Monday, September 30, 2019
The Important Things
The Important Things What are the most important things in my life? Family is the number one most important thing in my life. My girlfriend, education, career, money and happiness are also very important to me in life. Without my family I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I couldn’t ask for better parents. And I have a little brother I wouldn’t be able to live without. My parents work very hard to provide a wonderful life for us. We really enjoy going camping and taking other vacations together. It gives us a lot of quality time to spend together.My family helps me through the hard times in life. I have the best grandparents in the world that would do anything for me. I have been very fortunate being able to spend lots of time with them while growing up. We have made many special memories together that I will always hold close to my heart. There were six brothers and sisters on my dad’s side and four sisters on my mom’s side. Combining the two, I h ave twelve amazing cousins. We are all very close and get together to celebrate all of the birthdays and holidays.I love my family with all my heart and could never ask for a better one. My girlfriend means the world to me. Not only is she my girlfriend, she is my best friend. She knows how to make me smile when I’m not in a good mood. She is the one person I know I can count on. I love her with all my heart. I will never let her go. We have been together since the beginning of high school. We have a special connection with each other; there is something that will never break us apart. Education is a very important event in my life.Getting laid off for the second winter really inspired me to go back to school. I am now in a four semester program to become a Process Operator. Lewis and Clark provide a great education. I have been working hard and keeping my grades up so that I can graduate on time and look for a better job. My career is what I am working hard in school for now . The right job is out there for me somewhere. After I complete my education, I will find it. I am very determined. I feel that being younger I might have some advantages. My oal is to get hired on at Phillips 66. They will be hiring for the foreseeable future. Nine out of twenty people were hired from the last class that graduated from the program that I am in now. My cousin was one of them. Can money buy happiness? Some people are extremely wealthy but also very lonely, while others are poor but happy with their surrounding family and friends they have. You can buy many things with money but not happiness. There are many ways to obtain money. Some people may work for it while others might win the lottery.I am the type of person who works hard for my money and saves it. The more money I have available the happier I am with myself. I don’t let money take over my life though. I have a roof over my head and a meal to eat every night, so for that I am very happy. Being around my family and girlfriend is what truly brings happiness to my heart. The most important thing is to enjoy your life. Being happy is all that truly matters. Hold close those who are close to your heart. The love of family and the admiration of friends are much more important than wealth or privilege. The Important Things The Important Things What are the most important things in my life? Family is the number one most important thing in my life. My girlfriend, education, career, money and happiness are also very important to me in life. Without my family I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I couldn’t ask for better parents. And I have a little brother I wouldn’t be able to live without. My parents work very hard to provide a wonderful life for us. We really enjoy going camping and taking other vacations together. It gives us a lot of quality time to spend together.My family helps me through the hard times in life. I have the best grandparents in the world that would do anything for me. I have been very fortunate being able to spend lots of time with them while growing up. We have made many special memories together that I will always hold close to my heart. There were six brothers and sisters on my dad’s side and four sisters on my mom’s side. Combining the two, I h ave twelve amazing cousins. We are all very close and get together to celebrate all of the birthdays and holidays.I love my family with all my heart and could never ask for a better one. My girlfriend means the world to me. Not only is she my girlfriend, she is my best friend. She knows how to make me smile when I’m not in a good mood. She is the one person I know I can count on. I love her with all my heart. I will never let her go. We have been together since the beginning of high school. We have a special connection with each other; there is something that will never break us apart. Education is a very important event in my life.Getting laid off for the second winter really inspired me to go back to school. I am now in a four semester program to become a Process Operator. Lewis and Clark provide a great education. I have been working hard and keeping my grades up so that I can graduate on time and look for a better job. My career is what I am working hard in school for now . The right job is out there for me somewhere. After I complete my education, I will find it. I am very determined. I feel that being younger I might have some advantages. My oal is to get hired on at Phillips 66. They will be hiring for the foreseeable future. Nine out of twenty people were hired from the last class that graduated from the program that I am in now. My cousin was one of them. Can money buy happiness? Some people are extremely wealthy but also very lonely, while others are poor but happy with their surrounding family and friends they have. You can buy many things with money but not happiness. There are many ways to obtain money. Some people may work for it while others might win the lottery.I am the type of person who works hard for my money and saves it. The more money I have available the happier I am with myself. I don’t let money take over my life though. I have a roof over my head and a meal to eat every night, so for that I am very happy. Being around my family and girlfriend is what truly brings happiness to my heart. The most important thing is to enjoy your life. Being happy is all that truly matters. Hold close those who are close to your heart. The love of family and the admiration of friends are much more important than wealth or privilege.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
African American Minority Group Essay
Among many of the ethnic groups that experienced a combination of segregation, racism, and prejudice; African Americans is one of the few that is still faced with one or more forms of discrimination today. The majority of African Americans came to the United States from Africa to be slaves, while others are citizens or residents of the United States from partial ancestry a form of the native population. In 1619, the first recorded Africans were recorded in British North America in Jamestown, Virginia, and the numbers began to increase as more English settlers died from harsh conditions and the Africans were brought to work as laborers. In the late 1700s the American Revolution occurred, which landed approximately 3 million Africans in slavery in the United States by the mid-1800s, (Centerwall, Brandon, 1984). In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln declared that all slaves in the United States from a Union were free. Meanwhile the declaration of Africans being free from slavery was joyful event, it was also the beginning of a growing battle that lead to a different approach of discrimination including; segregation, prejudice, and racism. By the 1900s, the African American population increased, which majority of the population lived in the Southern states of the United States. The Southern states enforced the Jim Crow laws, which mandated racial segregation in all public facilities giving white Americans advantages over black Americans in public schools, public transportation, restrooms, restaurants and drinking fountains. In order to eliminate the control that white Americans had over African Americans, African Americans began to build their own schools, churches, and communities. Although, African Americans building their own communities was the intention of avoiding the humiliation of the Jim Crow laws, it still didn’t prevent the African Americans from becoming victims of racially motivated violence. African Americans experienced countless acts of violence incidents that lead blacks battered, beaten and even dead in some cases. White Americans begin to form organizations that promoted white power, leading the organizations to practice out violence and destroy African Americans property. A popular white power organization called themselves the Ku Klux Klan and performed acts against blacks that included; lynching cross burnings, physical violence, and house burnings towards African Americans. Although, the Ku Klux Klan was formed in 1867, it has been rumors that there are people that are still secretly members today. African Americans experienced a wider range of discrimination, segregation, and racism more so in the later days but still arise in society today. In a perfect world, no one would be judged by the color of their skin and society would focus on a person’s individual true character. Often times African Americans miss out on opportunities because they are being judged by the color of their skin, rather than their abilities. The United States has tried to provide Americans the rights to equal opportunity, by creating the Affirmative action. The affirmative action eliminates people being granted opportunities based on their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or national origin and ensures that minority groups within a society receive equal opportunities. Although, the affirmative action was intended to diminish situations which cause people to participate in different forms of discrimination, but unless it could be fully proven that African Americans were being passed up for jobs, education, income and other forms of advancements there will never be a way to fully prohibit this form of discrimination. Today, there is still unequal opportunities and discriminatory treatment that occurs in the United States especially with African Americans. African Americans were affected by many forms of discrimination that decreased advancement to equal other races in society. They were faced with dual labor market, forcing blacks to work in lower labor market areas. Redlining was enforced by keeping businesses from helping African Americans simply because of the area they lived in. Many African Americans wanted to better themselves by furthering their education, but suffered from institutional discrimination and given less information and aid for education. Knowing the history of the African American struggles on; prejudice, discrimination, and segregation allows me to understand my roots and accomplishments of my ethnic group. Personally the history of African Americans affects me greatly, because it is the combination of struggles that has played a huge role to my advancements and opportunities performed daily. The African American ancestors fought daily through all counts of discrimination helps that allows all groups of different minority groups the same equal rights for advancement opportunities. Although, the majority of the world views of African Americans has changed there are still people that choose to discriminate against African Americans by choosing not to change with the ways of the world and maintain prejudice. Acts of discrimination is performed but not as greatly as many years ago. African American culture has had a rough past journey, but in the long run the majority of the United States has made it possible for all African Americans equal rights and opportunities in life.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Assessing The Confucianism On Relationships Cultural Studies Essay
