Civil War and the abolishment of slavery, people were heading towards
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Long Term Consequences Of Incarceration On African...
Chapter II: Literature Review In his pointed analysis of urban life in the United States, sociologist Elijah Anderson (2013) posits that public awareness in America is fundamentally color-coded in that white skin is commonly associated with trustworthiness and civility while black skin tends to epitomize crime and incivility. In a country where more than a third of black men in their twenties are under state control at any given time, official criminality is not only attached to individual offenders but also to an entire social group (Pettit Western, 2004; Roberts, 2004). For poor, undereducated black men, who represent the fastest growing segment of the nation’s prison population, incarceration is a common and almost predictable life experience (Roberts, 2004). It is our hypothesis that by effectively eroding several critical keystones of normative functioning, discriminatory policing and imprisonment creates a cyclical pathway for black men to return to the criminal justice system. This chapter reviews and evaluates the existing research on the long-term consequences of incarceration on African American men, focusing specifically on a) economic opportunities and mobility, b) social networks and connections, and c) civic and social citizenship. Economic Opportunities/Mobility Of the roughly seven hundred thousand individuals released from prison each year, a large majority are young men with less than a college education (Pager, Western Sugie, 2009). Of these formerShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of The War On Drugs1638 Words  | 7 Pages The War on Drugs plays a major part in the incarceration of African-Americans. In the â€Å"New Jim Crow†reading the (3) CIA admits to helping smuggle contrabands into communities heavily populated by people of color in order to disrupt and immobilize African-American movements. Crack and heroin were the most popular drugs smuggled into these communities due to their highly addictive and immobilizing nature. Their end goal was to have the African-American community self-destruct due to black on blackRead MoreThe Disproportionate Incarceration Of African American Males Essay1872 Words  | 8 PagesThe Disproportionate Incarceration of African American Males The United States currently has the highest incarcerated population in the world with 2.2 million adults incarcerated in 2014 (Kaeble, Glaze, Tsoutis, Minton, 2016). African American males represent a disproportionate amount of the incarcerated population, which is defined by those confined in either prison or jail (Crutchfield Weeks, 2015). Although, African-Americans account for roughly 13% of the United States population, theyRead MorePrison Industrial Complex Economics And The United States1157 Words  | 5 Pagesthe article â€Å"Prison Industrial Complex Economics†, it states, â€Å"the United States has approximately 6.5 million people under the criminal justice supervision. Incarcerated rate has grown from 176 in 1973 up to 700 in the year of 2000†(Waquant). Incarceration is a big business that feeds into drug violence, corrupted guards, and racism in criminal justice system, taxpayer cost, and racism in the criminal system and through privatization of p risons. Drug violence The United States have imprisoned manyRead MoreRestricting the Voting Rights of Felons1491 Words  | 6 PagesA man sentenced in 2003 for felonies of drug and theft served four long, yet deserved years in a Kentucky prison. His name is Michael Hiser. Now 44, Hiser is a community college teacher and a volunteer Chaplin that counsels inmates. In America, there are more than 4 million voices like Hiser who are refused the right to vote. Republican state legislators continue to withhold this fundamental right of democracy from felons who have rejoined society as abiding citizens. Consequently, restricting theRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement And Our Nation s Continued Progress Towards Racial Equality1477 Words  | 6 PagesUnited States celebrates the Selma-to-Montgomery march of 1965 to honor the civil rights movement and our nation’s continued progress towards racial equality. Yet almost five decades later a broken criminal-justice system has proven that we still have a long way to go in achieving racial equality. Today people of color continue to be excessively incarcerated, policed, and sentenced to death at significantly higher rates than whites. Further, racial differences in the criminal-justice system hurt communitiesRead MorePoverty And The Changing Family Structure1713 Words  | 7 PagesAfrican Americans have come a long way in the last few decades. We have more rights, more opportunities to grow and prosper and more independence than ever before. But the same cannot be said for African American families as a whole. The African American family and community is in trouble (Tilove, 2005). These families are facing many issues today that are contributing to their break down. These factors include poverty, diminishing health, welfare, incarceration, the struggle to find housing andRead MoreRacism And The American Criminal Justice System1584 Words  | 7 PagesToday, African Americans and other minorities are over-represented in the crimi nal justice system, but under-represented politically in the United States of America. Since well before its inception in 1776, the United States of America has been a nation characterized by white supremacy. In fact, modern day America may not exist if not for the taking of land from the Indigenous Peoples on this very premise. Today, many Americans believe they live in a post-racial nation, citing the abolition ofRead MoreThe Effects Of Incarceration During The Era Of Mass Imprisonment2337 Words  | 10 Pagesoccurs from 1970-2003â€â€when incarceration rates climbed almost five times higher than they had been in the twentieth centuryâ€â€while stating the effects and consequences that mass imprisonment created within the United States penal system. By discussing the disparities of incarceration between sex, age, race and education level, and how post-incarceration affects opportunities such as marriage and high-waged employment. Western provides an analysis of how the risk of incarceration accumulates over an individual’sRead MoreThe Disproportionate Number of African-American Males Incarcerated Within the United States2992 Words  | 12 PagesThe disproportionate number of African-American males incarcerated within the United States is a difficult social dilemma that needs to be more fully understood and addressed. This paper will explore the mass incarceration of African-American men. The paper will look into the prevalence, causes, consequences, and offer solutions to this crisis. Specifically, seeking to find what factors have created such high levels of criminal justice control for African-American males, and explore the impact onRead MoreDomestic Violence And The Middle Class1450 Words  | 6 Pagesyou are the one offering or receiving a genuine â€Å"Thank You†the recognition of appreciation will always remain with you. Growing up, I was fortunate to be a middle class African American. Statistics suggests that to be both African American and part of the middle class is unprecedented. However, the portrayal of the American Dream, encompassing the perfect middle class family, stopped at my front door. Domestic violence was a permanent tenant. â€Å"Thank You†were the words my five year old sister