Assessing The Confucianism On Relationships Cultural Studies Essay Confucianism has been the main foundation of traditional thought that is deeply rooted in Chinese society. Confucianism is ethical teachings rather than a religion as described in Western literatures. Confucianism is widely regarded as the behavioral or moral regulations that are mainly concerned with human relationships, social structures, virtuous behavior and work ethics. In Confucianism, rules are specified for the social behavior of every individual, governing the entire range of interpersonal relations within the society. The core virtues of Confucius basic teaching can be extracted as Ren (Humanity), Yi (Righteousness), Li (Propriety), Zhi (Wisdom) and Xin (Faithfulness). According to Confucius, each person had a specific place in society, certain rules to follow and certain duties to fulfill. Confucius hoped that if people knew what was expected of them they would behave accordingly. He, therefore, set up Five Cardinal Relations, in which most people are involved, moreover h e also laid down the principles for each relation. These can be illustrated as follows: Basic Human Relations Principles Sovereign and subject (master and follower) Loyalty and duty Father and son Love and obedience Elder and younger brothers Seniority and modeling subject Husband and wife Obligation and submission Friend and friend Trust Source: Fan, 2000 All of these five, except the last, involve the authority of one person over another. Power and the right to rule belong to superiors over subordinates. Each person has to give obedience and respect to his/her ‘superiors’; the subject to his/her ruler, the wife to her husband, the son to his parents, and the younger brother to the older brother. The ‘superior’, however, owes loving responsibility to the subordinates. These relationships are structured to generate optimal benefits for both parties, and the principles are laid to achieve a harmonious society (Fan, 2000). Among these five basic human relatio ns, three are family relations, which show strong family-orientation in the Chinese society. Such a characteristic when applied to organizational management, leads to the birth of a parternalistic management style in Chinese society (Hsiao, et al., 1990). As China is a high context culture (Hall, 1976) and places much emphasis on Confucianism, relationships within the Chinese society have been explained in terms of harmony, hierarchy, and development of morality and kinship (Shenkar and Ronen, 1987). Defining Guanxi Under the impact of Confucianism, China is a nation whose social relationships are neither individual-based nor society-based, but typically a relationship-based society (Liang, 1974), in which almost everyone tries to maintain Guanxi. Guanxi, which literally means social relationship or social connection, is a prevalent cultural phenomenon that has strong implications for interpersonal and interorganisational dynamics in Chinese society. The concept of Guanxi is enormou sly rich, complex and dynamic (Yang, 2001). In English as well as Chinese, it can be defined at various levels and from different perspectives. Chen and Chen (2004) argue that rather than social networks or interpersonal relationships found in the Western literature, Guanxi should be viewed as an indigenous Chinese construct and should be defined as an informal, particularistic personal connection between two individuals who are bounded by an implicit psychological contract to follow the social norms as maintaining a long-term relationship, mutual commitment, loyalty, and obligation.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Chapter 6 homework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Chapter 6 homework - Assignment Example Variable lead-time is the part of processing time, which is dependable on the order quantity. Manufacturing lead-time is the summation of preprocessing, processing and post-processing lead-time (ORACLE, â€Å"Oracle Bills of Material Users Guide†). 6.13. If the second machine is setup after the completion of the setup of first machine, then there will be no reduction in manufacturing lead-time. Setup time i.e. preprocessing time is fixed for a machine to work for a scheduled time. The manufacturing lead-time is affected with processing time i.e., move time between operations and post-processing time i.e. run time of the machines (ORACLE, â€Å"Oracle Bills of Material Users Guide†). Actual backlog is the differences between the total and actual planned within the given period. The calculation is done to maintain the output level for each period in order to reduce the lead-time and queue hours. The above report shows a lower level of input and output. The work centers performance can be monitored through the analysis of planned and actual outputs. The lead-time and queue performance are monitored through planned and actual backlog (Arnold 515). Based on the above interpretation, it is estimated that actual backlog at the end of period 5 is 37
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Universe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Universe - Essay Example and a compound is that separation of a mixture does not involve change in chemical properties of components while separation of compounds is associated with changes in chemical properties from those of the compound’s components to the separated products’. Consequently, a mixture exhibits characteristics that are the same as those of its components unlike a compound whose properties are completely different from those its components. Another difference between mixtures and compounds is that a mixture can contain any ratio of its components while a compound is composed of distinct component ratios (Ramsden, 2001). An element can be distinguished from a compound through chemical processes in which an element, in case of a reaction, will form a homogeneous product while a compound will form different products due to differences in chemical properties of its elements (Ramsden, 2001). Ionic bonds and covalent bonds have a number of differences. Ionic bonds for example occur between metallic elements and ‘non-metallic’ elements while covalent bonds form between ‘non-metallic’ elements. While ionic bonds form electrolytic compounds, that conducts electricity in liquid or aqueous state, covalent bonds forms ‘non-electrolytic’ compounds. Another difference between ionic bonds and covalent bonds is that while ionic bonds have a similar trend in characteristics, covalent bonds exhibit different trends in characteristics due to different types of covalent bonds (Ramsden, 2001). The reason for reaction between metals and ‘non-metals’ to form ionic bonds is because metals lose electrons while the ‘non-metals’ gain electrons for stability, forming oppositely charged ions that constitute the metallic bond. The metals lose their outer most electrons that are gained by the ‘non-metals’ for stability of both elements. While the elements are unstable and utilize energy to either, lose or gain electrons for stability, metals require less energy to lose
Speed limits should stay the same Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Speed limits should stay the same - Essay Example Speed limits are used to communicate to the motorist the driving speed that they are expected to be on under the prevailing situations; these are road conditions that they are driving on, the traffic and the weather changes. The governments set speed limits for the general reasons of public safety, prevent amount of damage and injury on motorists and pedestrians in case of an accident and set grounds for punishment if one is deemed to have gone contrary to what is expected. Therefore, speed limits should remain the same and no changes made otherwise any upward change would bring about more deaths from road accidents. Increasing the speed limits will only serve to increase road accidents and speeds because lower speed limits reduce the likelihood of accidents and if they do happen, then the injuries are not severe and the deaths are minimal. It is common knowledge that when there are frequent occurrences of road accidents on a certain road, the plea that is usually made is for the spe ed limit to lowered and not the reverse. The fatality of an accident is usually higher if the driver was on a high speed especially in the case of a head on collision (Lund, 2007). This therefore goes to prove that raising the speed limit would increase the chances of road accidents and also the number of injuries and deaths reported. ... Most motorist drive at a pace that is comfortable to them, therefore raising the speed limit will not really serve to make matters any better on the road. If the speed limit is raised, the drivers that can drive faster will do so but those that are not comfortable with a high speed will drive at a lower one. It is crucial to note that increase of speed limit will not regulate traffic; actually, accidents might increase due to reduced traffic flow. One of the major causes of road accidents is the lack of uniform traffic flow because cars are not moving at the same speed (House of Commons, 2008). Car insurance rates will also be affected in the event that the speed limits are raised. With increased incidents on the road, which include, damages and injuries to people, insurance companies might be forced to revise their prices upwards. The higher figure will then help the insurance companies to deal with the claims brought to them; this in turn affects the motorists who will have to pay larger sums of money to cover their premiums. The cost of living is escalating each day, additional expenses will not be welcome by the masses. Bearing in mind that not everyone is for the idea of increased speed limits, but everyone will be affected by the increase in insurance rates, therefore the speed limit should remain the same. The speed limit should not be raised because it serves to help motorist use fuel efficiently. It is a well known fact that, driving at a constant speed leads to better fuel consumption as compared to lower or higher speeds. It is therefore logical that maintaining the speed limits as they are is more economical to motorists as compared
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Use of Internet for Sex Crimes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Use of Internet for Sex Crimes - Research Paper Example With this growing problem, what have the law enforcement agencies done to address this problem? Different researches were conducted on the activities of law enforcement agencies and other agencies involved and it revealed that the federal and state government, law enforcement agencies, different task forces and other such agencies have roles in suppressing this crime. Despite the involvement of these agencies involvement of citizens and the private sector is indispensable in solving this problem. Law enforcement is confronted with the challenge of dealing with crimes which are not necessarily expected in criminal statutes (Wolak, Mitchell & Finkelhor, 2003). Hence, law enforcement has to ‘master technical advances,’ widen their investigative techniques, and now handle criminal cases that may be under the so-called multiple jurisdictions (2003). According to a study made by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, law enforcement has made estimated arrests of around 2,577 in the twelve months since they started in 01 July 2000 (2003). These internet sex crimes include sexual assaults which may either be completed or attempted; use of the internet by illegal means in order to transmit materials sexual in content and to solicit minors; the production, distribution and possession of internet child pornography; webcam offenses, stalking and other related offenses (2003). The law enforcement also uses investigative resources to hunt down or find out the offenders (2003). Law enforcement has taken action in order to fight this crime of internet sex crimes especially against minors (2003). Among the actions taken are the establishment of specialized units in the federal agencies like the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service. Funding for Internet Crimes Against Children Task
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Merger & Acquisitions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Merger & Acquisitions - Essay Example Toronto Dominion Bank (TD) Bank on the other hand is also a multinational bank situated in Canada. It offers multinational banking and financial services and its market capitalization makes it the second largest bank in Canada. TD has four main divisions that is, Canadian Retail Banking, US retail Banking, wholesale Banking and Wealth Management insurance. It is evident that this bank has many branches in the US than in Canada and is focused on expanding its US retail banking business. TD bank consists of the shareholders, board of directors who appoint cooperate governance committee, the human resource committee, the audit committee, the risk committee as well as the management. TD bank consists of almost 79,000 team members. With globalization, there has been great development in the international banking as cross boarder capital movement as well as the unification of financial institutions across the globe. Many banks across the world have had a hard time to cope with constant cha nges and intense competition in the banking sector and this has led to many banks merge so as to cope with the competitive global economy. A merge can be defined as the buying of one company by the other or the unification of two or more banks to form one new bank with an aim of achieving mutual benefits. The reason why TD bank and Wells Fargo should merge is because unifying will enable the banks restructure their entrepreneurial work and look deeply into their strategies of wealth and insurance, personal and commercial banking, wholesale banking and community banking. Wells Fargo services $ 1.8 trillion in home mortgaging. The merging will help the companies provide financial goals by offering financial services to the customers. According to Sylvia Reynolds, Wells Fargo’s marketing director, showing stability to the customers will enable the customer’s earn the company’s trust and this may be acquired through re-shaping and changing some policies to best serv e the customers’ needs (Adubato 2011). The merging will therefore lead to restructuring the companies’ policies towards offering qualitative and quantitative services to their customers. Through the merge, the size of the Well and TD banks will increase. Their production procedures will be rationalized and the banks will be efficient in terms of providing services. The banks will increase the margin of interest rates on loans and deposits in the retail banking market since the customers will have few alternative sources of finance services. The merging of TD bank and Wells Fargo will promote better customer care and this will make TD maintain their customers and reduce the number of customers shifting to other banks due to poor customer care. This is because Wells Fargo is committed to maintaining customers through constantly offering additional services, thanking them and greeting them on a regular basis and this drives more customers to the bank (Adubato 2011) and ha s over 70 million customers World Wide. The merging of the two banks will therefore promote betterment in attending to customers’ financial needs including offering insurance, brokerage and investment services among other services. This will attract new customers and maintain the old customers. The merge of Wells Fargo and TD bank is more likely to
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Strategic delivery of change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Strategic delivery of change - Essay Example He later became the director of the company in 1986 where he renamed the company WPP. WPP became the largest marketing and Communication Company worldwide by 1998. Organic growth and strategic combination enabled the company to achieve this position. The company is of good importance to the public in terms of environmental conditions. The raw materials and other resources used by the company are wastes, which could have polluted the environment. The studies indicated that the problem in many companies is how the company is recruiting the employees. Employees are not recruited as per their qualifications. This is because after the interview the recruited employees have lower grades than those who are left out. I worked in the company as part time employee and I have experienced how the employees are recruited. There are employees who have served in the company for a long time without being confirmed. This is because new employees are admitted to larger positions in the company leaving the other employees unconfirmed though they are qualified. For one to be employed in the company, it depends on what you have and whom you know in the company. Employees in the management positions are recruiting their friends and relative even if they are not qualified for the positions. This will lead to poor performances in the company, which might even lead to collapse of the company. This problem in the organization is brought by long serving employees in the management positions. This makes them ignore the rules and regulations of the company and exercise their duties as they wish. When it comes to recruitment, employees in the management position will consider their friends and relatives are first making all process unfair. The managers employ their own people, but they conduct the interviews only for formality in the organization. This makes the employees in the organization to be incompetent. This is because they cannot perform their duties as
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Explore Possibilities for Happiness Improvement Essay Example for Free
Explore Possibilities for Happiness Improvement Essay This paper seeks to prepare an argumentative essay for the purpose of exploring possibilities for happiness improvement. This paper will prove the assertion that happiness can be improved by choice both from the individual and institutional level. Some have equated happiness with popularity, while others have equated it with wealth. In either case a few could have confirmed some sense of similarity in equating the dissimilar terms. Well one could argue that it is very hard to prove the experience because it is personal. This paper treats happiness that is something measurable and hence can be improved in degrees. Precisely a person committing a suicide is not happy while a person that can handle his or emotional problems are a happy one. This paper’s thesis therefore means that improving the level of happiness is actually helping people to have a better feeling of well being and less likely to be persons who will succumb to suicide. Schwart argues for the importance of value of choice for a person to be happy. The author explained that freedom to choose has what might be called expressive value and that choice enables one to tell the world who he or she is and what he or she cares about. To improve happiness one must be free and having that knowledge that one is free, that person must exercise the power of choice of to be happy. Happiness is a choice from the time a person wakes up in the morning until he lays his or her head at night to sleep and the same choice must again be practice the same day. For what is freedom if not deliberately used? The power to express oneself is one of man’s basic rights that are universally recognized. If one would like to trace the fall of the communist ideology, one would find that the limitation on the power to express oneself might have been one of the causes of its downfall. One would remember the 1989 suppression of the then Chinese government of the demonstrators on Chinese Square. The students were shouting for more freedom. They were willing to die in the name of freedom. Could the acts of the students be not taken also as dying for happiness if freedom has the objective of happiness? The right of freedom to self expression could even be above the right of government official to privacy for what a person’s right of expression could be used to criticize the act of a public official in democratic countries. Remove freedom to express, then you remove happiness. Remove happiness, then you remove meaning, then you remove life. Since happiness is one of the main objects of life, governments must be right in recognizing its availability by the exercise of freedom by recognizing the right in the constitutions although inherently the right might have existed without need or expressly recognizing the same. Organizations whether profit or non profit defines its goals in terms of missions and visions. These missions and visions are directions where organizations want to go. If analyzed further, these missions are actually purposes or meanings which in substance could be equated to happiness. It could thus be argued that institutions including government and other organizations are institutionalizing the right to happiness in terms of laws and policies which are indications of decisions to improve the level of happiness of individuals. To further support the thesis of this paper, Seligman argues that people who are impoverished, depressed, or suicidal care about much more that just the relief of their suffering. He explained that these persons care –sometimes desperately- about virtue, about purpose, about integrity and meaning. For these people, experiences that induce positive emotion cause negative emotion to dissipate rapidly. Seligman’s conception of meaning and purpose confirms the organizations setting their missions and visions are their guides for survival. It is in this regard that Seligman espouses Positive psychology. He observed that the strengths and virtues function to buffer against misfortune and against the psychological disorders, and they may be the key to building resilience. Thus he stated that the best therapists do not heal damage, they help people identify to build their strengths and virtues. Seligman’s Positive Psychology therefore promises to take one through the countryside of pleasure and gratification, up into the high country of the strength and virtue, and finally to the peaks of lasting fulfillment: meaning and purpose. Positive psychology reinforce thesis of this paper that more than curing the psychological disorders, psychology which is a science could be applied to make a choice, a choice for a brighter outlook. Although Seligman acknowledges personal circumstance to be a factor in determining happiness, it does not contradict the power of choice. This choice explains why more people are successful than other who does not have the right attitude. A philosopher once said that attitude is everything. What he really means is that attitude is a choice in the same way that happiness is a choice. Being therefore a choice, its improvement and enjoyment could also be a choice. Conclusion: This paper has proven what its has argued that happiness can be improved by choice both from the individual and institutional level. As man is free to choose so he or she must be free to choose to be happy. From the individual level man will seek to express him or self to other via many means from the performance of arts and even in these daily activities in work. In the institutional level, this paper also found evidence of choice for freedom to self expression that was inserted in many of the constitutions of many nations in the world. This world of hopeful people will continue to survive many challenges because of the power of humanity to determine their destiny, which essentially in reduced form, is actually happiness. Works Cited: Schwarts, Barry, The paradox of choice, Why more is less, Harper Collins Publishers, New York, USA, 1946 Seligman, M. , Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment, Press, New York, USA, 2004
Friday, September 20, 2019
Swing Bridge General Earlier Bridge