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Essay Plan An Inspector Calls Example For Students
Essay Plan An Inspector Calls A man has to look after himself to make his own way- has to look after himself and this is Arthur Birling outlook on life both socially and in business. Arthur Birling also thinks that he is the man of the county, knowing everyone and everyones business, I was an alderman for years and lord mayor two years ago and im still on the Bench and he is informing to the inspector, who he has never met before that he is well known and that he has contacts. He doesnt want to involve Sheila or Mrs. Birling with the inspector because he thinks they are feeble and thinks that they cannot help with the matter as he thinks it is business and business is only a mans world. After he finds out about all the trouble in the family all he can think about is the reputation of the family and the business. Shed had a lot to say-far to much-so she had to go this accounts for Arthurs treatment of Eva Smith. At the end of the play when they all realize that the inspector was a phoney Mr. Birling just carries on as nothing had happened because all he was thinking about was his reputation and now that he was not a real inspector he thinks he has nothing to worry about but he doesnt think about Eva Smith or the death. Mrs. Birling is a very proscriptive woman who always clings to what she thinks is correct, maintaining the old social order. She gives over to the manners delicate sensibilities and that is what she sees in Eva Smith Im talking to the inspector now, if you dont mind she says this with forceful attitude, she also is very calm and she builds herself up for the inspector to come and knock her back with the truth, thinking that she has nothing to do with the death of Eva Smith, I dont see any particular reason why I should- she cannot see what she has to do with the death and Sheila warns her to stop please mother your just building yourself up like we all did and he will break it down like he did to all of us but Mrs. Birling wont listen to it and continues to fight the inspector explaining she has nothing to do with the death. Mrs. Birling is slightly oblivious beyond her own childrens lives, she didnt know anything about Erics drinking which he even drunk at home and she could not see it, with Sheila she did not know anything about her getting Eva fired. Go and look for the father of the child its his responsibility this is Mrs. Birling outlook of Eva Smith, when Eva smith came to Mrs. Birling for help this is how she reacted and told her and refused to help her, by Mrs. Birlings reaction you can guess that she does not know that Eric is the father of the unborn child. I did nothing wrong that im ashamed of or that wont bear investigation Mrs. Birling following this with I was just doing my duty you can start to realize that Mr. and Mrs. Birling are very alike and all they care about their reputation and their business. Mrs. Birling tries to put the blame on to the father, and Sheila tries to stop her as Sheila has worked out that Eric is the father but Mrs. Birling does not listen and carries on Its his responsibility find some steps to find this man and then make sure that he is compelled to confess in public his responsibility but of course when she finds out that the father is Eric she cannot agree with it and starts regretting on what she has been saying, I dont believe it, I wont believe it. But she was too stubborn to listen. .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 , .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 .postImageUrl , .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 , .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3:hover , .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3:visited , .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3:active { border:0!important; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3:active , .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3 .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u009dc275c96a85d2e735bb837fe093b3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Anatoly Smeliansky EssaySheila Birling is a young woman, early twenties. She was involved in Eva Smiths death as she got her sacked from Milwards putting her out of a job. I couldnt be sorry for her this is an account for Sheilas treatment of Eva, Sheila was jealous of Eva because she was young, pretty and when Sheila put on a dress it looked awful on her but when Eva out it on it looked perfect. I behaved badly too. I know I did. Im ashamed of it Sheila realizes that she did wrong and that is her lesson she had learnt, but throughout the investigation she had learnt a few things, we all started like that- so confident, so pleased with ourselves until he began asking qu estions she Is trying to explain to her mother that if they build up a wall to protect themselves denying everything of the investigation then the inspector would just knock it down. Sheila is very wise as she knows whats coming and she had worked out everything like Gerald having the affair with her as soon as Gerald heard the name he reacted and Sheila saw how he reacted and started asking question and got him to admit to the inspector, she also picked up on Eric being the father trying to stop her mother saying all the things about finding the father and punishing him mother- stop stop and she is trying to explain to her mother but she would not listen. After they had realized that the inspector was an intruder everyone had stopped worrying but Sheila and Eric were the only ones thinking that there is still a dead girl they didnt care about there reputation all they cared about the death of this girl but that wont bring Eva smith back to life will it? But even after they completely found out there was no dead girl or inspector all Sheila could think about was the truth which had been spoken about that night, Gerald having an affair, Eric getting a poor girl pregnant, her getting Eva fired but again only her and Eric could think about but everyone else just kept thinking now they were all of the hook they can get back to normal again.
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