Swing Bridge General Earlier Bridge The river Esk has been crossed for centuries and it has been maintained by Edward III in 1353, and has been repaired with hard wood from the Oak by John Sehlboty in 1407. In 1926 Riding justices decided that the bridge should be change to new structure bridge with movable parts. 96 years later the bridge was in very impoverished condition and was needed to be repaired, See Figure 1 earlier bridge whitby.png Figure 1 Earlier bascule bridge First Swing Bridge. The bridge was built in 1835 until 1908. The swing part was made from wood and the opening was by manned winches to allow the ships to pass through. After years opening system has been changed by water-driven opening engine. The problem was that the bridge gives limit pass to the ships by 13.72 meters, See Figure 2. scscsc.bmp Figure 2 first swing bridge Swing Bridge. The existing Swing Bridge was built after the First Swing Bridge by a year in 1909; its the third crossing bridge over the river Esk within the Habour zone of heart of Whitby. The bridge just turned 100 in 8th of August 2009. During 1966 to 1970, were 25 accidents recorded on 76.2 meters long. In addition the bridge has to open approximately every half an hour to let the ships passing through and this causes delay to both traffic and pedestrians around 5 minutes. The bridge carries (A171) that comes from Meddilsborough to Scarborough. Its one Way Bridge for traffic and two ways for large number of pedestrians, the bridge has insufficient dimensions regards to the traffic and pedestrians nowadays, its 4.2672 meters carriageway wide and footpath width of 1.05 meter. Throughout the high season the footpath it will be exceedingly packed and the people have to step out into the carriageway due to the restriction of footpath wideness without paying attention of oncoming vehicles. Even though sometimes the traffic indecisive to cross the bridge against other cars. As well as the when two big vehicles crossing along the bridge one of them has to mount on to the pavement to let the other vehicle pass through, see Figure 3. exesting swing bridge.png Figure 3 existing swing bridge Current condition of the bridge. The bridge has age of 100 years old and its over the expected age, at present time the Swing Bridge has annually maintenance of  £60,000. The main maintenance was carried in 1985 with cost of  £400,000. The major refurbishment was carried due to the bad condition as following: The superstructure was seriously corroded. Poor state of operating machines and its placed with electrically hydraulic system. At present time the bridge causes problems due to its position which is close to the North Sea. The surface layer of the paint being de-bonded, the flakes fallen into the river damaging the flora and fauna of marina. Moreover, the chloride is extremely high and causes serious corrosion to the steel plate of the bridge. New bridge. Movable Bridge. This type of bridge that moves in order to allows the ships and boats etc, to pass through. This design is economical because it reduces the cost of construction and this can be achieved by building it on the ground, evading the disbursals of high piers and the long approaches. Therefore this provides the ease of passages for the ships and reducing the constructions expense. Movable bridges is operating by different methods such as electrical motors like gearing and hydraulic pistons etc. these bridges also cause traffic delay because the traffic has to be stop to let the sea traffic to pass. Basically, there are 13 types of movable bridges and the common types are Swing Bridge and Bascule Bridge. Types of bridges. Name Description Design Drawbridge. The bridge deck is hinged on one end. Drawbridge..jpg Figure 4 Drawbridge Bascule bridge. A drawbridge hinged on pins with a counterweight to facilitate raising. bascule bridge.jpg Figure 5 Bascule bridge Folding bridge. A drawbridge with multiple sections that collapse together horizontally. Folding bridge.jpg Figure 6 Folding Bridge Curling bridge. A drawbridge with multiple sections that curl vertically. Curling bridge.jpg Figure 7 Curling bridge Lift bridge. The bridge deck is lifted up by counterweighted cables mounted on towers. Lift bridge.jpg Figure 8 Lift bridge Table bridge. A lift bridge with the lifting mechanism mounted underneath it. Table bridge.jpg Figure 9 Table bridge Retractable bridge (Thrust bridge). The bridge deck is retracted to one side. Retractable bridge.jpg Figure 10 Retractable bridge (Thrust bridge) Rolling bridge. An unhinged drawbridge which is lifted by the rolling of a large gear segment along a horizontal rack. Figure 11 Rolling bridge Submersible bridge. The bridge deck is lowered down into the water. Submersible bridge 4.jpg Figure 12 Submersible bridge Tilt bridge. The bridge deck, which is curved, is lifted up at an angle. Tilt bridge.jpg Figure 13 Tilt bridge Swing bridge. The bridge deck rotates around a fixed point, usually at the centre, but may resemble a gate in its operation. Swing bridge.jpg Figure 14 swing bridge Transport bridge. A structure high above carries a suspended, ferry-like structure. Transporter bridge 1.jpg Figure 15 Transport bridge Jet bridge. A passenger bridge to an airplane. One end is mobile with height, yaw, and tilt adjustments on the outboard end. AdelaidJetBridgeS7386.jpg Figure 16 Jet bridge Bascule Bridge. Bascule Bridges are the most popular of opening bridges, the main part of bascule bridges is the counterweight, which is designed to be overhead counterweight or counterweight below the deck as shown in figure 17 and 18. Counterweight is continuously balance the leaf (span) This kind of bridge is to balance the bridges that rotate about the horizontal axis at right angle to its longitudinal centerline. Bascule severely implements to these kind that consist of a single moving element, which turns about the horizontal line close to its centre of gravity in order that the weight on one side that rotate on an axis mostly balance the weight on the other side, however the balance usually not precise. The movement of the bascule bridge mostly is up and down, when it moves keeping the bridge closed, its called as span heavy, or if its moving to keep the bridge to open its called counterweight heavy. Bascule Bridge can possibly be a single or double leaf that moves up and down to allow sea traffic to pass through. . 29.png Figure 17 single bascule bridge with overhead counterweight Figure 18 single bascule bridge with counterweight below the deck road Double leaf Bascule Bridge. It comprises of two leaves pointed opposite each other and connected together at their ends where they attach over the navigation channel as shown in figure19. The distinction between the single and double is the double leaf has advantages as following: Its higher above the water level with the same span. Rapidly opening Large navigation headway while its closed. Provide less wind resistance. Require small counterweight. Require small machinery. The disadvantage is that the double bascule bridge requires two times as much of every part. Untitled.png Figure 19 Double bascule bridge with counterweight below the deck road Many types of bascule bridges have many failures, where as the Rolling lift type Scherzer type invention solved these problems with distinct advantages: As it rotates it pulls itself out of the way of navigation. Provide more clearance to ships compared with other types from the same class. It does not have to open at wider angel as the other type of bridges to give a clear way for the ships. Rolling bascule Lift Bridge has one disadvantage such as it does not pivot about a hinge point, instead utilizing a rack and pinion mechanism to maintain the support and alignment. Figure 20 Fixed-trunnion Bascule design Figure 21 Rolling Bascule The common type of design is called Chicago Bascule this structure of it is much better than the others where it is a fixed-trunnion bascule design, the bridge pivoted around a large axel when trunnion slopes upward, see figures 20, 21 and 22. rackpinion.gif Figure 22 Rack and Pinion mechanisms The difference between Double-leaf Bascule Bridge and Swing Bridge. Double leaf bascule bridge with overhead counterweight Advantages Disadvantages It works as a cantilever for both dead/live load and its simply supported for live load. Overhead-counterweight is exposed to vandalism and perhaps blocks aspect of view. The mechanisms can be avoided from the bad weathering and risks of vandalism by place them underneath the road deck. 2. The power required from the machinery to move the span is proportional to the max wind speed over large area of deck. Provide great opening and closing compared with swing beiges. Provide clearance to small boasts without fully opening. Swing bridge Advantages Disadvantages The power required from machinery to move the span is not great as for bascule bridge Its required more time for opening and closing compared with Bascule Bridge. The machinery is under the deck but part of them dipped into the water. Long pier required to protect the span and this block the scene of the view. Does not require building cofferdam for piers and foundation construction and protection. The old Bascule Bridge of Whtiby. The earlier bridge was Bascule Bridge constructed before the existing swing bridge in the heart of Whitby. The bridge was manually operated before replacing it by hydraulic operated swing bridge. Therefore, proposing to build new modern bascule bridge can bring back Whitbys historical heritage and remember the local people to their history. Improving or Replacing the Swing Bridge. General. As a result from the current condition of the swing bridge must be maintained by  £60,000 annually. On the other hand after few years it might to be carry maintenance with high cost. Therefore to construct new bridge with good specifications wont be maintained at least for the first decades. Basically its suitable to construct new bridge that might cost around  £350,000 thousand instead of using it for maintenance on the current swing bridge. The new design will avoid all the environmental effects, high cost of maintenance, and traffic congestion within the bridge and greatly reduce the risk exposed to pedestrians. Therefore, it is highly recommended that the Whitby should have a new bridge rather than spending money on providing maintenance to the swing bridge. The Viable Solution. The viable solution, whichever to improve or replace the Swing Bridge has been decided to replace it with new bascule bridge in the same location. The new bascule bridge will be used just by pedestrians and freight cars due to the area surrounding the current swing bridge it will be pedestrianized refer to New Development. As for the traffic, new bascule bridge will be constructed in the upper Harbour zone from New Quay Road to Church Street Car Park, refer to New Crossing. It will be used by traffic and pedestrians in order to reduce the traffic congestion and danger/risk exposure to pedestrians. The good advantages of this viable solution are: The new bascule bridge between the Church Street and New Quay Road will be constructed first and use the current Swing bridge as temporary bridge in order to reduce the cost of the construction. When construction is finished the current swing bridge will be replace with new bascule bridge which is just for pedestrians, and bring back old memories of first bascule bridge. When the construction of new pedestrians Bascule Bridge will be finished, so the tourist and local in peak season they will be comfortable to walk along the bridge without any congestion, no fear from traffic and enjoy the scene of the Harbour zone centre. Proposed location of new bridge. General. The locations are important to verify the reason of chosen bridge type, as well as proposing locations are useful to choose the appropriate position for the bridge. The location should be reasonable to match with other locations and suggestion of New Developments. Therefore, it should be easy to access and satisfy the users. All locations that will be proposed must not ruin other places and New Quay road to Church Street via Bridge Street. This proposal shows where the new pedestrians bascule bridge will be constructed which is in the same location of current swing bridge. When the new bascule bridge will be used by pedestrians the narrow road on both side will sufficient for them and enjoy the scene the Harbour zone, there wont be any demolishing required, no affect to ships owners and their parks and the old swing bridge can be placed in museum as memorial, as shown in figures 23 and 24. Figure 23 new pedestrians Bascu7le Bridge Untitled.jpg Figure 24 new pedestrians Bascule Bridge New Quay Road to Church Street. New bascule bridge for traffic and pedestrians, Refer to New crossing. Deck design of new pedestrians Bascule Bridge. The deck design of the bridge will be formulated to fit the maximum possible amount of pedestrians without any risk. In order to comply with the safety of the pedestrians the dimensions as the following: The comprehensive width of the deck is 6m. The total length of the deck will be the same as the total length of the bridge which is 43m as shown in figure 25. The overall thickness of the deck from the centre is 200mm and it descends to 190mm to both side ends of the bridge. This inclination counted for the drainage system. Concrete slab thickness is 0.15 meter. Historical brick thickness 0.05 meter. See figure 26. Handrails will be in the same dimensions for both sides. The recommended material that can be used for the Handrails is aluminum alloy which is can resist the corrosion from chloride spread from the air. Street lights will be installed on the bridge to enjoy the view during night time. The deck pavement will be brick covering the layer of the concrete to match with surrounding building and protect the history of the town. As well as for the piers. The material that will be used for the deck is composite concrete, this type will be used because it takes time to reach the certain rigidity in order to steel deck can serve as bracing for all horizontal forces. The beams that will be used to carry the load of the deck are I-beams; the design contains two beams parallel to each other along the length of the deck. The best steel beams type can be used that can resist the corrosion is galvanized steels beams and also can be painted to prevent it from revealing to chloride attack. Figure 25. Front elevation Figure 26. Section of deck and pier General assumption calculation for the pedestrians bascule bridge attached with next sheet. New crossing Proposed location of new bridge General The locations are important to verify reason of chosen bridge, as well as proposing locations are useful to choose the appropriate position for the bridge. The location should be reasonable to match with other locations. Therefore, it should easy to access, comfortable size and satisfy the users. From the viable solution of swing bridge that will be pedestrianized and the area around. So new crossing must be provide to solve the matter of traffic, its have been decided that new bascule bridge will be constructed for both traffic and pedestrians as a part of the viable solution. The best location of the bridge has been decided to be build between New Quay road and Church Street. New Quay Road to Church Street This proposal illustrates the location of the bascule bridge that will be constructed almost parallel to the swing bridge. This location has good advantages due to non narrow road, there is no demolishing required except on the river banks where the bridge is connected to the both sides. Having look at to the site, on the side of New Quay Road the pedestrians pathway has adequate space can be widen in order to construct the two lane new bascule bridge, in the other side the traffic and pedestrians can easily get access to Church Street throughout car park, the main advantages of these two sides are: Its easy to construct. No demolishing required to any houses, historical building or shops. Wont affect any boats, ships parking Wont have any objection from locals, or vessel owners. Figure: shown traffic from New Quay Road to Church Street Deck design of new traffic and pedestrians Bascule Bridge. The deck will be designed for pedestrian and traffic, this design should accommodate both of them without having any traffic congestion and avoid pedestrian from risk. Therefore, the design must comply for both of them. The dimensions will be as following: 13 meters overall width. 4 meters wide for each lane. 2.5 meters wide for pedestrians pathway for each side. 0.29 meter total thickness from the center of the deck sloping down to 0.28 meter to the ends parallel to pathways. This allows water to drift sideways to drainage system. Concrete slab thickness is 0.15 meters. Two layers of tar thickness are 0.12 meters. 0.02 meter bitumen thickness will be covering the concrete deck. Handrails will be design The Handrails design will be on both sides to prevent pedestrians to step out on the road. Therefore, the hazard will be greatly reduced for pedestrians. The perfect design of Handrails should comply with the decrease of risk. So the design of handrails on the side next to the road will be 500mm height concrete barrier and 500mm handrails above the concrete. As for the material used, composite concrete will be used in the deck because before the concrete reaches certain rigidity, steel deck is needed to serve as bracing for all horizontal forces. The best of handrails material its recommended to use galvanized steel handrails. The assumption calculation procedure for the new crossing is the same as new pedestrians bridge but the structural dimension will be different depending on the load because it has different material such as Asphalt, bitumen and concrete etc Abutment: for both bascule bridges. The abutment is the structure that conveys the load from deck to the pile cap. Thus, the size of the abutment is 3mÃÆ'-3m on the top part, and 2ÃÆ'-2 on the lower part, as shown in figure Cofferdam: Construction for both bascule bridges. Before construction the foundation, essentially required a cofferdam to be constructed to prevent the water from entering into foundation construction area. Sheet of steel plates that are joined together is commonly used type due to ease of penetration and pull out of the ground. Therefore after construction of the cofferdam the water need to be pumped out. Construction of counterweight: for both bascule bridges. The counterweight duty is to balance the closing and opening of the bridge which are called counterweight heavy and heavy span or held on position , the design of counterweight usually 1.5 1.7 times of the overall weight of the deck. Its recommended to choose 1.6 to provide appropriate counterweight for opening and closing. The recommended type of counterweight mechanism is Rack and pinion rather than using hydraulic pistons system. The Rack and pinion is more economic and easy to maintain comparing with hydraulic pistons system. Calculation of counterweight weight of Pedestrians Bridge. Total load of the deck ÃÆ'- 1.6 = 0 Therefore: 1856 ÃÆ'- 1.6 = 297 KN. Calculation of counterweight weight of traffic and pedestrians Bascule Bridge will be the same as above. Foundations and geology: for both bascule bridges In accordance with boreholes data, the following boreholes 22, 26 and 113 around the area of Swing bridge location are representing different characteristics. The information of borehole 22 shows the following: The depth from the surface up to 4.90 meters, the soil consists of made ground. Starting from 4.90 meters down to 15.00 meters deep, the soil composed of alluvium. The made ground and alluvium soil layers contains of coarse gravel, Sandy silty, Sandy clay, Alluvium soil, these types of soils have different status and properties such as the unit weight, void ratio, low shear strength and high ability to be compacted/condensed. The information of Borehole 113 illustrates the following. Starting from surface down to 2.45 meters deep, the soil composed of alluvium. From 2.45 meters down to 12.20 meters deep, the soil is mainly sand and gravel. From 12.20 meters, countdown to depth of 3.80 meters, the soil made up of alluvium. Starting from 3.80 meters depth layer of alluvium to depth of 16.85 meters, the soil consists of sandstone and glacial. The information of borehole 26 has the same characteristics, properties and condition of borehole 22 and 113. Footing. Based on the soil condition and the deck load the appropriate recommended size of footing of the pedestrians bascule bridge dimensions will be 3m ÃÆ'- 3m width and length. Piles Recommended type that can be used is steel tubular piles. Specification Steel tubular piles (rounded piles). Closed-ended, this means that the toe of the pile is welded with a piece of steel plate, and poured into it with concrete in order to strike the concrete with hummer. Stiffeners can be installed within the piles to enlarge buckling and bending resistance. The propose from using this type because it has common use in marina structure nowadays. Therefore the number of piles to be constructed for pedestrians Bascule Bridge as following: Four piles for each pier. The diameter of each pile is 400mm. As for the new crossing bridge: The footing size and number of piles to be constructed will be different than the pedestrians bridge because the new crossing has two lanes, different deck dimensions and two piers next to each other as shown in figure.. Method statement Introduction This method statement illustrates how all activities or special duties will be carried out. It shows the possible hazard connected with specific works and how to control it, in order to manage the work safely. Scope of works This document act toward with the constructions of three bridges over the river Esk of Whitby. The first bridge is new bascule bridge for pedestrians will be located in the same location of the existing Swing bridge, second bridge is the another new bascule bridge for both traffic and pedestrians will be located on the upper Harbour zone, and the third is to construct new Arch bridge will be situated in the same place of the high level bridge. Health and safety welfare and facilities Impermanent welfare facilities will be provided by the contractor or sub-contractor which will be accepted by the both. Welfare facilities should satisfy all staff which will include canteens, toilets etc. capable qualified personnel and a suitable number of first aid kits should be available during work period. All staff must undergo implement working rules, wearing personal protective equipment that will protect them against all different risks such as safety jackets, helmets, gloves, eye protection, shoes and good quality clothes that can clearly seen etc. General Approach. The construction preparation of the three new bridges will engage activities on the site for new development. The construction of the bridges will be in sensitive places which are important connection between two sides of Whitby in the centre of the Harbour zone. The majority of people and traffic need to move along to get on the other side and its significant especially in the peak season for tourists to enjoy the scene of the Harbour zone and traffic crossing Whitby coming from Tess to Scarborough. Therefore, the construction should be finished in short time. Hence the work duration for both bascule bridges will be as following: Weekdays, 7:00 19:00. Weekends, 9:00 13:00. Irregular works at night if its required. As for the new Arch bridge will be two shits per day as following: First shift Weekdays, 7:00 14:00. second shift, 14:00 21:00 Weekends. Saturday will be at the same time as weekdays. Sunday, one shift from 7:00 to 14:00. Prefabrication of bridge will be carried out off-site if needed. Construction activities on the new two Bascule Bridges will include. Site set up, including offices, services and facilities. Container offices are the economics and fast to build or remove. container_staircase_construction_office_02.jpg Figure 25 Containers offices Construction of piles support abutments of the bridge for both leafs. yourfile.jpground-pile-caps.jpg Figure 26 Steel tubular piles Figure 27 pile caps Construction of footing and piers for the bridge. Namibia_Caprivi_ZambeziBridge_Construction-Pier_1.jpg Figure 28 bridge piers Construction of impermanent fencing and entry gates, provisional noise and dust reduction devices around the site compounds. gates.jpguntitled.JPG Figure 29 Entry gates Figure 30 fences bnb.jpgccccc.jpg Figure 31 Permenant niose reduction Figure 32 Dust reduction devices Construction of impermanent environmental defense works, along with stormwater management and cars, vans, heavy machineries and trucks wheel washer. 5369_ss100_Round[2].JPGwheelwashbig2.jpg Figure 33 environmental protections Figure 34 Wheel washers Construction of cofferdams, the appropriate types for rivers is sheet piles due to its their ability of penetration to many different types of ground, water tightness given by its interlocking sections. cc.bmp Figure 35 Cofferdams Provide special machineries for river bed cleaning, and disposal all the rubbish to unauthorized areas or use it for filling. untitledb.bmpclean.jpg Figure 36 Excavator for river cleaning Figure 37 clam shale for river cleaning Provide pile drive machinery for piles installations. pile-driver-image1.gif Figure 38 Pile drive machines Constructions of temporary structures and footing demanded for the launch of the bridge for both sides if required. Activity includes preparation of hardstand areas for crane access and a long steel structure for the fabrications and set up of the bridge. Setting up and testing of establishing equipments. Proper lights should be installed in right places that will be used during night works. trip_kashaf.jpg Figure 39 site lights Provide appropriate cranes that can carry all parts of the bridge and arrange locations for standing whether if it on either sides or using barge crane. crane_page4.jpgBargeCrane.jpg Figure 40 heavy crane Figure 41river heavy crane Installation of security guards to separate the site construction from live roads such as NJ-barriers or fences or others. P145-01.jpguntitled.bmp Figure 42 NJ-barriers Figure 43 cones Site survey of the area designed for the passage and location of the cranes to be having a part in the setting of the bridge. Rearrangement or construction of protection works of existing services probably to be affected by the setting operations. Removing the Swing Bridge. Set up the method to remove it with any damages to the swing bridge. Provide cranes for uplift each span whether from sides of the bridge or by barge carne. Demolishing the foundation and recycled if its in proper condition or use it for land filling. All staff must have an experience about removing heavy structure to ensure that the bridge will be in the same condition after removing. Provide trucks or ships that can carry the weight of each span. Clean/wash the spans and all parts from any impurities that can affect the environment. Construction works during weekends for the launching of the bridges. Working together with energy company staff respecting power failure and other safety routines. Formal approval that the lanes, paths, roads surrounding area of launching to be closed for the weekends and first night for people safety and avoid any vandalism actions. Installation of floodlights and other possibility measures determined by the risk analysis. Setting operation. Installation of the bridge on its permanent bearing. Construction time period. The duration of the project depends on the obtainability of tracks to accomplish the removing and construction of the bridge. Removing of Swing Bridge depends on the plan, equipments and labours. Construction of foundation and piers can be fulfilled in normal times. The construction of the bridge will be divided into different stages: Stage 1: Consists of construction of the pile installation, footing, piers, impermanent structure and prefabrication of the bridge and precast elements if it will be provided. Stage 2: Launching of the new bascule bridge, which wont to take long time. Stage 3: Two day plan to check bridge deck
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Essay -- sexuality, biology, ch
In today’s day in age, different sexualities and gender identities are quickly becoming more accepted in mainstream society. Despite this change, there are many people who believe that having a different sexual orientation or gender identity is a choice that is frowned upon. In order to refute this belief, research and biology of the brain is necessary. Researching the brain on the basis of sexuality is a fairly new topic of discussion because it is somewhat difficult and confusing. This paper will explore the different identities of gender, sex and sexual orientation and the main biological reasons behind these. There is also some validity of different sexual orientations and identities through the evidence of sexual disorders like Klinefelter’s and Turner’s Syndrome and gender dysphoria. In order to discuss the biology of gender identity and sexual orientation, it is necessary to first examine the differences between multiple definitions that are often mistakenly interchanged: sex, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Sexual orientation is defined by LeVay (2011) as â€Å"the trait that predisposes us to experience sexual attraction to people of the same sex as ourselves, to persons of the other sex, or to both sexes†(p. 1). The typical categories of sexual orientation are homosexual, heterosexual and bisexual. Vrangalova and Savin-Williams (2012) found that most people identify as heterosexual, but there are also groups of people that identify as mostly heterosexual and mostly gay within the three traditional categories (p. 89). This is to say that there are not three concrete groups, but sexual orientation is a continuum and one can even fluctuate on it over time. LeVay (2011) also defines gender as â€Å"the ... ...ved October 9, 2015 from Swaab, D. F. & Garcia-Falgueras, A. (2009). Sexual differentiation of the human brain in relation to gender identity and sexual orientation. Functional Neurology, 24(1), 17-28. Turner Syndrome Society. (2011). Learn about TS: Fact Sheet. Turner Syndrome Society of the United States. Retrieved October 9, 2015 from Vrangalova, Z., & Savin-Williams, R. C. (2012). Mostly heterosexual and mostly gay/lesbian: Evidence for new sexual orientation identities. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 41, 85-101. doi: 10.1007/s10505- 012-9921-y. Zhang, S., Liu, Y., & Rao, Y. (2013). Serotonin signaling in the brain of adult female mice is required for sexual preference. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(24), 9968-9973.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Soil Hydrology Under Fire Essay -- Geology Natural Nature Essays
Soil Hydrology Under Fire Soil type is a function of five factors: parent material, climate, topography, biota, and time (Singer and Munns, 1996). Fire's effect on soil can be described in the same manner and, interestingly enough, is almost identical to the five factors of soil formation with only a couple of minor modifications. First, the parent material for a burned soil is the original soil itself plus the fuel consumed in the fire. Second, climate includes not only weather-related variables but also the burning temperature of the fire. This paper focuses specifically on one aspect of the climate factor: the effect of water. It investigates both how soil moisture influences fire severity, and conversely, how fire severity influences the hydrology of a soil. Based on this discussion a land management recommendation states that prescribed fires should be utilized during wetter times of the year to maximize the positive effects for vegetation and to minimize the negative effect of soil erosion. Rapid plant regrowth is essential to the rehabilitation of a burned area, for plants greatly influence the hydrology of a soil. But for plants to grow back on a burned area, they require several nutrients whose concentrations are modified by fires. The degree of these modifications are determined by a fire's temperature, but there are a few general trends. Levels of phosphorus (Kutiel and Shaviv, 1993 and Marion et al., 1991) and pH (Kutiel and Shaviv, 1993) both increase during a fire. Conversely, nitrogen decreases during a fire (Kutiel and Shaviv, 1993, Marion et al., 1991). Chemical concentrations in burned soils are greatly affected by a fire's intensity. Ulery and Graham (1993) classify fire intensity into three major cla... ...h deposition, and clipping effects on soil nutrients in chaparral: Soil Science Society of America Journal, 55, 235-240. Robichaud, P. R. and Waldrop, T. A., 1994, A comparison of surface runoff and sediment yields from low- and high-severity site preparation burns: Water Resources Bulletin, 30, 27-34. Samran, S., Woodard, P. M., and Rothwell, R. L., 1995, The effect of soil water on ground fuel availability: Forest Science, 41, 255-267. Scott, D. F. and Van Wyk, D. B., 1990, The effects of wildfire on soil wettability and hydrological behavior of an afforested catchment: Journal of Hydrology, 121, 239-256. Singer, M. J, and Munns, D. N., 1996, Soils: an introduction: Upper Saddle River, Prentice-Hall Inc., 480 p. Ulery, A. L. and Graham, R. C., 1993, Forest fire effects on soils color and texture: Soil Science Society of America Journal, 57, 135-140. Soil Hydrology Under Fire Essay -- Geology Natural Nature Essays Soil Hydrology Under Fire Soil type is a function of five factors: parent material, climate, topography, biota, and time (Singer and Munns, 1996). Fire's effect on soil can be described in the same manner and, interestingly enough, is almost identical to the five factors of soil formation with only a couple of minor modifications. First, the parent material for a burned soil is the original soil itself plus the fuel consumed in the fire. Second, climate includes not only weather-related variables but also the burning temperature of the fire. This paper focuses specifically on one aspect of the climate factor: the effect of water. It investigates both how soil moisture influences fire severity, and conversely, how fire severity influences the hydrology of a soil. Based on this discussion a land management recommendation states that prescribed fires should be utilized during wetter times of the year to maximize the positive effects for vegetation and to minimize the negative effect of soil erosion. Rapid plant regrowth is essential to the rehabilitation of a burned area, for plants greatly influence the hydrology of a soil. But for plants to grow back on a burned area, they require several nutrients whose concentrations are modified by fires. The degree of these modifications are determined by a fire's temperature, but there are a few general trends. Levels of phosphorus (Kutiel and Shaviv, 1993 and Marion et al., 1991) and pH (Kutiel and Shaviv, 1993) both increase during a fire. Conversely, nitrogen decreases during a fire (Kutiel and Shaviv, 1993, Marion et al., 1991). Chemical concentrations in burned soils are greatly affected by a fire's intensity. Ulery and Graham (1993) classify fire intensity into three major cla... ...h deposition, and clipping effects on soil nutrients in chaparral: Soil Science Society of America Journal, 55, 235-240. Robichaud, P. R. and Waldrop, T. A., 1994, A comparison of surface runoff and sediment yields from low- and high-severity site preparation burns: Water Resources Bulletin, 30, 27-34. Samran, S., Woodard, P. M., and Rothwell, R. L., 1995, The effect of soil water on ground fuel availability: Forest Science, 41, 255-267. Scott, D. F. and Van Wyk, D. B., 1990, The effects of wildfire on soil wettability and hydrological behavior of an afforested catchment: Journal of Hydrology, 121, 239-256. Singer, M. J, and Munns, D. N., 1996, Soils: an introduction: Upper Saddle River, Prentice-Hall Inc., 480 p. Ulery, A. L. and Graham, R. C., 1993, Forest fire effects on soils color and texture: Soil Science Society of America Journal, 57, 135-140.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
A Comparison of the Mead-hall in Beowulf and The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki :: comparison compare contrast essays
Mead-hall in Beowulf and The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki       Is the mead-hall mentioned only in Beowulf or is it an element common also to this famous Icelandic saga? Is the mead-hall described the same way as in Beowulf?  Remaining true to the Anglo-Saxon culture’s affinity for mead (ale/beer/wine), the characters of Beowulf partake frequently of the strong beverage. And the mead hall is their home away from home, with more entertainments than just fermented beverages: â€Å"gold and treasure at huge feasts †¦ the words of the poet, the sounds of the harp.†Needless to say, with â€Å"the world’s greatest mead-hall †¦ Hrothgar’s people lived in joy.†â€Å"after a mead party the Danes †¦ knew no sorrows.†When Grendel â€Å"moved into the [mead] hall,†that is an indescribably torturesome pain for everyone: â€Å"Hrothgar was broken †¦ the Danes forgot God †¦ [they were] in great distress †¦ they wept and seethed.†When Beowulf and his men arrive they immediately â€Å"came toward the hall †¦ then sat down on benches †¦ pouring sweet drink.†They came â€Å"to cleanse Heorot [the mead hall],†to stop the â€Å"humiliations in Heorot†where men are â€Å"over their ale-cups.†Beowulf predicts: â€Å"When I get done with him, anyone who wishes may happily go into the mead hall.†Unferth, in his battle rune at Hrothgar’s feet, was insulting to the hero because Unferth was â€Å"drunk on mead.†When Queen Wealhtheow entertained the Geats, she first bid the king â€Å"joy in his mead drinking,†then â€Å"went around to each †¦ sharing the precious cup.†When the hero began fighting the monster, â€Å"many a mead bench †¦ went flying.†The next day the queen â€Å"walked among the mead seats,†and everyone â€Å"drank many a mead cup.†References to this subject are too numerous to enumerate. In the hero’s last days the fire dragon brought death to the Geats; the â€Å"wine hall†was â€Å"abandoned †¦the surging fires burned his house, the mead hall of the Geats. That was â₠¬ ¦ the greatest of sorrows.†Wiglaf, in censuring the ten who deserted their chief, said, â€Å"At the ale-bench he often gave you †¦ helmets and armor.†In this classic poem, can there be anything more vital or essential to joyful living, or to conducting business, than the mead-hall?  T. A. Shippey in â€Å"The World of the Poem†(45) says:  Some objects in fact reach â€Å"mythic†status – most obviously halls.
Genzyme Corporation Essay
Genzyme has a tradition to be financed with equity. High equity ratio has advantages such as low agency costs related to debt, lower financial stress and more flexibility for management, which is especially crucial for start-up companies, such as in the early stage of Genzyme. However, besides losing the tax shield from debt, high equity financing leads to an increasingly diffused ownership, which would in turn causes problems such as shareholder – management principal – agent problem and asymmetric information problem. Principal – agent problem: As agent of the shareholder (principal), management should aim at maximizing shareholders’ value, i.e. the market value of the equity. However, management tends to serve its own interests. In order to make management act in line with the shareholders’ interest, agency costs of managerial incentives are induced. For Genzyme, to increase leverage is one way to reduce managerial incentives related agency costs . However, management generally does not prefer debt, since higher leverage implies higher risk for bankruptcy as financial distress increases with the leverage level. In order to mitigate this problem, Genzyme can try to offer compensation contracts which reflect compensation to the firm specific risks that managers are facing. This will make sure management to act in line with shareholders’ interest. Beside principal – agent problem, low debt equity ratio can also cause high adverse selection cost induced by asymmetric information. Asymmetric information problem: the separation of ownership and control of the firm will lead to asymmetric information problem. Management obviously has more information than shareholders and often will not disclose certain crucial information about firm’s strategic plans or operations. This will naturally have impact on the market value of a public traded firm like Genzyme. With asymmetric information, the market value of the firm might not reflect the true value of the firm. The market value tends to reflect a pooling equilibrium, because of high adverse selection. Fully separating equilibrium can only be obtained through firm’s sending unique, powerful but costly signals to the market. Therefore, Genzyme Corporation faces high signaling cost relat ed to adverse selection induced by asymmetric information problem. Debt again serves good to mitigate information asymmetry problem and to discipline management.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Empowering Reforestation in the Philippines
by: Angela Nicole Mananghaya 2012 Forests are significant to mankind as well as to other living organisms for they provide beneficial materials and effects that the living need. These include the wood, raw materials that are usually converted to usable products such as furniture, wooden shelters, etc. In addition, these forests help prevent floods and soil erosion, increase underground water supply and humidity of air, provide an abode for the wildlife, and check air pollution (â€Å"Save Forests and Wildlife,†n. d,  ¶2).However, in the Pearl of the Orient- the Philippines- continuous degradation of the forests or what is known to be deforestation (Maycock, 2011, p. 398) is being performed, resulting to serious problems including the displacement of wildlife species, the occurrence of severe effects during or after a tropical storm (which is commonly experienced by Filipinos), and the increasing level of temperature in the country. In fact, Philippines ranks number three in the world’s fastest deforestation rate (Padilla, 2011) that has mainly been due to agricultural expansions and severe cases of illegal logging (â€Å"Philippine Deforestation,†n. ,  ¶5). Fortunately, there exists the natural or intentional restocking of depleted forests and woodlands, the inverse of the given process, which may primarily address the negative effects of deforestation in the country- Reforestation, as it is so called. One of the things that reforestation offers is not necessarily to restore but prevent the extinction of wildlife species as their habitats are continuously being destroyed. According to Toothman (n. ,  ¶5), the reforestation of the corridors of trees that lie between forest parcels could give the animals and other species a larger and safer habitat where they could mix with other populations, thereby boosting their genetic diversity and preventing their extinction. In fact, this particular method has already been done in the country. In the island of Mindanao, on the higher slopes of Mount Malindang, exists a high biodiversity. Through reforesting the trees around the old forest, the existing species have had a larger space to reproduce, conserving and attracting those that have been driven away to the new habitat (â€Å"Reforestation†, n. ,  ¶1). The same process has been performed in the Forest of Tabunan in Sitio Cantipla, Cebu City. Through reforesting the forest’s corridors, the Cebu Flowerpeckers, called â€Å"manuto†by the locals, together with 51 other bird species, have been found in the regenerated forests (Lato, 2012,  ¶5). Surprisingly enough, this never-been-photographed bird specie- the Cebu Flowerpecker- was believed to be extinct until its discovery in 1992 in the Tabunan Forest Corridor, being one of the ten rarest birds and top fifty critically endangered species in the world (Lato, 2012,  ¶6).With the proper building of floodplains and water channeling systems, refo restation also helps prevent the severe effects that Filipinos encounter whenever a tropical storm comes (Sally, n. d,  ¶3). Among the typhoons that have ravaged the country are â€Å"Reming†in Bicol and â€Å"Ondoy†in Metro Manila, which have both resulted to remarkably drastic floods (â€Å"Reforestation,†2011,  ¶1). In fact, in just one decade, the country has already experienced twenty-seven floods that have destroyed crops and infrastructures with deforestation being seen as the major cause (â€Å"Reforestation,†2011,  ¶2).Yearning for a way to address this problem, Tatit Quiblat, the spokesperson of the Philippine Eagle Foundation, has once said that instead of pouring billions for relief operations during disasters, the government, civil society, and private sectors should be vigilant in taking up preventive measures by reforestation of the country’s tropical and mangrove forests (Valermo, 2011,  ¶7). Gladly, there have been proj ects that have performed such action. The Maynilad Water Services, Incorporated has started its program called â€Å"Plant for Life†, which aims to plant fifty thousand saplings in Ipo Dam Watershed (â€Å"50K Trees to Help Reforest,†2012,  ¶2). We not only help to protect the watershed area that supplies our raw water needs, we also provide a long term solution to the cycle of flooding during the rainy season†, claims Ricky Vargas, the president and CEO of the stated company (â€Å"50K Trees to Help Reforest,†2012,  ¶4). Another project is the reforestation of mangrove forests along the Aklan River in New Buswang, Aklan, resulting to the conversion of a flood-prone area to a place that is safe during the occurrence of typhoons (Tacio, 2012,  ¶14). Lastly, one of the most well known effects of reforestation is the enhancement of the local climate.Due to the degradation of forests, an increasing amount of carbon dioxide is released in the atmosphere as lesser plants take them up during photosynthesis, resulting to the rise of temperature (Maycock, 2012, p. 399). Through reforestation, however, thirty-eight tons of carbon dioxide per hectare could be captured and sequestered per year (â€Å"Reforestation†, 2007,  ¶7). This leads to the production of oxygen, enhancement of the climate and temperature, and the reduction of the demands of burning large amounts of fossil fuels for cooling in the summer (â€Å"Reforestation†, 2007,  ¶8).The process of regenerating forests takes a plentiful amount of time before the roles of the degraded ones could be performed again. Once the planted saplings have grown to trees, however, it is undeniable that the restored forests are significantly beneficial to the environment, to mankind, and to other living organisms. With this certain process, not only do the destructive effects of deforestation may be addressed but also the concerns that could emerge if these are left ignored such as threatening climate conditions, extremely high levels of floods, total extinction of species, and disastrous imbalance in the ecosystem.Indeed, this may just be one of the ways to address the certain issue but surely, this would benefit not only the present but the future generations as well. References: * Lato, Cris Evert. 2012. â€Å"Lessons in Rare Wildlife while Reforesting Cebu†. Retrieved from http://newsinfo. inquirer. net/228565/lessons-in-rare-wildlife-while-reforesting-cebu * Maycock, Paul. 2011. World Book F. 7. Scott Fenzer Company. p. 398 * Maycock, Paul. 2011. World Book F. 7. Scott Fenzer Company. . 399 * N. A. N. D. â€Å"Save Forests and Wildlife†. Retrieved from http://nowsave. blogspot. com/2009/10/save-forests-and-wildlife. html * N. A. N. D. â€Å"Reforestation†. Retrieved from http://www. treesforall. info/projects/reforestation-philippines. html * N. A. N. D. â€Å"Philippine Deforestation†. Retrieved from http://www1. ameri can. edu/TED/PHILWOOD. HTM * N. A. 2007. â€Å"Reforestation†. Retrived from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Reforestation * N. A. 2011.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Resposibilities of a Team Leader Essay
My role is within the finance function and I supervise one Team Administrator but I do often take the lead within finance projects. I currently work in Personal Care and Support within Runnymede Social Care Team. The team delivers social care services for people aged 18 +. . Responsibilities of a Team Leader 1.To be responsible and accountable for the work and productivity of the team A team manager needs to be responsible for decisions made which guide the team to complete tasks. Decisions are normally made by gathering information and requesting feedback. However, there are time when it will be necessary, due to short time constraints that a Team Leader will need to make a decision on the spot using their own knowledge and experience. 2.To be aware of policies and procedures and to communicate any changes to staff Team Leaders need to be aware of policies and procedures to be able to guide staff to complete tasks within the remit of the department and County Council. They should also make staff aware of any changes. 3.Solve issues, conflict within the team and dealing with under performance. Team Leaders need to put measures in place to deal with underperformance. This should involve discussion with the individual involved, setting short term goals and monitoring progress. Any training needs should be identified and appropriate action taken to ensure the individual is equipped to complete the tasks required. 4.Chair Team Meetings Team Leaders should chair effective meetings by giving clear instructions when necessary, listening to and acting upon feed back and issuing a record of the meeting with action points for relevant staff with clear deadlines. Two examples which would need higher authority. 1. A team member wishes to undertake training which is not organised by Surrey County Council. The expenditure would have to be authorised by a senior manager. 2. If issues could not be solved with under performance in an informal basis then a senior manager would need to make the decision to take a formal route. Feedback on own performance I receive feedback on my own performance within my appraisal last April. Goals were agreed and monitored throughout the year. A strength that was identified was my ability to meet tight deadlines demonstrated by my completion on our â€Å"month end†process by the deadline each month. An area for improvement is my lack of confidence at public speaking. I am required to complete finance inductions with Care Managers and I found myself getting flustered and not sounding confident in my knowledge. Establishing Trust Trust can be established by effective communication and acting upon any issues with the team or individuals. Communicating openly and honestly without distorting information keeping promises and commitments.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Lead Auditors Report on Iso 14001 and Ohsas 18001
Auditees : ____HO s and staff Department : IFC,FEM,HR,KESSB,SSHE,PBB,AH,PH/BS,CARGO ____Date of Audit : _____26TH Nov 2012 – 18th Dec 2012___ Procedure Involved : a) OSH Act 1994 & relevant Regulations b) F&M Act 1967 & relevant Regulations (including BOWEC Reg. 1986) c) OHSAS 18001 Standard d) ISAGO Standards Manual Effective May 2010 2nd Edition e) EMS ISO 14001 StandardAudit Team : 1. En. Meor Badrul Niza bin Ahmad Rafie – Dept :ILS 2. En Amir Syakib Yahya – Dept QAD 3, En. Abdul Razak Sauzi – Dept :QAD 4. En. Zainudin Zaini 5.Cik Nadiah Yahaya| SUMMARY OF AUDITBased on the observation made during this audit, it was noted that KLAS has made a good start-up at launching the OHSAS 18001 and EMS ISO 14001 campaign working towards certification of OHSAS 18001 in 2013 and EMS ISO 14001 in 2014 for example: 1) Workers on site are consistently wearing basic PPE such as Yellow/orange vest and Safety shoes. 2) Almost all workers on site have been SHE inducted. 3 ) Centralised Scheduled Waste store is provided at GSE workshop 4) Consistently and periodically carrying out SHE training such as ERT; Fire fighting and Chemical spill control.However, below are the key improvements that the KLAS team needs to address: 1) To ensure all and every machineries on site are registered before they are used and monthly inspected with upkeep and maintenance done to ensure they are fit to use . 2) Ensure the quality of the inspection carried out is in detail and not just for the sake of inspection. 3) Ensure Security personnel are trained on the Site SHE requirements and they assist by screening employees and give safety briefing to visitors entering the site . ) To ensure all chemical containers are labeled and each chemical shall have its own MSDS and each site shall have its own Chemical Register. The Chemical Register and MSDSs can be placed at the SHE Notice board for easy reference 5) To ensure the scheduled waste management and communication flow is refined and retuned between process owners and scheduled waste store keepers. 6) Accidents and incidents without forgetting near misses are given due attention and investigated thoroughly to prevent future accidents and incidents. ) Compliance to the legal and other requirement are addressed diligently and carefully to avoid unnecessary penalty or hefty summonses. AREA OF CONCERN 1. Ground handling equipments and machineries are in bad shape and require immediate upkeep and maintenance to prevent from accidents and incidents. 2. Manual work involving cargo manual lifting ,distribution and loading or unloading is rampant thus back support PPE is a must unless an engineering control tool is introduced to reduce manual labour. 3.BOMB threat emergency procedure has not been addressed and need to be included in the existing ERP procedure. NON CONFORMANCERefer to CAR listing. | RECOMMENDATIONAs an Auditor, I strongly believe that KLAS Team can excel better than what and where WE currently are and this can be further enhanced by a better and systematic SHE management. | Signature : †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Date : †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Signature : †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Date : †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. (Lead Auditor) (Quality Manager)|
Friday, September 13, 2019
Personal development plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Personal development plan - Essay Example Part 1 This is what I call the Records part. It deals with my curriculum vitae including educational qualifications, experience, specific training etc and my likes and dislikes. I will round off the section with a SWOT analysis of my-self. Part 2 This is the Analysis part. I will reflect upon and analyze some of my experiences to ascertain the best strategy for me to further develop my personality. This Section is based mainly on a number of theories. Just for future reference I have listed the crux of few of these theories which I have used in my analysis. PART 1 - RECORD Curriculum Vitae Personal Details HAIDER KAMAL Address 7 / A, Fleetwood Street, Macintosh Towers, London Date of Birth 27 February 1983 Nationality British e-mail address Mobile Number 0638 12345678 Marital Status Single Home telephone 44.171.5678900 Personal Profile Key Skills Working under pressure to meet short deadlines Adapting quickly and effectively to changing circumstances and objectives Working independently or as part of a project team Career Profile Employer Appointment Duration Role Mavis & Deacon HR Consultants Section Supervisor Jan 2004 - May 2005 Assist manager in survey of client company J&J Pharma Ltd Assistant to Deputy HR Manager Jun 2005 - Jan 2007 All aspects of day to day working Academic Achievements Course Institution Result Year MBA (HRM) Greenwich Management School Ongoing 2007 BS (HRM) " 1st Class 2004 A Level St. John's College 4 A's ; 4 B's 2001 O Level " 5 A's ; 3 B's 1999 Interests Field sports like football, hockey, and cricket. Reading history, especially ancient Greek history. Music, movies and swimming. Training Received I attended a number of work-shops during my tenure at J&J.... To excel in what one does and to be better at it than others is the cherished desire of all persons. However, the measure of success depends upon the effort one puts in to constantly develop and improve his / her skills and personality. Stephen R Covey in his book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People suggests that to start the process of self improvement one should write down how he or she would like to be remembered after their death and then work to achieve that ideal. Meyer – Briggs Type Indicator ( MBTI ) is a personality test designed to identify significant personal preferences. Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers developed the Indicator during World War II, and its criteria follow from Carl Jung's theories in his work Psychological Types. According to Myers-Briggs Theory, while types and traits are both inborn, traits can be improved akin to skills, whereas types, if supported by a healthy environment, naturally differentiate over time. The ind icator attempts to tell the order in which this occurs in each person, and it is that information that the complete descriptions are based on. The indicator is like an arrow which attempts to point in the direction of the proper description. To learn about one's inborn traits is to create the opportunity to improve how one applies them in different contexts. In that sense, the MBTI can yield much personal change and growth.The main sorts of MBTI are known as Dichotomies.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
World Religions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
World Religions - Essay Example Swami Vivekananda was a very charismatic representative for Hinduism in America. Even though he died only a few years after first coming to America, he was able to establish many societies dedicated to Advaita Vedanta, which is based on the teachings of Ramakrishna, an Indian saint. These various societies developed into several formal movements including the Self-realization Fellowship and the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, more commonly known as the "Hare Krishnas". As immigration from India has increased over the years, Hindu temples have added to the varied architectural landscape of America. These temples are constructed in the style of temples from northern and southern India. They are blessed by Hindu priests and offer a safe have for believers to escape the materialistic impulses that rule so much of American life. Hindu temples stand as a symbol of cultural acceptance and tolerance, adding to the cultural mosaic that makes up America. Orthodox Hindus, those conducting serious investigations of the Hindu religion with an eye on converting, as well as the simply curious are all welcome to visit the temple. This reality shows that in some ways, Hinduism and American culture are a good fit. Hinduisms tolerance for other religions has also affected culture in America. Aside from influencing authors and artists, Adivaita Vedantas universalism has affected certain liberal leaning Christian churches. The "New Age " movement also can link directly to the tenets of Hinduism in regards to acceptance of other religious beliefs, the belief in a plurality of paths to enlightenment and a commitment to non-violence and pacifism. While Hinduism has not grown to be a major religion in America in numbers of actual adherents, it has nonetheless had substantial influence. From art to architecture to the melding of
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Bus. Research and Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Bus. Research and Writing - Essay Example Selecting the best form of financing is critical for the success of any business venture and this should be guided by the amount required. Ideally, this paper recommends that the business should settle on the cheapest and most available form of financing. They should also establish the amount required before settling on a particular source of financing. Moreover, when seeking debt financing the business should ensure that all the paperwork must be made available. These may include the business plan, bank statements, business history and references. Most business start their operations before the owners decide to expand. This can be done by establishing new ventures or expanding. Some of the new ventures that can be explored include developing new product lines, creating and sustaining a presence in a new geographical area and establishing a new market. Each one of the ventures requires funds in order to be successful. The funds that are required by businesses, organizations or enterp rises either to start up new ventures or to bolster already existing ventures may be acquired through external sources or internal sources. The sources of capital usually depend on whether the business or organization is at an early stage of rapid expansion. The first source of capital for any corporation is usually the retained profits. The corporation has to approximate the amount of money required. The retained profits are the profits that are kept by the corporation rather than being distributed as dividends to the shareholders. The profits are retained in the organization and invested in new business ventures. A business can choose to opt for debt financing. This form of financing allows the borrower to use the money borrowed for a specified period provided they repay the money with some interest. In most instances, the terms of the loan are usually outlined in the loan agreement. To ensure that the repayment of the loan is guaranteed, the loan may be backed by â€Å"collatera l†for the sake of a secured loan or â€Å"cash flow†for the sake of unsecured loans. A corporation can raise capital through the sale of shares. Essentially, shares relate to public limited companies or private limited companies. â€Å"Shares†are self-explanatory and once one buys a shares form a particular company, they in turn own a share of the company. Shares are ideal forms of funding majorly because they are non-redeemable, that is, they form a permanent source of finance and they are usually non-refundable. 2. Introduction Most organizations seek to expand their operations by exploring the prospects of undertaking new ventures. Some of the ventures may include the production of new product line, entry into a new geographical area or the establishment of a new market. With the primary aim of expanding its operations, our firm is intending to create a presence in a new geographical area. For this to happen we will definitely require two considerable sums of money. Some of the notable sources of financing the business may include financing by debt, engaging private investors/angels, selling of shares, early stage venture capital, and expansion stage venture capital (Matthew2011). The companies that are in their early stages may receive their financing from the founders and this may be supplemented by some other financing from friends and family. The founders may also seek financing from other financial institutions but this is usually
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